SMS Marketing Statistics for 2024: What You Need to Know

Discover essential SMS marketing statistics for 2024 and learn how to optimize your strategy for maximum impact. Stay ahead with the latest trends.

SMS marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to engage with customers directly and effectively. With open rates and response rates far surpassing those of email, SMS marketing is on the rise. This article will dive into the most compelling SMS marketing statistics for 2024, providing insights and actionable tips to enhance your marketing strategy. Let’s explore these statistics through common questions marketers have, ensuring you stay ahead in the game.

In the fast-paced digital age, businesses are constantly searching for the most efficient ways to reach their audience. SMS marketing has emerged as a powerful channel, offering unparalleled engagement and conversion rates. If you’re wondering whether SMS marketing is right for your business in 2024, these statistics will provide the clarity you need.

1. What is the Open Rate for SMS Messages?

SMS messages boast a staggering 99% open rate, making them one of the most effective ways to ensure your message is seen by your audience. This high open rate is largely due to the nature of text messages – they are direct, immediate, and typically trigger notifications on users' phones, prompting quick attention.

The Remarkable Open Rate of SMS Messages

SMS messages boast a staggering 99% open rate, making them one of the most effective ways to ensure your message is seen by your audience. This high open rate is largely due to the nature of text messages – they are direct, immediate, and typically trigger notifications on users’ phones, prompting quick attention.

Details and Implications

Most SMS messages are read within the first three minutes of being received. This immediacy means that time-sensitive promotions, urgent alerts, and important updates are more likely to be seen and acted upon when delivered via SMS compared to email or social media. For businesses, this statistic underscores the importance of including SMS in their communication strategy, especially for campaigns requiring immediate action from customers.

Actionable Advice

To leverage this high open rate, ensure that your SMS messages are concise, relevant, and time-sensitive. Use SMS for flash sales, limited-time offers, and urgent notifications that require immediate attention. Consider segmenting your audience to send personalized messages that resonate with specific customer groups, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

2. How Do Response Rates Compare Between SMS and Email?

SMS Marketing’s Superior Response Rates

SMS marketing has an impressive 45% response rate, significantly higher than email’s 6%. This means that nearly half of the recipients who receive an SMS from a brand are likely to engage with it, whether by clicking a link, responding to the message, or taking another form of action.

Details and Implications

This high response rate can be attributed to the personal nature of text messages and the fact that they are often perceived as more urgent and important than emails. For marketers, this means that SMS is not just a tool for reaching customers but for driving real, measurable engagement. Integrating SMS into your marketing strategy can help increase customer interaction and improve campaign outcomes.

Actionable Advice

Craft your SMS messages with a clear call to action (CTA). Whether it’s visiting a website, redeeming a coupon, or replying to the message, make sure the desired action is easy to understand and execute. Use A/B testing to refine your messages and CTAs for maximum effectiveness. Track the performance of your SMS campaigns to continuously optimize your approach.

3. Are Consumers Receptive to SMS Marketing?

Consumer Acceptance of SMS Marketing

75% of consumers are comfortable receiving SMS messages from brands after opting in. This statistic highlights the importance of obtaining explicit consent from customers before sending promotional messages. When done correctly, SMS marketing can be a welcome and effective way to communicate with your audience.

Details and Implications

Consumers’ comfort with receiving SMS marketing messages indicates a high level of trust and willingness to engage through this channel. Brands should prioritize building their SMS subscriber lists by offering incentives such as discounts, exclusive offers, or early access to sales. Ensuring compliance with regulations and providing clear options for opting out can further enhance consumer trust and engagement.

Actionable Advice

Promote your SMS opt-in through multiple channels, including your website, social media, and in-store promotions. Offer something valuable in return for subscribing, such as a discount code or exclusive content. Make the opt-in process simple and transparent, and regularly remind subscribers of the benefits they receive by being on your list.

4. How Effective is SMS Marketing Compared to Phone Calls?

SMS Marketing vs. Phone Calls

SMS marketing campaigns have a 209% higher response rate than phone calls. This statistic highlights the efficiency of SMS as a communication tool, especially when compared to traditional phone calls, which are often viewed as intrusive and time-consuming.

