Mailshake vs Gist: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Choosing between Mailshake and Gist for email marketing? Our detailed review helps you decide the best tool to enhance your marketing strategy.

Choosing the right email marketing tool is like picking the perfect spice blend for your signature dish. It has the power to elevate your marketing efforts from good to unforgettable. In the bustling digital bazaar, two names frequently pop up on marketers’ radars: Mailshake and Gist. Both platforms offer unique flavors to your marketing mix, but which one will be the secret ingredient to your success? Let’s dive in and find out.

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Ease of Use: The First Bite is with the Eye

Imagine walking into a kitchen for the first time. Some prefer an intuitive layout where everything is within reach, while others might opt for a space that requires a bit of exploration but promises endless possibilities. This is where we start our comparison between Mailshake and Gist: the ease of use.

The Welcoming Kitchen: Mailshake

Mailshake greets you like a warm, inviting kitchen. Its user interface (UI) is designed for simplicity and efficiency, catering to both seasoned marketers and those new to the email marketing game. Setting up a campaign in Mailshake is akin to following a well-loved recipe; it’s straightforward, with each step clearly laid out. You’re guided through the process of creating your email sequences, from drafting your messages to scheduling follow-ups. The platform ensures that you don’t miss a beat, with helpful tips and templates to spice things up.

For the novice chef, this is invaluable. It means less time wrestling with complex tools and more time crafting the perfect email. The dashboard is your countertop, where you can see everything at a glance – campaign performance, scheduled emails, and response rates. It’s like having a sous-chef who keeps you informed and ready for the next step.

The Explorer’s Kitchen: Gist

Gist, on the other hand, is like a kitchen equipped for the adventurous cook. It offers a suite of tools beyond email marketing, including live chat, event tracking, and automation workflows. This makes Gist not just an email marketing tool but a comprehensive communication platform. The UI is sleek and modern, but with the added complexity of its features, it might take a bit more time to familiarize yourself with where everything is and how it works.

However, this exploration can be rewarding. Gist allows for more customization and integration with your marketing efforts. You can craft a journey for your subscribers that’s not limited to email. From the moment they land on your website, through every interaction they have with your brand, Gist is there to help you create a seamless experience. It’s like having a kitchen equipped with gadgets you didn’t know you needed, but once you start using them, you can’t imagine cooking without them.

The Taste Test

When it comes to ease of use, it’s a matter of preference. Mailshake offers a user-friendly interface that makes email campaign management a breeze, perfect for those who want to get straight to the point without the frills. Gist, with its broader range of features, appeals to those who are looking to deeply integrate their email marketing with other facets of their customer communication strategy. It’s about choosing the kitchen that feels right for you – the one where you can cook up your best work.

This first bite into the comparison between Mailshake and Gist reveals a lot about what each tool brings to the table. Do you prefer the streamlined, focused approach of Mailshake, or does the versatile, all-encompassing toolkit of Gist excite you more? Your choice will depend on your specific needs, your comfort level with technology, and how you envision your email marketing strategy unfolding.

Deliverability: The Secret Sauce of Email Marketing

Once you’ve prepped your kitchen and are ready to cook, the next crucial step is ensuring your dish reaches the table while it’s hot. In email marketing, this is where deliverability comes into play. It doesn’t matter how appetizing your emails look; if they don’t reach your audience’s inbox, they might as well be sent to the spam folder. Let’s see how Mailshake and Gist handle this all-important aspect.

Mailshake: Ensuring Your Emails Land on the Table

Mailshake takes deliverability seriously, much like a chef ensures their creations are served fresh. It provides users with tools and best practices to improve their chances of landing in the inbox. Mailshake emphasizes the importance of warming up your email accounts, a process similar to preheating your oven. This ensures that your emails are ready to be sent out and received warmly.

The platform also offers detailed analytics, giving you insight into how your emails are performing. Are they reaching the inbox? Are they being opened, or are they languishing, unnoticed? Mailshake helps you keep an eye on these metrics, allowing you to tweak your recipes for success. Additionally, Mailshake advises on maintaining a healthy sender reputation, akin to a chef’s reputation for cleanliness and quality. This includes tips on avoiding spam triggers and managing your email list hygiene.

