The Future of Location-Based Marketing: Statistics for 2024

Unveil the future of location-based marketing with key statistics for 2024. Learn how to leverage location data to enhance your campaigns.

Location-based marketing is rapidly transforming the way businesses interact with consumers. By leveraging location data, marketers can create highly personalized and timely marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience. As we look toward 2024, it’s clear that location-based marketing will continue to play a crucial role in driving engagement, increasing sales, and improving customer experiences. In this article, we will explore key statistics that highlight the future of location-based marketing and provide insights into how businesses can leverage these trends to stay ahead of the curve.

1. How Willing Are Consumers to Share Their Location Data for Personalized Offers?

80% of consumers are willing to share their location data in exchange for personalized offers. This willingness indicates a significant opportunity for businesses to tailor their marketing efforts based on precise location data.

80% of consumers are willing to share their location data in exchange for personalized offers. This willingness indicates a significant opportunity for businesses to tailor their marketing efforts based on precise location data.

Consumers today expect brands to understand their preferences and provide relevant offers. By using location data, businesses can deliver targeted promotions and recommendations, increasing the likelihood of conversion. To make the most of this trend, ensure that your privacy policies are transparent and that you communicate the benefits of sharing location data clearly to your customers.

2. What Is the Growth Rate of Location-Based Marketing?

Location-based marketing is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18% from 2023 to 2028. This robust growth rate reflects the increasing importance and effectiveness of location-based strategies in the marketing landscape.

The growth is driven by advancements in mobile technology, the proliferation of smartphones, and the rising consumer demand for personalized experiences. Businesses should invest in location-based marketing tools and technologies to capitalize on this growth. Keeping up with the latest developments can help you create more effective and engaging marketing campaigns.

3. Do Location-Based Call-to-Action Messages Work?

72% of consumers will act on a call-to-action message if received in the context of their location. This statistic underscores the power of contextual marketing in driving consumer behavior.

Contextual marketing involves delivering messages that are relevant to the consumer’s current situation and location. For example, a restaurant can send a discount coupon to potential customers who are nearby. By leveraging location data, businesses can create timely and relevant marketing messages that prompt immediate action.

4. How Effective Are Location-Based Alerts in Driving Store Visits?

53% of shoppers visited a retailer after receiving a location-based alert. This highlights the effectiveness of real-time, location-based notifications in driving foot traffic to physical stores.

Location-based alerts can include promotions, special offers, or notifications about new products available at a nearby store. These alerts help bridge the gap between online engagement and offline sales. To make the most of this strategy, ensure that your alerts are compelling and provide clear value to the recipient.

5. How Essential Do Marketers Find Location-Based Marketing?

75% of marketers believe that location-based marketing is an essential part of their strategy. This widespread belief reflects the critical role that location-based tactics play in modern marketing.

Location-based marketing allows businesses to reach customers with personalized and timely messages, increasing engagement and driving sales. Marketers should integrate location data into their broader marketing strategies to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of their campaigns. By doing so, they can build stronger connections with their audience and improve overall marketing performance.

6. How Quickly Do Mobile Searches Lead to Store Visits?

50% of mobile searches lead to store visits within one day. This statistic highlights the immediacy with which consumers act on mobile search results.

When consumers search for products or services on their mobile devices, they often intend to make a purchase soon. By optimizing your online presence for local search and ensuring your business information is up-to-date, you can capture these ready-to-buy customers. Additionally, leveraging mobile ads and location-based promotions can drive even more foot traffic to your stores.

7. How Crucial Are Location-Based Services for Retailers?

95% of retailers believe location-based services will be crucial in the future. This near-unanimous agreement underscores the importance of adopting location-based strategies to stay competitive.

Location-based services can enhance the shopping experience by providing personalized offers, in-store navigation, and real-time inventory updates. Retailers should invest in technologies that enable these services, such as beacon technology and advanced analytics. By doing so, they can meet consumer expectations and drive higher engagement and sales.

8. How Do Location-Based Ads Compare in Engagement Rates?

66% of marketers report a higher engagement rate with location-based ads. This statistic indicates that ads tailored to a consumer’s location are more likely to capture attention and drive interaction.

Location-based ads can be more relevant and timely, making them more effective in engaging consumers. For instance, a coffee shop can target ads to people within a certain radius during morning hours. To maximize engagement, businesses should create ads that are not only location-specific but also contextually relevant and compelling.

9. How Does Location-Based Marketing Impact Customer Base Growth?

78% of businesses using location-based data saw an increase in customer base. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of location-based marketing in attracting new customers.

By leveraging location data, businesses can identify and target potential customers more accurately. This targeted approach can lead to higher conversion rates and a growing customer base. Companies should continuously analyze location data to refine their targeting strategies and reach new segments of their audience.

10. How Does Location-Based Marketing Improve Customer Experience?

85% of brands say location-based marketing has significantly improved their customer experience. This improvement is crucial in building customer loyalty and satisfaction.