Details and Implications

Phone calls require immediate attention and can disrupt recipients’ daily routines, whereas SMS messages are less intrusive and can be read at the recipient’s convenience. For businesses, this means that SMS is a more customer-friendly and effective way to deliver messages, making it an ideal choice for promotional campaigns, reminders, and updates.

Actionable Advice

Use SMS for communications that might be perceived as disruptive if delivered via phone calls, such as appointment reminders, order confirmations, and customer service updates. Provide a clear and concise message that allows recipients to take action at their convenience. Automate your SMS campaigns to ensure timely delivery and consistent communication.

5. Do Consumers Prefer SMS Over Other Communication Channels?

Consumer Preference for SMS

64% of consumers believe businesses should use SMS messages to interact with customers more often. This preference is driven by the convenience and immediacy of text messaging, which allows consumers to receive and respond to messages on their own time.

Details and Implications

For marketers, this statistic suggests that increasing the use of SMS in your communication strategy can improve customer satisfaction and engagement. By leveraging SMS for customer support, appointment reminders, and promotional messages, businesses can meet consumers’ expectations for quick and efficient communication.

Actionable Advice

Integrate SMS into your broader communication strategy by using it alongside email, social media, and other channels. For example, send an SMS follow-up after an email campaign to remind recipients of key information or deadlines. Ensure your SMS messages add value and complement your other marketing efforts.

6. How Do Millennials Feel About SMS Marketing?

Millennial Preferences for SMS Marketing

60% of millennials prefer to receive SMS promotions over email. Millennials, who are known for their tech-savviness and mobile-first mindset, are more likely to engage with brands through SMS than through traditional email campaigns.

Details and Implications

To effectively reach this valuable demographic, businesses should prioritize SMS marketing as a key component of their overall strategy. By understanding and catering to millennials’ preferences, brands can increase engagement and build stronger relationships with this audience.

Actionable Advice

Focus on creating SMS campaigns that resonate with millennial values and interests. Use informal, friendly language and offer promotions that appeal to their lifestyle. Incorporate multimedia elements, such as images or videos, to make your messages more engaging. Keep your messages concise and to the point, respecting their time and attention.

7. What Are the Conversion Rates for SMS Marketing?

SMS Marketing Conversion Rates

SMS marketing conversion rates are 29% higher than email marketing. This means that SMS messages not only engage recipients but also drive more conversions, leading to increased sales and business growth.

Details and Implications

The high conversion rates of SMS marketing can be attributed to its directness and the fact that messages are often read immediately. To maximize conversions, businesses should craft compelling SMS messages with clear calls to action, personalized content, and exclusive offers.

Actionable Advice

Design your SMS campaigns with clear and compelling CTAs that encourage immediate action. Use personalized messages that address recipients by name and reference their past interactions with your brand. Offer time-sensitive promotions to create a sense of urgency. Track your conversion rates and adjust your strategy based on what works best.

8. How Quickly Do Recipients Open SMS Messages?

Speed of Opening SMS Messages

90% of SMS messages are read within three minutes of receipt. This rapid response time is one of the key advantages of SMS marketing, making it ideal for time-sensitive communications.

Details and Implications

For marketers, this statistic emphasizes the importance of using SMS for urgent notifications, flash sales, and real-time updates. The quick read time ensures that your message reaches your audience almost instantly, increasing the likelihood of immediate action.

Actionable Advice

Leverage the quick open rates of SMS by sending messages that require immediate attention or action. For example, use SMS to announce flash sales, limited-time offers, or critical updates. Ensure that your messages are clear and concise, with a strong call to action that prompts recipients to act quickly.

9. What is the Click-Through Rate for SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing boasts a 45% click-through rate (CTR). This high CTR indicates that nearly half of the recipients who open an SMS message from a brand are likely to click on the included link.

SMS Marketing Click-Through Rate

SMS marketing boasts a 45% click-through rate (CTR). This high CTR indicates that nearly half of the recipients who open an SMS message from a brand are likely to click on the included link.

