Text Marketing Statistics to Leverage in 2024

Leverage the power of text marketing with essential statistics for 2024. Discover trends and data to boost your text marketing campaigns.

Text marketing, also known as SMS marketing, has become a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience quickly and effectively. With high open rates and fast response times, SMS marketing offers unique advantages over other marketing channels. As we move into 2024, understanding the latest text marketing statistics can help businesses refine their strategies and maximize their impact. In this article, we’ll explore key text marketing statistics and provide actionable insights to help you leverage this channel for success.

1. What is the Open Rate for Text Messages?

Text messages have a 98% open rate. This exceptionally high open rate makes SMS marketing one of the most effective channels for ensuring your message is seen.

Text messages have a 98% open rate. This exceptionally high open rate makes SMS marketing one of the most effective channels for ensuring your message is seen.

Unlike email, where messages often get lost in crowded inboxes or filtered into spam folders, text messages are delivered directly to the recipient’s mobile phone. This direct access results in higher visibility and immediate engagement. For businesses, this means that SMS marketing is a reliable way to reach customers quickly and ensure your message is received.

2. How Quickly Are Text Messages Read?

90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received. This statistic highlights the immediacy of SMS marketing.

When you send a text message, you can be confident that your audience will see it almost instantly. This rapid read rate is particularly beneficial for time-sensitive promotions, flash sales, or urgent updates. To take advantage of this, consider using SMS for announcements that require immediate attention, ensuring your messages are concise and to the point.

3. What is the Response Rate for Text Message Marketing?

Text message marketing has a response rate of 45%. This high response rate indicates that recipients are not only opening but also engaging with the messages they receive.

This engagement can lead to increased sales, higher customer satisfaction, and more effective communication. To optimize response rates, craft clear calls to action (CTAs) and personalize messages based on customer preferences and behaviors. By doing so, you can encourage more interactions and drive better results from your SMS campaigns.

4. Are Consumers Comfortable Receiving SMS from Brands?

75% of consumers are comfortable receiving SMS messages from brands they have opted into. This indicates a high level of acceptance and trust in SMS marketing.

To maintain this trust, it’s crucial to respect customer preferences and ensure compliance with opt-in regulations. Provide clear options for customers to opt-out if they choose, and avoid sending too many messages. By maintaining transparency and respecting consumer privacy, you can build stronger relationships and increase the effectiveness of your SMS marketing efforts.

5. How Quickly Do Customers Read Text Messages?

60% of customers read a text message within 1-5 minutes of receiving it. This rapid engagement underscores the immediacy of SMS communication.

For businesses, this means that SMS is an excellent channel for delivering urgent or time-sensitive information. Whether you’re announcing a limited-time offer, sending appointment reminders, or alerting customers to a flash sale, SMS ensures your message is seen almost immediately. To make the most of this, ensure your messages are clear, concise, and provide immediate value to the recipient.

6. Do Promotional Text Messages Drive Purchases?

50% of consumers make a purchase after receiving a promotional text message. This high conversion rate demonstrates the effectiveness of SMS marketing in driving sales.

Promotional messages can include discounts, special offers, or exclusive deals that entice customers to make a purchase. To increase the likelihood of conversion, personalize your promotions based on customer behavior and preferences. Additionally, create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time offers or exclusive deals that encourage immediate action.

7. Do Consumers Prefer Texts Over Calls or Emails?

85% of consumers prefer receiving texts over a phone call or email. This preference highlights the convenience and non-intrusive nature of SMS communication.

Text messages allow consumers to read and respond at their convenience, making them a preferred channel for many. For businesses, this means that SMS can be a more effective way to reach customers without interrupting their day. To capitalize on this preference, use SMS for important updates, reminders, and personalized offers that add value to the customer experience.

8. What is the Conversion Rate of SMS Campaigns?

SMS campaigns have a conversion rate of 29%. This strong conversion rate underscores the effectiveness of text marketing in turning prospects into customers.

To maximize conversions, ensure your messages are relevant and targeted. Use data and analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences, and tailor your campaigns accordingly. Additionally, track the performance of your SMS campaigns to identify what works and continuously refine your approach for better results.

9. How Do SMS Marketing Costs Compare to Other Channels?

Text marketing costs are 50% lower than other marketing channels. This cost-effectiveness makes SMS marketing an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

With lower costs and high engagement rates, SMS marketing offers a high return on investment (ROI). Businesses can reach a large audience without a significant financial outlay, making it an ideal channel for budget-conscious marketers. To make the most of your SMS marketing budget, focus on crafting high-quality messages and targeting the right audience to maximize impact.

10. Do Customers Believe SMS is an Effective Way for Businesses to Get Their Attention?

SMS messages are short, direct, and easy to read, making them an effective way to convey important information quickly. For businesses, this means that SMS can be a powerful tool for grabbing attention and driving action. To enhance this effect, ensure your messages are clear, engaging, and provide immediate value to the recipient.

