SendinBlue vs Gist: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Make the right decision for your email marketing success in 2024 with SendinBlue vs Gist. Compare features and choose the ideal tool for your business growth.

Hey there! If you’re juggling between SendinBlue and Gist for your email marketing needs, you’re in the right place. Both tools have made a mark in the digital marketing world, but which one is the ace for your deck? This article isn’t just a comparison; it’s your guide to making a choice that could skyrocket your email marketing strategy. So, let’s dive in and untangle the features, perks, and quirks of SendinBlue and Gist, one step at a time!

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G2 Score –  4.6 out of 5 stars
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User Interface and Ease of Use

The user interface of an email marketing tool is like the steering wheel of a car. It needs to be comfortable and easy to handle for a smooth ride. Let’s compare how SendinBlue and Gist fare in terms of their user interface and overall ease of use.

SendinBlue: Your Friendly Guide

Picture walking into a cafe where the layout is familiar, and you feel right at home. That’s SendinBlue for you. Its user interface is designed with simplicity in mind, making it approachable even for those who are new to email marketing.

From the moment you log in, SendinBlue’s dashboard is intuitive. The menu is straightforward, guiding you to create email campaigns, manage contacts, or delve into reports without any hassle. It’s like having a friendly guide showing you around.

The process of creating an email campaign in SendinBlue is smooth. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can easily design emails that look professional and engaging. It’s like playing with building blocks – simple, fun, and creative. Plus, with a variety of templates at your disposal, you’re never starting from scratch.

Gist: The Efficient Machine

Now, think of stepping into a high-tech control room where every button and screen is optimized for performance. This is Gist. Its interface is clean and modern, catering to users who appreciate a more tech-savvy approach.

Gist offers a dashboard that’s a bit more data-driven. It’s designed for users who want to get a comprehensive view of their marketing efforts at a glance. Setting up campaigns is efficient, though it might come with a steeper learning curve compared to SendinBlue.

The email builder in Gist is robust, offering functionalities for those who want to delve deeper into customization. It’s like having a set of advanced tools – a bit overwhelming for a novice but a treasure for the experienced user.

Steering Your Campaigns

In choosing between SendinBlue and Gist for user interface and ease of use, consider your comfort level with technology and your specific needs. If you prefer an interface that’s straightforward, easy to navigate, and great for beginners, SendinBlue is like your friendly neighborhood cafe. However, if you’re tech-savvy and looking for a platform that offers a data-centric dashboard and advanced customization options, Gist is more like a high-tech workspace designed for efficiency.

Features and Functionality: The Engine Behind Your Campaigns

When it comes to choosing an email marketing tool, features and functionality are the engine that powers your campaigns. Both SendinBlue and Gist come packed with features, but they cater to different needs. Let’s dive in and explore what each platform has to offer.

SendinBlue: The Versatile Marketer’s Toolbox

Imagine SendinBlue as a Swiss Army knife for your marketing needs. It’s not just an email marketing tool; it’s a multi-functional platform that caters to various aspects of digital marketing.

SendinBlue steps up with a comprehensive suite of features. Beyond email campaigns, it offers SMS marketing, a plus for businesses looking to expand their outreach channels. Its email automation capabilities are a standout, allowing you to create sophisticated, trigger-based email sequences.

For businesses with an e-commerce focus, SendinBlue provides tools for transactional emails, integrating seamlessly with your sales process. It’s like having a dedicated assistant who takes care of order confirmations and shipping updates.

Another area where SendinBlue shines is its CRM functionality. You can manage your contacts, segment your audience, and track your interactions with customers all in one place. It’s like having a central dashboard for all your customer engagement.

Gist: The Targeted Communication Specialist

Now, envision Gist as a high-tech communication specialist, focused on targeted and personalized user engagement. Gist goes beyond email marketing to provide an integrated suite for all your conversational marketing needs.

Gist’s strong suit is its live chat and chatbot functionalities, making it a powerful tool for businesses that prioritize real-time engagement. You can interact with your website visitors, answer queries instantly, and even qualify leads on the go.

Email automation in Gist is also robust, with a focus on personalized customer journeys. You can tailor your communication based on user behavior, ensuring that your messages resonate more with your audience.

Moreover, Gist offers event tracking, which allows you to monitor user actions on your website and use this data to create more targeted campaigns. It’s like having a keen observer who notes down customer preferences for you.

Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

Deciding between SendinBlue and Gist in terms of features and functionality boils down to your specific marketing strategies. If you need a versatile tool that covers a wide range of marketing functions beyond email, including SMS and CRM, SendinBlue is your go-to option. However, if your focus is more on conversational marketing and real-time engagement through chat functionalities, along with sophisticated email automation, Gist is the platform you might lean towards.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Marketing Ecosystem

In today’s interconnected digital environment, how well an email marketing tool integrates with other applications can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Let’s compare SendinBlue and Gist in terms of their integration capabilities, exploring how each platform connects with the wider ecosystem of marketing tools.