Details and Implications

The impressive CTR of SMS marketing highlights its effectiveness in driving traffic to websites, landing pages, and promotional offers. To capitalize on this, businesses should include clear and enticing links in their SMS messages, directing recipients to relevant content or offers.

Actionable Advice

Ensure that the links you include in your SMS messages lead to mobile-friendly landing pages. Test your links to make sure they work properly and load quickly. Use URL shorteners to keep your links concise and trackable. Provide a compelling reason for recipients to click, such as an exclusive offer or valuable content.

10. How Does SMS Marketing Impact Brand Visibility?

Impact on Brand Visibility

80% of marketers using SMS marketing see an increase in their brand’s visibility. By leveraging SMS, brands can stay top-of-mind with their audience, ensuring that their messages are seen and remembered.

Details and Implications

Increasing brand visibility through SMS can lead to greater brand recognition and customer loyalty. Businesses should use SMS marketing strategically to reinforce their brand identity, promote new products, and keep customers informed about important updates and events.

Actionable Advice

Use SMS to reinforce your brand’s presence by consistently communicating with your audience. Send regular updates, promotions, and valuable content to keep your brand top-of-mind. Ensure that your messages align with your overall brand voice and identity. Use SMS to gather feedback from customers and show that you value their opinions.

11. How Do Consumers Perceive SMS Communication from Brands?

Consumer Perception of SMS from Brands

77% of consumers have a more positive perception of companies that offer SMS as a communication channel. This positive perception is likely due to the convenience and personalized nature of SMS messages.

Details and Implications

By offering SMS as a communication option, businesses can enhance their customer experience and build stronger relationships with their audience. Personalizing messages and ensuring they are relevant and valuable to recipients can further improve consumer perception and engagement.

Actionable Advice

Personalize your SMS messages by addressing recipients by name and tailoring the content to their interests and preferences. Use SMS to provide exceptional customer service, such as sending order confirmations, delivery updates, and follow-up messages. Show appreciation to your customers by sending thank-you messages and special offers for their loyalty.

12. How Often Are SMS Marketing Campaigns Redeemed Compared to Email Offers?

Redemption Rates of SMS vs. Email Offers

SMS marketing campaigns are redeemed 10 times more frequently than email offers. This statistic underscores the effectiveness of SMS marketing in driving customer action and boosting sales.

Details and Implications

To maximize the redemption rates of SMS campaigns, businesses should focus on creating compelling and time-sensitive offers that encourage immediate action. Clear and concise messaging, along with strong calls to action, can further increase the likelihood of redemption.

Actionable Advice

Design your SMS offers to be highly attractive and time-sensitive. Use urgency and scarcity tactics, such as limited-time discounts or exclusive deals, to encourage immediate redemption. Make it easy for recipients to redeem offers by providing clear instructions and simple redemption processes. Track the performance of your offers and adjust your strategy based on what works best.

13. What Percentage of Consumers Make Purchases After Receiving SMS Offers?

Direct Purchases from SMS Offers

50% of consumers make direct purchases after receiving a branded SMS. This high conversion rate demonstrates the power of SMS marketing in driving sales and generating revenue.

Details and Implications

To leverage this potential, businesses should use SMS to promote exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and personalized recommendations. By providing value and urgency, brands can encourage recipients to make immediate purchases.

Actionable Advice

Craft your SMS messages to highlight the benefits of your offers and create a sense of urgency. Use persuasive language and compelling CTAs to drive purchases. Personalize your messages by recommending products based on recipients’ past purchases or browsing behavior. Monitor the performance of your SMS campaigns and optimize them to maximize conversions.

14. How Quickly Are SMS Messages Read?

Speed of Reading SMS Messages

SMS messages are read on average within five seconds of being received. This quick read time ensures that your message reaches your audience almost instantly.

Details and Implications

The speed at which SMS messages are read makes them ideal for urgent communications and time-sensitive promotions. Businesses should use SMS to deliver important updates, flash sales, and real-time notifications to ensure their message is seen and acted upon quickly.