85% of brands say location-based marketing has significantly improved their customer experience. This improvement is crucial in building customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Location-based marketing allows businesses to offer personalized and timely interactions, enhancing the overall customer experience. For example, a retail app can provide users with personalized in-store experiences, such as product recommendations based on their browsing history. By focusing on improving the customer experience through location-based strategies, businesses can foster stronger relationships and drive repeat business.

11. Are Marketers Planning to Increase Spending on Location-Based Marketing in 2024?

60% of marketers plan to increase their spending on location-based marketing in 2024. This planned increase underscores the growing importance of location-based strategies in the marketing mix.

As businesses recognize the effectiveness of location-based marketing in driving engagement and sales, they are allocating more resources to these efforts. Investing in advanced location-based technologies, such as geofencing and beacon technology, can help businesses deliver more precise and timely messages to their audience. By increasing their spending, marketers can enhance their campaigns and achieve better results.

12. Do Marketers See Higher Sales with Location Data?

89% of marketers using location data see higher sales. This statistic highlights the direct impact of location-based marketing on revenue growth.

Location data enables marketers to target consumers more accurately and deliver personalized offers that resonate with their needs. This targeted approach can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Businesses should leverage location data to identify high-potential customer segments and tailor their marketing messages accordingly.

13. Do Consumers Expect Personalized Experiences Based on Location?

70% of consumers expect businesses to offer personalized experiences based on their location. This expectation emphasizes the need for businesses to integrate location data into their marketing strategies.

Consumers today are accustomed to personalized interactions and expect businesses to understand their preferences. By using location data, businesses can provide more relevant and timely offers, enhancing the customer experience. Ensuring that your marketing messages are personalized based on location can help meet consumer expectations and drive loyalty.

14. How Do Location-Based Coupons Affect Consumer Perception?

63% of consumers feel more positive about a brand when offered location-based coupons. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of targeted promotions in enhancing brand perception.

Location-based coupons provide immediate value to consumers, making them more likely to view the brand favorably. Businesses can use location data to send timely and relevant offers, such as discounts for nearby stores or promotions during peak shopping hours. By offering location-based coupons, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and drive sales.

15. How Widely Adopted is Location-Based Marketing for Growth?

68% of companies have adopted location-based marketing to drive growth. This widespread adoption underscores the effectiveness of location-based strategies in achieving business growth.

Location-based marketing allows businesses to reach new customers and engage existing ones more effectively. By leveraging location data, companies can identify high-potential areas, tailor their marketing efforts, and drive better results. Businesses should continuously explore new ways to use location data to support their growth objectives.

16. What is the ROI of Location-Based Marketing Campaigns?

90% of location-based marketing campaigns see a return on investment. This high ROI highlights the effectiveness of location-based strategies in delivering tangible results.

Location-based marketing enables businesses to target their audience more precisely, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. By investing in location-based technologies and continuously optimizing their campaigns, businesses can achieve a strong ROI. Regularly measuring and analyzing campaign performance is crucial to maintaining and improving ROI.

17. How Do Location-Specific Ads Influence Purchases?

54% of consumers who use smartphones make purchases based on location-specific ads. This statistic highlights the power of location-based advertising in driving sales.

Location-specific ads can capture the attention of consumers when they are in the vicinity of a store or at a relevant moment. By delivering targeted ads that are relevant to the consumer’s current location, businesses can increase the likelihood of a purchase. Ensuring that your location-specific ads are compelling and provide clear value can help drive conversions.

18. How Do Consumers Feel About Location-Based Alerts from Apps?

77% of consumers prefer receiving location-based alerts from apps they frequently use. This preference underscores the importance of integrating location-based notifications into your app strategy.

Apps that provide location-based alerts can deliver timely and relevant information to users, enhancing their experience. For example, a retail app can notify users about special offers or events happening at nearby stores. By using location-based alerts, businesses can keep their app users engaged and drive more foot traffic to their physical locations.

19. How Much Can Location-Based Marketing Boost Ad Engagement?

Location-based marketing can boost ad engagement by up to 30%. This significant increase highlights the effectiveness of location-targeted ads in capturing consumer interest.

Location-based ads are more relevant and timely, making them more likely to engage consumers. By delivering ads that resonate with the consumer’s current context and location, businesses can enhance engagement and drive better results. Continuously optimizing your ad targeting based on location data can help maximize engagement.

20. How Does Location-Based Marketing Impact Customer Retention?

82% of businesses believe that location-based marketing has improved customer retention. This statistic underscores the role of personalized, location-based interactions in building customer loyalty.

82% of businesses believe that location-based marketing has improved customer retention. This statistic underscores the role of personalized, location-based interactions in building customer loyalty.

Location-based marketing allows businesses to provide tailored experiences that meet the specific needs of their customers. By delivering timely and relevant offers, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. Investing in location-based technologies and strategies can help improve customer retention and build long-term loyalty.

21. How Does Location Data Improve Ad Targeting?

47% of marketers say location data improves their ad targeting effectiveness. This statistic highlights the significant role of location data in creating more precise and effective marketing campaigns.