SendinBlue: The Universal Adapter

Think of SendinBlue as a universal adapter in the world of marketing tools. It offers a broad range of integrations, allowing you to connect seamlessly with various other platforms and services.

Whether it’s CRM systems like Salesforce, e-commerce platforms like Shopify, or productivity tools like Zapier, SendinBlue has made sure it can communicate effectively across different software. This capability is crucial for ensuring a smooth flow of data and maintaining consistency in your marketing efforts.

Moreover, SendinBlue provides a well-documented API, enabling you to build custom integrations if needed. This flexibility is like having the ability to create your own connections, tailored to your specific business requirements.

Gist: The Targeted Connector

Gist, on the other hand, is like a targeted connector, focusing on integrations that enhance its core functionalities of conversational marketing and automation.

Gist integrates well with popular CMS platforms, CRM software, and other marketing tools. These integrations enhance its ability to deliver a cohesive user experience, particularly in terms of real-time interactions and follow-ups.

While Gist might not have as extensive a range of integrations as SendinBlue, its focus is on deepening the capabilities of its chat and automation features. This targeted approach ensures that the integrations available are highly effective for the platform’s primary use cases.

Integration as a Key Decision Factor

Your choice between SendinBlue and Gist in terms of integration capabilities will depend on the scope and nature of your marketing strategy. If your strategy involves a diverse range of tools and platforms, and you need a marketing tool that can integrate with a wide variety of services, SendinBlue is like a multi-lingual diplomat, capable of communicating with a wide range of systems. However, if your focus is more on leveraging real-time communication and automation, and you need integrations that specifically enhance these aspects, Gist’s targeted approach could be more beneficial.

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Pricing and Affordability: Balancing the Budget

In the quest for the perfect email marketing tool, pricing is a critical factor. It’s not just about how much you pay, but also the value you get for your money. Let’s explore the pricing models of SendinBlue and Gist to see how they stack up in terms of affordability and value.

SendinBlueFree Plan: Includes unlimited contacts with 300 emails per day.
Lite Plan: Starting around $25/month, this plan includes no daily sending limit and is suitable for smaller businesses.
Premium Plan: Starting from around $65/month, offering advanced features like marketing automation, Facebook ads, landing pages, and multi-user access.
Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing with advanced and custom features, dedicated account manager, and priority support.
GistGist offers a range of tools including email marketing, live chat, and marketing automation.
Free Plan: Includes basic features with limits on the number of contacts and emails.
Professional Plan: Starting at $29/month when billed annually, includes full marketing automation, live chat, and other advanced features.
Premium Plan: Custom pricing based on the specific needs of a business, offering additional customization and dedicated support.

SendinBlue: Flexible Pricing for Every Scale

Imagine a market where you can choose items based on your budget and needs. That’s what SendinBlue offers with its flexible pricing structure. Catering to a wide range of users, from small businesses to larger enterprises, SendinBlue has a plan for everyone.

The free plan from SendinBlue is quite generous, allowing a decent volume of emails per day, which is a great way for startups or small businesses to dip their toes in the water of email marketing without any initial investment.

As your needs grow, SendinBlue’s paid plans offer more advanced features, such as greater sending limits, marketing automation, and advanced segmentation. These plans are based on the volume of emails rather than the number of contacts, which can be beneficial for businesses with a large contact list but moderate emailing needs.

For larger businesses or those with specific needs, SendinBlue offers custom plans. This flexibility ensures that you only pay for what you need, making it a cost-effective option for a wide range of businesses.

Gist: Streamlined Pricing for Targeted Needs

Gist’s pricing model is like ordering a set meal – it’s straightforward and caters to specific needs. While Gist does not offer a free plan, its starting plan is reasonably priced and offers a suite of features, making it a viable option for small businesses and startups.

Gist’s plans are primarily based on features and the number of contacts, which makes it easier for businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their scale of operations. Each tier offers more advanced features, with the higher tiers catering to businesses with more complex and extensive marketing needs.

Gist’s pricing is clear and predictable, making it a good choice for businesses that prefer straightforward, no-surprise billing.

Weighing Your Options

Deciding between SendinBlue and Gist in terms of pricing will depend on your specific business needs and how you plan to use the tool. If you’re looking for a tool that offers a free starting point and scales up with your business, SendinBlue’s flexible and scalable pricing model is a strong choice. However, if you prefer straightforward, predictable pricing and your needs align with Gist’s feature set, then Gist could be the more suitable option for your business.

Customer Support and Resources: The Lifeline for Your Campaigns

In the intricate world of email marketing, having responsive and helpful customer support, along with rich resources for learning and troubleshooting, can make a significant difference. Let’s compare how SendinBlue and Gist support their users, which is like having a reliable co-pilot in your marketing journey.

SendinBlue: Comprehensive Support System

Imagine having a team that’s always ready to assist, whether you need strategic advice or help with a technical issue. That’s SendinBlue for you. They offer a comprehensive support system that includes email, phone, and live chat, covering all bases for user convenience.