Actionable Advice

Take advantage of the quick read time of SMS by sending messages that require immediate attention or action. Use SMS to communicate time-sensitive information, such as event reminders, limited-time offers, or emergency updates. Ensure that your messages are clear, concise, and provide a strong call to action to encourage quick responses.

15. What Percentage of Consumers Want to Receive SMS Promotions?

Consumer Desire for SMS Promotions

54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS. This statistic indicates a significant interest in receiving promotional messages through text, highlighting the potential for SMS marketing to drive engagement and sales.

Details and Implications

To meet this demand, businesses should prioritize building their SMS subscriber lists and crafting attractive promotional offers. Clear opt-in processes and the promise of exclusive deals can help increase the number of subscribers and drive higher engagement rates.

Actionable Advice

Promote your SMS opt-in through multiple channels, including your website, social media, and in-store promotions. Offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to encourage sign-ups. Make the opt-in process simple and transparent, and regularly remind subscribers of the benefits they receive by being on your list.

16. How Effective is SMS for Appointment Reminders?

Preference for SMS Appointment Reminders

83% of people would prefer to receive appointment reminders via SMS over a call or email. This preference underscores the convenience and effectiveness of SMS for reminders and notifications.

Details and Implications

For businesses, using SMS for appointment reminders can reduce no-shows and improve customer satisfaction. Automated SMS reminders can ensure that customers are informed and reminded of their appointments in a timely manner, leading to better attendance rates and smoother operations.

Actionable Advice

Integrate SMS reminders into your scheduling system to automate the process. Send reminders 24 hours and 1 hour before the appointment to ensure they are seen and acted upon. Personalize the messages with the recipient’s name and appointment details. Provide easy options to confirm, reschedule, or cancel the appointment directly through the SMS.

17. How Far Can SMS Marketing Reach in the US?

Reach of SMS Marketing in the US

SMS marketing can reach up to 97% of the US population. This extensive reach makes SMS a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with a broad audience.

Details and Implications

With such a wide reach, SMS marketing can be used to target diverse demographics and geographic locations. Businesses should leverage this capability to expand their market reach and engage with new and existing customers across the country.

Actionable Advice

Use geographic segmentation to tailor messages to specific regions or locations. Combine SMS marketing with other channels to create a comprehensive, multi-channel marketing strategy. Track the performance of your campaigns by region to identify and capitalize on areas with the highest engagement.

18. How Many Consumers Want SMS Offers?

Consumer Interest in SMS Offers

75% of consumers would like to have offers sent to them via SMS. This high level of interest indicates a strong demand for SMS marketing and highlights the potential for businesses to engage with their audience through this channel.

Details and Implications

To capitalize on this demand, businesses should focus on creating attractive and relevant offers for their SMS subscribers. Regularly sending exclusive deals and promotions can help maintain engagement and drive sales.

Actionable Advice

Develop a robust SMS marketing calendar with regular promotions, special offers, and exclusive deals. Encourage customers to opt-in for SMS offers by promoting the benefits and exclusivity. Use clear and engaging CTAs to drive action and monitor subscriber feedback to refine your offers.

19. Do People Keep SMS Notifications On?

SMS Notification Settings

82% of people keep their SMS notifications on at all times. This statistic highlights the likelihood of SMS messages being seen and read promptly, making it a highly effective communication channel.

Details and Implications

Given that most people have their SMS notifications enabled, businesses can be confident that their messages will be noticed quickly. This makes SMS an ideal channel for time-sensitive promotions, urgent alerts, and important updates.

Actionable Advice

Take advantage of the fact that most people keep SMS notifications on by sending messages at optimal times, such as mid-morning or late afternoon, when recipients are most likely to be free to read and respond. Ensure your messages provide value to avoid being seen as intrusive. Regularly review engagement metrics to determine the best times and frequency for sending messages.

20. Do Consumers Prefer SMS Over Calls and Emails?

85% of consumers prefer receiving text messages over a phone call or email. This preference is due to the convenience, immediacy, and non-intrusive nature of SMS.