By using location data, marketers can better understand their audience’s behavior and preferences, allowing for more targeted and relevant ads. For example, a retailer can target ads to consumers who frequently visit shopping areas. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of engagement and conversions, making marketing efforts more efficient and effective.

22. Are Consumers Willing to Enable Location Tracking?

73% of consumers are willing to enable location tracking if the benefits are clear. This willingness indicates that consumers value the personalized experiences that come with location tracking, provided they understand the advantages.

To encourage consumers to enable location tracking, businesses should clearly communicate the benefits, such as receiving exclusive offers, timely notifications, and enhanced shopping experiences. Ensuring transparency about how location data will be used and maintaining strong privacy practices can also build trust and encourage consumers to share their location data.

23. How Do Marketers Use Location Data for Analyzing Customer Behavior?

88% of marketers use location data to analyze customer behavior and improve services. This statistic underscores the importance of location data in gaining insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

By analyzing location data, businesses can identify patterns and trends that inform their marketing strategies. For instance, understanding peak times for store visits can help optimize staffing and promotional efforts. Using these insights, businesses can enhance their services, create more effective marketing campaigns, and better meet the needs of their customers.

24. How Do Consumers Discover New Businesses Through Location-Based Ads?

56% of consumers have discovered a new business through a location-based ad. This statistic highlights the potential of location-based advertising to attract new customers and expand brand awareness.

Location-based ads can reach consumers who are near your business or in areas where your target audience frequents. By creating compelling and relevant ads, businesses can capture the interest of potential customers and drive foot traffic to their locations. Ensuring that your ads stand out and provide clear value can help maximize their impact.

25. How Common Are Location-Based Services in Retail Apps?

67% of retailers offer location-based services through their mobile apps. This widespread adoption underscores the importance of integrating location-based features into retail apps to enhance the customer experience.

Location-based services in retail apps can include personalized offers, in-store navigation, and real-time inventory updates. These features can make shopping more convenient and enjoyable for customers, increasing their likelihood of using the app and making purchases. Retailers should continuously innovate and improve their app features to meet evolving customer expectations.

26. How Does Location-Based Marketing Affect Customer Engagement?

84% of companies that use location-based marketing report higher customer engagement. This statistic underscores the effectiveness of location-based strategies in capturing and maintaining consumer interest.

84% of companies that use location-based marketing report higher customer engagement. This statistic underscores the effectiveness of location-based strategies in capturing and maintaining consumer interest.

Location-based marketing allows businesses to deliver personalized and timely messages that resonate with their audience. By engaging customers at the right time and place, businesses can foster stronger connections and encourage interactions. Continuously optimizing your location-based marketing efforts can help maintain high levels of engagement and drive better results.

27. Are Consumers More Likely to Use Retailer Apps with Location-Based Services?

69% of consumers are more likely to use a retailer’s app if it offers location-based services. This preference highlights the importance of providing valuable features that enhance the user experience.

Location-based services can offer significant benefits, such as personalized offers, quicker access to store information, and convenient navigation. By integrating these features into their apps, retailers can increase app usage and drive more engagement. Ensuring that these services are user-friendly and provide clear value can help attract and retain app users.

28. Do Marketing Professionals Agree on the Effectiveness of Location-Based Marketing?

92% of marketing professionals agree that location-based marketing drives higher engagement. This near-consensus underscores the importance of incorporating location-based strategies into marketing plans.

Location-based marketing allows for highly targeted and relevant messaging, which can significantly enhance engagement rates. By understanding and leveraging the location data of their audience, marketers can create campaigns that resonate more deeply and drive better results. Continuous analysis and optimization of location-based marketing efforts are essential for maintaining high engagement levels.

29. How Do Location-Based Promotions Influence Purchases?

61% of consumers are more likely to purchase from businesses that offer location-based promotions. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of targeted offers in driving sales.

Location-based promotions can provide immediate value to consumers, making them more likely to act on the offer. For example, a restaurant might offer a discount to customers within a certain radius during lunch hours. By creating compelling and relevant promotions based on location, businesses can increase their conversion rates and drive more sales.

30. Are Businesses Planning to Integrate Advanced Location-Based Technologies in 2024?

74% of businesses plan to integrate more advanced location-based technologies in 2024. This planned integration underscores the ongoing evolution and importance of location-based marketing.

Advanced technologies, such as geofencing, beacon technology, and augmented reality, can enhance the effectiveness of location-based marketing efforts. These technologies allow for more precise targeting and more engaging consumer experiences. By staying ahead of technological advancements, businesses can improve their marketing strategies and achieve better results.


Location-based marketing is set to continue its growth trajectory, offering businesses powerful tools to engage and convert their audiences. By understanding and leveraging these key statistics for 2024, businesses can refine their strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and achieve better outcomes. Whether through personalized offers, real-time notifications, or advanced targeting, the future of location-based marketing is bright and full of opportunities for businesses willing to invest in these technologies and strategies.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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