Gist: A Comprehensive Flavor Profile

Gist approaches deliverability with the precision of a chef who knows the importance of every ingredient in a dish. Being part of a broader communication platform, Gist integrates email deliverability with its overall customer experience strategy. This means not only focusing on getting your emails into the inbox but also ensuring they are part of a cohesive customer journey.

Gist offers advanced segmentation and personalization options, which can significantly improve your email engagement rates and, consequently, your deliverability. By sending more relevant emails to a well-segmented list, you reduce the risk of your emails being marked as spam. Gist’s approach is about crafting the perfect dish for the right person at the right time, ensuring your emails are eagerly anticipated and savored.

Furthermore, Gist provides automation tools that help maintain list hygiene and sender reputation. Automated workflows can be set up to remove inactive subscribers or to re-engage those who haven’t interacted with your emails for a while. This keeps your email list fresh and full of engaged subscribers, much like a chef keeps their ingredients fresh and of the highest quality.

The Verdict: A Matter of Taste and Technique

When comparing Mailshake and Gist on deliverability, it’s clear that both platforms offer robust solutions, but their approaches differ. Mailshake focuses on the fundamentals, providing users with a strong foundation in best practices and list management. It’s ideal for those who want a straightforward tool that helps ensure their emails reach their destination.

Gist, with its integrated approach, is for the marketer who sees email as part of a larger culinary masterpiece. Its strength lies in creating personalized, engaging email experiences that naturally improve deliverability through higher engagement.

Both Mailshake and Gist understand that deliverability is the secret sauce of email marketing. Choosing between them depends on whether you’re looking for a dedicated tool to improve your email game or a comprehensive platform that elevates your entire customer communication strategy.

Pricing: The Cost of Ingredients in Your Marketing Dish

In any kitchen, whether you’re a home cook or a professional chef, the cost of ingredients plays a crucial role in what you decide to cook. Similarly, in the realm of email marketing, the pricing of the tools you choose can significantly impact your strategy and the resources you allocate to your campaigns. Let’s break down the pricing structures of Mailshake and Gist to see which offers the best value for your needs.

MailshakeEmail Outreach Plan: Priced at $59/user/month when billed annually. Includes features like email personalization, lead catchers, and analytics.
Sales Engagement Plan: Priced at $99/user/month when billed annually. Includes additional features like phone dialer, social selling, and Salesforce integration.
Both plans offer features tailored for sales teams and agencies focusing on cold email outreach and sales engagement.
GistGist offers a range of tools including email marketing, live chat, and marketing automation.
Free Plan: Includes basic features with limits on the number of contacts and emails.
Professional Plan: Starting at $29/month when billed annually, includes full marketing automation, live chat, and other advanced features.
Premium Plan: Custom pricing based on the specific needs of a business, offering additional customization and dedicated support.

Mailshake: Straightforward and Scalable

Mailshake keeps its pricing as simple as its user interface. It offers a clear, straightforward pricing model based on the features you need. This transparency is like knowing exactly what ingredients you need for a recipe and how much they’ll cost before you start cooking. There’s no guesswork involved; you know what you’re getting and at what price.

The platform typically provides a few tiers, catering to different sizes of businesses and their respective needs. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a larger enterprise with more advanced requirements, Mailshake has a plan designed to fit. Each tier unlocks more features, allowing your email marketing capabilities to grow as your business does. This scalability is crucial for businesses looking to expand their email marketing efforts without switching platforms.

Moreover, Mailshake often includes a free trial or a demo, giving you a taste before you commit. This is akin to sampling a dish before deciding to order it. For businesses careful about where they invest their marketing budget, this opportunity to try before you buy is invaluable.

Gist: Comprehensive but Complex

Gist’s pricing structure reflects its more comprehensive nature. Since it offers more than just email marketing — including live chat, automation, event tracking, and more — its pricing can be a bit more complex. Think of it as shopping for a full-course meal rather than a single dish. You’re not just paying for email marketing; you’re investing in a suite of tools that work together to enhance your customer communication across the board.

This means that while Gist might appear more expensive at first glance, the value it provides extends beyond email marketing alone. For businesses looking for an all-in-one solution, Gist’s pricing could offer a more cost-effective option than subscribing to multiple separate tools.