Preference for SMS Over Calls and Emails

85% of consumers prefer receiving text messages over a phone call or email. This preference is due to the convenience, immediacy, and non-intrusive nature of SMS.

Details and Implications

To align with consumer preferences, businesses should prioritize SMS as a primary communication channel. By doing so, they can enhance customer satisfaction and increase engagement rates, ensuring their messages are well-received and acted upon.

Actionable Advice

Use SMS as your primary channel for delivering important information, updates, and offers. For more detailed communications, use SMS to direct recipients to your website or app. Ensure your SMS messages are brief, relevant, and actionable to respect the recipient’s time and preferences.

21. What is the Click-Through Rate for SMS Compared to Email?

SMS vs. Email Click-Through Rates

SMS marketing has a 19% click-through rate, compared to 4% for emails. This significant difference highlights the effectiveness of SMS in driving traffic and engagement.

Details and Implications

To maximize the impact of their campaigns, businesses should include compelling links and calls to action in their SMS messages. By directing recipients to relevant content or offers, brands can drive higher traffic and conversions.

Actionable Advice

Ensure that the links in your SMS messages lead to mobile-optimized landing pages for a seamless user experience. Use URL shorteners to keep links concise and trackable. Test different CTAs to see which ones drive the most clicks and continuously refine your approach based on performance data.

22. How Useful Do Consumers Find SMS for Service Updates?

Utility of SMS for Service Updates

67% of consumers find SMS to be a useful way to receive service updates. This statistic underscores the value of SMS for keeping customers informed and up-to-date with important information.

Details and Implications

For businesses, using SMS for service updates can enhance customer satisfaction and trust. Automated SMS notifications can keep customers informed about order statuses, service changes, and other important updates, ensuring they feel valued and well-informed.

Actionable Advice

Set up automated SMS notifications for key service updates such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, and service alerts. Personalize these messages with the recipient’s name and specific details about their order or service. Provide links for additional information or customer support if needed.

23. How Do Consumers View the Usefulness of Branded SMS Messages?

Perception of Branded SMS Messages

91% of consumers who opt-in to a brand’s text messages see those messages as useful. This high level of perceived usefulness highlights the potential for SMS to deliver value and drive engagement.

Details and Implications

To maintain this perception, businesses should focus on sending relevant, timely, and valuable messages to their SMS subscribers. Providing useful information, exclusive offers, and personalized content can help ensure that recipients view branded SMS messages positively.

Actionable Advice

Regularly review the content and value of your SMS messages to ensure they meet the needs and expectations of your subscribers. Use surveys and feedback to gather insights into what your audience finds most useful. Continuously improve your SMS content to enhance its relevance and value.

24. How Often Do Consumers Make Purchases After Receiving SMS Offers?

Purchase Behavior Following SMS Offers

50% of consumers make direct purchases after receiving a branded SMS text. This high conversion rate demonstrates the effectiveness of SMS marketing in driving sales and generating revenue.

Details and Implications

To leverage this potential, businesses should use SMS to promote exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and personalized recommendations. By providing value and urgency, brands can encourage recipients to make immediate purchases.

Actionable Advice

Use SMS to create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers and exclusive deals. Personalize your messages to make the offers more relevant to each recipient. Track the performance of your SMS campaigns and optimize them based on purchase behavior and feedback to maximize conversions.

25. How Quickly Are SMS Messages Read?

Speed of Reading SMS Messages

SMS messages are read on average within five seconds of being received. This quick read time ensures that your message reaches your audience almost instantly.

Details and Implications

The speed at which SMS messages are read makes them ideal for urgent communications and time-sensitive promotions. Businesses should use SMS to deliver important updates, flash sales, and real-time notifications to ensure their message is seen and acted upon quickly.

Actionable Advice

Use SMS for time-sensitive communications that require immediate attention. Send messages at strategic times to maximize visibility and engagement. Ensure your messages are clear, concise, and include a strong call to action to encourage quick responses.

