Real Estate Marketing in 2024: Key Statistics and Trends

Uncover key real estate marketing statistics and trends for 2024. Learn how to optimize your marketing strategy for success.

Real estate marketing is constantly evolving, shaped by new technologies and changing consumer behaviors. In 2024, staying ahead in the real estate market means understanding and leveraging the latest trends and statistics. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential data and actionable insights to enhance your real estate marketing strategies.

In this article, we will explore key statistics and trends in real estate marketing for 2024. Each section answers a common question that real estate professionals might ask, ensuring that you get the information you need in a clear and engaging way.

1. How Do Homebuyers Search for Homes Online?

In the digital age, the internet is the primary resource for homebuyers. An impressive 92% of homebuyers use the internet as their main source of information during their home search. This trend emphasizes the importance of having a strong online presence. Real estate professionals need to ensure their listings are easily accessible and well-presented online.

The Prevalence of Online Home Searches

In the digital age, the internet is the primary resource for homebuyers. An impressive 92% of homebuyers use the internet as their main source of information during their home search.

This trend emphasizes the importance of having a strong online presence. Real estate professionals need to ensure their listings are easily accessible and well-presented online.

With such a high percentage of buyers relying on the internet, optimizing your website for search engines (SEO) and ensuring it’s mobile-friendly are crucial steps. Providing detailed listings with high-quality images and comprehensive information can attract and retain potential buyers.

2. How Effective Are Online Listings in Real Estate?

The Impact of Online Listings

A significant 51% of homebuyers find their homes online. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of online listings in the real estate market. Well-crafted online listings can attract a large number of potential buyers, making it essential to invest in professional photos and detailed descriptions.

To maximize the impact of your online listings, ensure they are optimized for search engines and include all relevant information about the property. Utilizing high-quality images and videos can further enhance the appeal of your listings and increase the chances of attracting serious buyers.

3. How Does Video Marketing Influence Real Estate Leads?

The Power of Video Marketing

Real estate video marketing generates 49% more qualified leads. This statistic underscores the growing importance of video content in real estate marketing. Videos can provide a more comprehensive view of a property, allowing potential buyers to visualize themselves living there.

Incorporating video tours, drone footage, and virtual walkthroughs into your marketing strategy can significantly boost engagement and lead generation. Platforms like YouTube, social media, and your own website are excellent channels for sharing video content and reaching a wider audience.

4. Why Do Homeowners Prefer Agents Who Use Video?

Homeowners’ Preferences for Video Marketing

A notable 73% of homeowners say they are more likely to list with a real estate agent who uses video to market their property. This preference highlights the effectiveness of video in showcasing properties and attracting buyers.

By offering video marketing services, real estate agents can differentiate themselves from competitors and appeal to more homeowners. Investing in professional video production can provide high-quality content that enhances your listings and boosts your reputation as a forward-thinking agent.

5. What Do Homebuyers Want to See in Online Listings?

The Importance of Property Photos

A significant 83% of homebuyers want to see pictures of properties online. High-quality photos are crucial in attracting potential buyers and keeping them engaged with your listings. Poor-quality images can deter buyers and reduce the perceived value of the property.

Ensure that your listings feature clear, high-resolution photos that highlight the best aspects of the property. Hiring a professional photographer can make a significant difference in the quality of your listings and help you stand out in a crowded market.

The Rise of Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are becoming increasingly popular, with 52% of homebuyers preferring virtual tours over in-person visits. Virtual tours provide a convenient way for buyers to explore properties from the comfort of their homes, saving time and effort.

Incorporating virtual tours into your marketing strategy can attract more potential buyers and give them a comprehensive view of the property. Ensure your virtual tours are high-quality and easy to navigate, providing an immersive experience that showcases the property’s features.

7. How Are Real Estate Marketing Budgets Changing?

Increasing Investment in Social Media

A significant 67% of real estate marketers plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2024. Social media platforms offer powerful tools for reaching a broad audience and engaging with potential buyers. By investing in social media marketing, real estate professionals can enhance their online presence and attract more leads.