70% of customers say SMS is a good way for businesses to get their attention. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of text messages in capturing consumer interest.

SMS messages are short, direct, and easy to read, making them an effective way to convey important information quickly. For businesses, this means that SMS can be a powerful tool for grabbing attention and driving action. To enhance this effect, ensure your messages are clear, engaging, and provide immediate value to the recipient.

11. Should Businesses Use SMS More Often?

64% of consumers believe that businesses should use SMS messages to contact them more often. This indicates a strong consumer preference for SMS as a communication channel.

Consumers appreciate the convenience and immediacy of SMS messages. For businesses, this means there is an opportunity to increase engagement by leveraging SMS more frequently. However, it’s important to balance frequency with relevance to avoid overwhelming customers. Focus on sending timely and valuable messages that enhance the customer experience.

12. How Does SMS Marketing Boost Customer Engagement?

SMS marketing can boost customer engagement by 47%. This significant increase highlights the power of SMS in fostering stronger connections with customers.

Text messages are direct and personal, making them an effective tool for engaging customers. To maximize engagement, personalize your messages based on customer preferences and behaviors. Include interactive elements such as polls, surveys, and feedback requests to encourage two-way communication and deepen customer relationships.

13. Do Consumers Want Promotions via SMS?

54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS. This preference underscores the potential of SMS marketing for delivering promotional content.

Promotional SMS messages can drive sales and increase customer loyalty. To leverage this, ensure your promotions are relevant and provide clear value to the recipient. Use personalized offers and exclusive deals to make your messages stand out and encourage customers to take action.

14. Do Leads Prefer SMS Over Calls?

90% of leads prefer to be contacted by text message, compared to phone calls. This preference highlights the efficiency and non-intrusive nature of SMS communication.

For lead generation and follow-up, SMS can be a more effective way to engage potential customers. Text messages allow leads to respond at their convenience, making the interaction less disruptive. To optimize your lead generation efforts, use SMS to provide timely updates, appointment reminders, and follow-up messages.

15. How Effective is SMS Marketing for Businesses?

65% of marketers say SMS marketing is very effective for their business. This statistic underscores the high level of satisfaction among marketers using SMS.

The effectiveness of SMS marketing can be attributed to its high open rates, quick response times, and strong conversion rates. Businesses should incorporate SMS into their broader marketing strategy to enhance communication and drive better results. Regularly evaluate the performance of your SMS campaigns to ensure they are meeting your objectives and delivering value.

16. Do SMS Messages Influence Purchase Decisions?

52% of consumers say they are more likely to make a purchase if they receive SMS marketing messages. This statistic highlights the persuasive power of SMS marketing in driving sales.

SMS messages can create a sense of urgency and prompt immediate action, making them an effective tool for driving purchases. To enhance this effect, use clear and compelling calls to action in your messages. Additionally, offer exclusive deals and time-sensitive promotions to encourage quick responses and boost sales.

17. Can SMS Marketing Improve Customer Retention?

SMS marketing can increase customer retention rates by 25%. This significant increase underscores the value of SMS in maintaining long-term customer relationships.

Regular and relevant SMS communication can keep customers engaged and loyal to your brand. Use SMS to send personalized offers, updates, and reminders that add value to the customer experience. By maintaining regular contact through SMS, you can strengthen customer relationships and improve retention rates.

18. Do Customers Read SMS Sooner Than Emails?

76% of customers are more likely to read a message sooner if it’s an SMS than if it’s an email. This preference highlights the immediacy of SMS communication.

For time-sensitive information, SMS is a more effective channel than email. Customers are more likely to read and respond to text messages quickly, making SMS ideal for urgent updates and promotions. Ensure your SMS messages are concise and actionable to maximize their impact and prompt immediate responses.

19. How Does SMS Impact Brand Perception?

58% of consumers say receiving SMS promotions would positively impact their perception of the brand. This positive impact highlights the potential of SMS marketing to enhance brand image.

SMS promotions can demonstrate that a brand is attentive to customer preferences and values timely communication. To leverage this, ensure your SMS messages are relevant, personalized, and provide clear value to the recipient. By consistently delivering valuable messages, you can improve customer perception and build stronger brand loyalty.

49% of consumers say they have opted into SMS loyalty programs from their favorite brands. This high participation rate underscores the effectiveness of SMS in driving customer loyalty.

49% of consumers say they have opted into SMS loyalty programs from their favorite brands. This high participation rate underscores the effectiveness of SMS in driving customer loyalty.

SMS loyalty programs can offer exclusive rewards, discounts, and updates, creating a sense of exclusivity and engagement. To maximize participation, promote your SMS loyalty program through various channels and highlight the benefits of joining. Ensure the rewards and messages are relevant and valuable to keep customers engaged and loyal.