26. What Percentage of Consumers Want to Receive SMS Promotions?

54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS. This statistic indicates a significant interest in receiving promotional messages through text, highlighting the potential for SMS marketing to drive engagement and sales.

Consumer Desire for SMS Promotions

54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS. This statistic indicates a significant interest in receiving promotional messages through text, highlighting the potential for SMS marketing to drive engagement and sales.

Details and Implications

To meet this demand, businesses should prioritize building their SMS subscriber lists and crafting attractive promotional offers. Clear opt-in processes and the promise of exclusive deals can help increase the number of subscribers and drive higher engagement rates.

Actionable Advice

Promote your SMS opt-in through multiple channels, including your website, social media, and in-store promotions. Offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to encourage sign-ups. Make the opt-in process simple and transparent, and regularly remind subscribers of the benefits they receive by being on your list.

27. How Does SMS Compare to Other Channels for Delivering Coupons?

Effectiveness of SMS Coupons

SMS coupons are redeemed 10 times more often than other types of coupons. This high redemption rate demonstrates the effectiveness of SMS marketing in driving customer action and boosting sales.

Details and Implications

SMS coupons’ high redemption rates can be attributed to the immediacy and accessibility of text messages. To maximize the impact of SMS coupons, businesses should focus on creating compelling and time-sensitive offers that encourage immediate action.

Actionable Advice

Design your SMS coupons to be highly attractive and time-sensitive. Use urgency and scarcity tactics, such as limited-time discounts or exclusive deals, to encourage immediate redemption. Make it easy for recipients to redeem offers by providing clear instructions and simple redemption processes. Track the performance of your offers and adjust your strategy based on what works best.

28. How Quickly Do Consumers Respond to SMS Messages?

Speed of SMS Responses

45% of SMS recipients respond to branded text messages. This high response rate highlights the effectiveness of SMS marketing in driving engagement and customer interaction.

Details and Implications

The quick response time to SMS messages can be attributed to the personal and immediate nature of text messages. For businesses, this means that SMS is an effective channel for driving real-time engagement and interaction with customers.

Actionable Advice

Encourage quick responses by including clear and compelling CTAs in your SMS messages. Use SMS for interactive campaigns, such as polls, surveys, and feedback requests, to engage your audience and gather valuable insights. Monitor response rates and adjust your messaging strategy to optimize engagement.

29. How Do Consumers Perceive the Usefulness of SMS Updates?

Utility of SMS for Updates

67% of consumers find SMS to be a useful way to receive service updates. This statistic underscores the value of SMS for keeping customers informed and up-to-date with important information.

Details and Implications

For businesses, using SMS for service updates can enhance customer satisfaction and trust. Automated SMS notifications can keep customers informed about order statuses, service changes, and other important updates, ensuring they feel valued and well-informed.

Actionable Advice

Set up automated SMS notifications for key service updates such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, and service alerts. Personalize these messages with the recipient’s name and specific details about their order or service. Provide links for additional information or customer support if needed.

30. How Do Consumers View the Usefulness of Branded SMS Messages?

Perception of Branded SMS Messages

91% of consumers who opt-in to a brand’s text messages see those messages as useful. This high level of perceived usefulness highlights the potential for SMS to deliver value and drive engagement.

Details and Implications

To maintain this perception, businesses should focus on sending relevant, timely, and valuable messages to their SMS subscribers. Providing useful information, exclusive offers, and personalized content can help ensure that recipients view branded SMS messages positively.

Actionable Advice

Regularly review the content and value of your SMS messages to ensure they meet the needs and expectations of your subscribers. Use surveys and feedback to gather insights into what your audience finds most useful. Continuously improve your SMS content to enhance its relevance and value.


SMS marketing continues to be a powerful tool for businesses in 2024, offering unparalleled engagement, high open and response rates, and significant conversion rates. By understanding and leveraging the statistics highlighted in this article, businesses can enhance their marketing strategies, build stronger relationships with their audience, and drive growth. Embrace the power of SMS marketing to stay ahead of the competition and connect with your customers in meaningful ways.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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