To maximize your social media efforts, create a content calendar that includes regular posts, engaging content, and targeted ads. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with potential buyers and showcase your listings.

8. How Effective Is Email Marketing in Real Estate?

Higher Open Rates in Real Estate

Email marketing remains a valuable tool in real estate, with a 42% higher open rate compared to other industries. This effectiveness highlights the importance of personalized and targeted email campaigns in reaching potential buyers and sellers.

To improve your email marketing efforts, segment your email list to send tailored messages based on recipient preferences and behaviors. Personalize your emails with relevant content and clear calls-to-action to drive engagement and conversions.

9. Which Social Media Platform Is Most Used by Real Estate Agents?

The Dominance of Facebook

A significant 90% of real estate agents use Facebook for marketing. Facebook offers a wide range of tools and features that are ideal for promoting real estate listings, engaging with potential buyers, and running targeted ad campaigns.

To leverage Facebook effectively, create a business page for your real estate practice and post regular updates, including new listings, market insights, and client testimonials. Utilize Facebook Ads to reach specific demographics and enhance your visibility in the market.

10. How Does Drone Photography Affect Property Sales?

Real estate listings with drone photography sell 68% faster than those without. Drone photography provides unique aerial perspectives of properties, highlighting features like landscaping, surrounding areas, and property layout.

The Impact of Drone Photography

Real estate listings with drone photography sell 68% faster than those without. Drone photography provides unique aerial perspectives of properties, highlighting features like landscaping, surrounding areas, and property layout.

Investing in drone photography can make your listings more attractive and give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property. High-quality aerial shots can enhance your marketing materials and set your listings apart from the competition.

11. How Much Do Homebuyers Trust Online Reviews?

Trust in Online Reviews

A significant 72% of real estate buyers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This statistic highlights the critical role that online reviews play in the decision-making process for homebuyers. Positive reviews can enhance your reputation and attract more clients, while negative reviews can have the opposite effect.

Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Zillow. Respond to reviews promptly and professionally, addressing any concerns raised. Building a strong online reputation can significantly impact your success in the real estate market.

12. How Important Is an Online Presence for Real Estate Agents?

The Necessity of a Strong Online Presence

A substantial 85% of buyers and sellers prefer working with a real estate agent who has a strong online presence. This preference underscores the importance of digital visibility in today’s real estate market. An effective online presence includes a well-designed website, active social media profiles, and positive online reviews.

Ensure that your online profiles are complete and up-to-date. Regularly post valuable content, engage with your audience, and showcase your expertise. A robust online presence can help you build trust with potential clients and stand out in a competitive market.

13. How Effective Is Social Media in Generating Real Estate Leads?

Lead Generation Through Social Media

Real estate agents who use social media generate 2.5 times more leads than those who don’t. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of social media as a lead generation tool. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer opportunities to connect with potential buyers and showcase properties in a visually appealing way.

To maximize lead generation, create a strategic social media plan that includes regular posting, engagement with followers, and targeted advertising. Share high-quality images, videos, and valuable content to attract and retain your audience’s interest.

14. How Are Real Estate Marketing Budgets Expected to Change?

Increased Marketing Budgets

A notable 56% of real estate firms plan to increase their marketing budget in 2024. This increase reflects the growing recognition of the importance of effective marketing strategies in the real estate industry. By investing more in marketing, real estate firms can enhance their visibility and attract more clients.

Consider allocating your increased budget to areas such as digital marketing, content creation, and social media advertising. Investing in these areas can help you reach a broader audience and improve your overall marketing effectiveness.

15. What Is the Impact of Professional Photos on Property Sales?

Benefits of Professional Photography

Listings with professional photos sell for an average of 32% more. High-quality images can significantly enhance the appeal of your listings, making them more attractive to potential buyers. Professional photos can highlight the best features of a property and create a positive first impression.