SendinBlue’s extensive knowledge base is packed with articles, guides, and tutorials, making it an invaluable resource for self-learning and problem-solving. It’s like having a library at your fingertips, where you can find answers to most of your questions.

For more tailored support, SendinBlue provides personalized assistance through its higher-tier plans. This can be especially beneficial for businesses with more complex needs or those who prefer a more hands-on approach to customer service.

Gist: Targeted Support for Specific Needs

Now, envision a support system that’s tailored to specific needs, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness. Gist offers a strong support structure with an emphasis on quick and targeted assistance. Their primary mode of support is via live chat and email, catering to the fast-paced nature of their user base.

Gist’s resource center includes a variety of articles, tutorials, and FAQs. While it may not be as extensive as SendinBlue’s, it is well-curated and focused, providing valuable insights and solutions to common issues, particularly in areas where Gist specializes, like automation and real-time communication.

Additionally, Gist offers community support, where users can share insights and tips. This peer-to-peer support model can be incredibly valuable, especially when seeking practical advice or creative ideas.

Choosing Your Support Crew

Deciding between SendinBlue and Gist in terms of customer support and resources depends on your preferences and the nature of support you anticipate needing. If you’re looking for a platform with a wide range of support options and an extensive library of resources, SendinBlue is like having a dedicated support team at your disposal. However, if your focus is on efficient, targeted support with a community aspect, Gist provides a streamlined and effective support experience.

Analytics and Reporting: Gaining Insights and Measuring Impact

In email marketing, the ability to analyze and measure the impact of your campaigns is crucial. It’s like having a compass that guides your marketing strategy. Let’s explore how SendinBlue and Gist stack up in the realm of analytics and reporting.

SendinBlue: The Insightful Analyst

Picture SendinBlue as a skilled analyst who provides detailed reports on every aspect of your campaigns. It offers an extensive suite of analytics tools that allow you to dive deep into the performance of your emails.

With SendinBlue, you can track a wide array of metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, and even the geographic location of your audience. The platform provides heat maps for emails, showing you exactly where your subscribers are most engaged. It’s like having X-ray vision into how your audience interacts with your content.

For businesses focused on e-commerce, SendinBlue links email performance directly to sales data, offering insights into how your marketing efforts translate into actual revenue. This connection between email campaigns and sales outcomes is invaluable for fine-tuning your strategy and maximizing ROI.

Gist: The Focused Tracker

Gist, on the other hand, is like a sharpshooter, focusing on key metrics that matter the most. Its analytics are streamlined and targeted, providing you with clear insights into the performance of your campaigns without overwhelming you with data.

The platform offers essential analytics, such as open and click rates, and integrates these with its CRM and automation features. This integration allows you to see a comprehensive view of how each contact interacts with your emails and website, giving you a holistic understanding of your audience’s behavior.

Gist’s reporting is particularly strong in tracking real-time interactions through its chat features, offering unique insights into customer engagement and lead generation effectiveness. This focus on actionable data makes Gist an excellent tool for businesses that prioritize direct customer engagement and sales.

Navigating Through Data

Choosing between SendinBlue and Gist for analytics and reporting will depend on the depth of insights you need and the nature of your email marketing strategies. If you require detailed analytics with advanced features and the ability to link email performance to sales data, SendinBlue is your comprehensive guide. However, if you prefer a more streamlined approach that focuses on key metrics and integrates well with CRM and real-time interactions, Gist offers a clear and focused lens.


As we wrap up our deep dive into SendinBlue and Gist, it’s clear that both platforms offer unique strengths, tailored to different types of email marketing strategies and business needs.

SendinBlue emerges as a versatile and comprehensive tool, ideal for businesses seeking a full suite of email marketing capabilities coupled with additional features like SMS marketing, CRM functionalities, and advanced analytics. It’s akin to a multi-purpose vehicle equipped for a variety of terrains – reliable, versatile, and suitable for businesses of all sizes looking to explore different aspects of digital marketing.

On the other hand, Gist presents itself as a more focused platform, excelling in providing streamlined email marketing solutions integrated with powerful CRM and live chat functionalities. It’s like a sleek sports car designed for speed and efficiency, perfect for businesses that prioritize direct engagement and swift communication with their audience. Gist’s strength lies in its ability to facilitate real-time interactions and targeted campaigns, making it a strong contender for sales-driven businesses and those emphasizing customer relationships.

Your decision between SendinBlue and Gist should hinge on your specific marketing objectives and the tools you need to achieve them. If you’re looking for a robust, all-in-one platform that offers a wide range of marketing tools and detailed analytics, SendinBlue is a compelling choice. However, if your focus is on streamlined email campaigns, integrated CRM functionality, and real-time customer interaction, Gist could be the ideal fit for your business.

Ultimately, the best choice is the one that aligns seamlessly with your business goals, integrates smoothly with your existing workflows, and resonates with your audience’s preferences. Whether you choose the comprehensive approach of SendinBlue or the focused, engagement-driven strategy of Gist, both platforms offer powerful avenues to connect with your audience and drive your marketing efforts forward.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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