21. How Does SMS Marketing Compare to Email Marketing in Terms of Engagement?

SMS marketing can achieve engagement rates six to eight times higher than email marketing. This stark difference highlights the effectiveness of SMS in capturing and maintaining customer interest.

While email marketing remains a valuable tool, SMS’s higher engagement rates make it a powerful complement to your marketing strategy. To leverage this, consider using SMS for time-sensitive updates, urgent promotions, and personalized communication, while using email for more detailed and long-form content. This integrated approach can enhance overall engagement and effectiveness.

22. Are Consumers Interested in Signing Up for SMS Loyalty Programs?

57% of consumers said they would be interested in signing up for a brand’s SMS loyalty program. This statistic indicates a strong potential for growth in SMS-based loyalty programs.

Loyalty programs delivered via SMS can offer immediate rewards, personalized offers, and real-time updates, enhancing the customer experience. To encourage sign-ups, clearly communicate the benefits and exclusivity of the program. Promote your SMS loyalty program across all customer touchpoints to maximize visibility and participation.

23. How Common is SMS Marketing Among Businesses?

80% of businesses use SMS marketing to communicate with customers. This widespread adoption underscores the effectiveness and popularity of SMS as a communication channel.

Businesses across various industries use SMS to engage with customers, promote products, and provide updates. The high adoption rate indicates that SMS marketing is a trusted and effective method for reaching customers. To stand out, focus on delivering high-quality, relevant messages that provide clear value to your audience.

24. Are Businesses Planning to Increase Their SMS Marketing Budgets in 2024?

67% of businesses plan to increase their SMS marketing budget in 2024. This planned increase reflects the growing recognition of SMS marketing’s value and effectiveness.

With higher budgets, businesses can invest in more advanced SMS marketing tools, better segmentation, and more personalized messaging. To maximize the impact of increased spending, regularly review and optimize your SMS campaigns based on performance data and customer feedback.

25. Is SMS Effective for Immediate Communication?

68% of marketers found SMS marketing to be very effective for immediate communication. This effectiveness highlights the speed and reliability of SMS as a channel for urgent messages.

For time-sensitive information, such as last-minute promotions or urgent updates, SMS provides a direct and quick way to reach your audience. Ensure your messages are clear and concise, and always include a call to action to prompt immediate responses.

26. What is the Average Click-Through Rate for SMS Messages?

SMS messages have an average click-through rate of 19%. This high click-through rate underscores the effectiveness of SMS in driving traffic and engagement.

SMS messages have an average click-through rate of 19%. This high click-through rate underscores the effectiveness of SMS in driving traffic and engagement.

To optimize click-through rates, include clear and compelling links in your messages. Ensure the landing pages are mobile-friendly and provide a seamless user experience. By making it easy for recipients to act on your messages, you can increase engagement and drive more traffic to your website or app.

27. How Do Text Message Coupons Compare to Printed Coupons?

Text message redemption rates for coupons are 10 times higher than those for printed coupons. This significant difference highlights the effectiveness of SMS coupons in driving sales.

SMS coupons are more convenient and accessible than printed coupons, making them more likely to be used by customers. To maximize redemption rates, send personalized and time-sensitive offers that encourage immediate action. Track the performance of your SMS coupons to identify the most effective promotions and optimize future campaigns.

28. How Do Consumers Perceive Businesses That Offer SMS Communication?

77% of consumers perceive businesses more positively if they offer SMS communication. This positive perception underscores the value of SMS in enhancing customer relationships.

Offering SMS communication demonstrates that a business values convenience and timely updates for its customers. To maintain this positive perception, ensure your SMS messages are relevant, valuable, and respectful of the recipient’s preferences. Regularly seek feedback to understand customer needs and continuously improve your SMS strategy.

29. What Percentage of Brands Use SMS for Promotions?

45% of brands use SMS marketing for promotions and offers. This widespread use indicates the effectiveness of SMS in driving promotional success.

Promotional SMS messages can reach customers quickly and encourage immediate action. To maximize effectiveness, personalize your promotions based on customer data and preferences. Highlight exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and special events to create urgency and boost conversions.

30. How Does SMS Marketing Impact Customer Satisfaction?

62% of businesses reported an increase in customer satisfaction after implementing SMS marketing. This increase highlights the positive impact of SMS on customer experience.

SMS marketing can enhance customer satisfaction by providing timely, relevant, and personalized communication. Use SMS to send updates, reminders, and exclusive offers that add value to the customer experience. Regularly monitor feedback and engagement metrics to ensure your SMS marketing efforts are meeting customer needs and expectations.


Text marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses looking to engage their audience quickly and effectively. With high open rates, rapid response times, and strong conversion rates, SMS marketing offers unique advantages that can drive significant results. By leveraging the statistics and insights provided in this article, businesses can refine their SMS marketing strategies and maximize their impact in 2024. Focus on delivering relevant, personalized, and timely messages to enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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