Hiring a professional photographer can be a worthwhile investment that pays off in higher sales prices and faster transactions. Ensure that your listings feature clear, high-resolution images that showcase the property in the best possible light.

16. How Prevalent Is Content Marketing in Real Estate?

The Role of Content Marketing

A significant 48% of real estate marketers use content marketing as a core strategy. Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and engage your target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and social media updates.

By providing informative and relevant content, you can establish your practice as a trusted authority in the real estate field. Regularly updating your content and addressing common questions and concerns can help you attract new clients and retain existing ones.

17. What Do Homebuyers Prefer in Email Communications?

Preferences for Personalized Emails

A notable 62% of homebuyers prefer agents who send personalized emails. Personalized email campaigns can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates. Tailoring your messages to address specific needs and preferences can make your communications more relevant and effective.

Use data and insights from your CRM system to segment your email list and send targeted messages. Personalize your emails with relevant content, property recommendations, and updates to build stronger relationships with your clients.

18. How Important Is Mobile Optimization for Real Estate Websites?

The Importance of Mobile Traffic

A substantial 70% of real estate traffic comes from mobile devices. This statistic underscores the importance of optimizing your website for mobile users. A mobile-friendly website ensures that potential buyers and sellers can easily access your listings and information from their smartphones or tablets.

Ensure that your website is responsive and provides a seamless browsing experience on all devices. Optimize images and load times to improve user experience and reduce bounce rates. A well-optimized mobile site can help you capture more leads and improve your overall digital presence.

19. How Does Virtual Staging Influence Buyer Interest?

The Benefits of Virtual Staging

Virtual staging can increase buyer interest by 30%. This technique involves digitally enhancing photos of vacant properties to show how they could look when furnished. Virtual staging helps buyers visualize the potential of a property and can make listings more appealing.

Investing in virtual staging can be a cost-effective way to enhance your property listings. Use high-quality virtual staging tools to create realistic and attractive images that highlight the property’s best features.

20. What Is the Impact of Blogging on Real Estate Websites?

Real estate websites with blogs receive 55% more traffic. Blogging is an effective way to drive more visitors to your site and improve your search engine rankings. By regularly publishing informative and engaging content, you can attract a wider audience and keep potential clients engaged.

Increased Traffic Through Blogging

Real estate websites with blogs receive 55% more traffic. Blogging is an effective way to drive more visitors to your site and improve your search engine rankings. By regularly publishing informative and engaging content, you can attract a wider audience and keep potential clients engaged.

Create a content calendar and write blog posts that address common questions and concerns related to buying, selling, and owning property. Share market insights, tips, and success stories to establish your expertise and build trust with your audience.

21. How Does Automation Improve Real Estate Marketing Productivity?

Productivity Gains from Automation

A significant 59% of real estate agents say that automation improves their productivity. Automation tools can streamline various marketing and administrative tasks, allowing agents to focus on higher-value activities like client interactions and closing deals.

Consider using CRM systems, email marketing automation, and social media scheduling tools to enhance your efficiency. By automating routine tasks, you can save time and ensure consistent and effective marketing efforts.

22. How Are Real Estate Firms Investing in SEO?

SEO Investments for Online Visibility

A notable 60% of real estate firms are investing in SEO to improve their online visibility. Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for ensuring that your website ranks high in search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

Invest in SEO by optimizing your website content for relevant keywords, improving site speed, and building high-quality backlinks. Regularly update your content and use analytics tools to monitor your performance and make necessary adjustments. Effective SEO can drive more organic traffic to your site and generate more leads.

23. Why Do Sellers Prefer Agents Offering 3D Tours?

The Appeal of 3D Tours

An impressive 88% of sellers prefer agents who offer 3D tours of their properties. 3D tours provide an immersive and interactive way for potential buyers to explore a property from anywhere. This technology can attract more interest and help properties stand out in a competitive market.

Invest in 3D tour technology to enhance your property listings and provide a superior viewing experience. Promote your 3D tours on your website and social media channels to reach a broader audience and showcase your listings effectively.

24. How Do Floor Plans Affect Property Inquiries?

Increased Inquiries from Floor Plans

Listings with floor plans receive 40% more inquiries. Floor plans provide a clear and detailed view of the property’s layout, helping potential buyers understand the space better. This added information can make your listings more appealing and encourage more inquiries.

Include high-quality floor plans in your property listings to provide a comprehensive view of the property. Ensure that the floor plans are accurate and easy to understand, highlighting key features and dimensions.

25. How Do Online Listings Lead to Agent Contacts?

The Effectiveness of Online Listings

A significant 64% of buyers contact an agent after finding a property online. This statistic underscores the importance of having detailed and attractive online listings. When buyers find appealing properties online, they are more likely to reach out to the listing agent for more information or to schedule a viewing.

Ensure that your online listings are comprehensive and feature high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and contact information. Promptly respond to inquiries to build trust and move potential buyers further down the sales funnel.

26. How Does CRM Usage Impact Real Estate Sales?

Real estate agents using CRM systems see a 27% increase in sales. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems help agents manage their leads, track interactions, and automate follow-ups. This technology can enhance your ability to nurture leads and close more deals.

Sales Increase from CRM Systems

Real estate agents using CRM systems see a 27% increase in sales. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems help agents manage their leads, track interactions, and automate follow-ups. This technology can enhance your ability to nurture leads and close more deals.

Implement a CRM system to organize your contacts, track your pipeline, and automate routine tasks. Use the data and insights from your CRM to personalize your communications and improve your sales strategy.

27. What Is the Future Impact of AI on Real Estate?

The Role of AI in Real Estate

A significant 58% of real estate professionals say that AI will significantly impact the industry in the next five years. Artificial intelligence (AI) can provide advanced data analysis, personalized recommendations, and automation, enhancing various aspects of real estate marketing and operations.

Consider integrating AI-powered tools into your marketing strategy, such as chatbots for customer service, predictive analytics for lead scoring, and AI-driven content personalization. Leveraging AI can help you stay ahead of the competition and improve your overall marketing effectiveness.

Instagram’s Popularity Among Agents

An impressive 77% of real estate agents use Instagram to showcase properties. Instagram’s visual nature makes it an ideal platform for real estate marketing. High-quality photos and videos can attract potential buyers and engage your audience effectively.

Create a professional Instagram profile and post regularly to showcase your listings, share market insights, and engage with your followers. Use hashtags, stories, and IGTV to reach a wider audience and increase your visibility.

29. How Are Real Estate Firms Using Augmented Reality?

Investment in Augmented Reality

A notable 45% of real estate firms are investing in augmented reality (AR) for property viewings. AR technology can enhance property listings by allowing potential buyers to visualize properties in a more interactive and immersive way.

Consider incorporating AR into your marketing strategy to provide virtual tours, interactive floor plans, and property visualizations. AR can differentiate your listings and provide a unique viewing experience that attracts more interest and engagement.

30. How Do Detailed Descriptions Affect Property Views?

The Importance of Detailed Descriptions

Real estate listings with detailed descriptions get 30% more views. Providing comprehensive and engaging descriptions helps potential buyers understand the property’s features and benefits, increasing their interest and engagement.

Ensure that your property descriptions are well-written, highlight key features, and include relevant details such as location, amenities, and nearby attractions. A detailed and compelling description can enhance the appeal of your listings and attract more potential buyers.


Real estate marketing in 2024 is all about leveraging the latest trends and technologies to stay ahead of the competition. By understanding and implementing the key statistics and strategies discussed in this article, you can enhance your marketing efforts, attract more leads, and close more deals.

Focus on building a strong online presence, utilizing high-quality visuals and videos, and embracing new technologies like AI and AR. Stay adaptable and continuously improve your strategies to meet the evolving needs of the market and your clients.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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