However, for those specifically focused on email marketing, the pricing might seem steep. It’s important to consider not just the cost but the return on investment (ROI). If you’ll use the additional features Gist offers, the ROI could justify the higher price point. It’s like investing in a set of high-quality kitchen knives; the initial cost is higher, but the versatility and longevity they provide make them worth it.

Making the Cost-Effective Choice

Choosing between Mailshake and Gist based on pricing comes down to your specific needs and budget. Mailshake is the go-to for businesses focusing solely on email marketing, offering a straightforward, scalable solution. Its clear pricing allows you to budget effectively, ensuring you’re getting the necessary features without overpaying.

Gist, on the other hand, is ideal for businesses seeking a comprehensive communication platform. Its broader range of features justifies its pricing, especially for those who can leverage the full suite to its maximum potential. The cost is higher, but so is the potential for engagement across various channels.

Ultimately, the decision is akin to choosing between buying specific ingredients for a single recipe or investing in a pantry full of staples that allow you to cook a wide range of dishes. Both have their place, depending on your goals, budget, and how you plan to engage with your audience.

Integration Capabilities: Mixing the Right Ingredients Together

In cooking, the magic often happens when different ingredients are mixed together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. The same can be said for email marketing tools and their ability to integrate with other software. A tool’s integration capabilities can significantly enhance its functionality, making your marketing efforts more efficient and effective. Let’s compare how Mailshake and Gist fare when it comes to playing well with others.

Mailshake: Specialized Mixology

Mailshake, with its focused approach on email outreach and sales engagement, offers a curated selection of integrations designed to enhance its core functionalities. Think of it as having a set of specialized tools at your disposal, each selected to complement your main ingredient perfectly. Mailshake integrates with popular CRMs, like Salesforce and HubSpot, allowing you to sync your email campaigns with your sales activities seamlessly.

Additionally, Mailshake connects with tools like Zapier, opening up a world of possibilities by linking with over a thousand other apps. This means you can automate workflows between Mailshake and other software you use, such as adding new leads from a Google Sheet directly into a Mailshake campaign. This level of integration is akin to having a well-organized kitchen where everything you need is at your fingertips, ready to be combined into your next masterpiece.

Gist: The All-In-One Kitchen

Gist positions itself as an all-in-one solution, which naturally extends to its integration capabilities. Since it already encompasses a wide range of features — from live chat and automation to event tracking and beyond — Gist is like a kitchen stocked with every gadget and ingredient you might need. Its internal ecosystem is so comprehensive that the need for external integrations is less pressing than for a more specialized tool like Mailshake.

That said, Gist still offers integrations with key platforms, particularly in areas where specialized tools might be preferred by some businesses. For instance, integrating with eCommerce platforms like Shopify or payment processors like Stripe allows Gist users to streamline their operations further, ensuring that all customer interactions, from first contact to final sale, are captured and managed within a single system.

However, the emphasis is more on the depth of integration within its own platform rather than a broad selection of third-party integrations. This approach is perfect for businesses looking for a cohesive tool that minimizes the need to juggle multiple platforms, though it might limit flexibility for those who rely heavily on a diverse stack of tools.

Blending the Perfect Mix

When it comes to integration capabilities, the choice between Mailshake and Gist depends on your business’s specific needs and how you prefer to manage your marketing tech stack.

Mailshake is ideal for those who have a central focus on email outreach and are looking to enhance that capability with direct integrations into their CRM and other key marketing tools. Its compatibility with Zapier further broadens its integration potential, making it a versatile tool that can fit snugly into a variety of workflows.

Gist, with its all-encompassing approach, might reduce the need for external integrations by offering a wide range of features natively. This can significantly simplify your operations if Gist’s built-in tools meet your needs. However, for businesses that rely on a highly customized stack of niche tools, Gist’s more limited third-party integration options might feel restrictive.

Ultimately, the decision is akin to choosing between specializing in a few culinary techniques with precision or having a broad range of skills that cover the entire dining experience. Both approaches have their merits, and the best choice depends on your business’s unique recipe for success.

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Customer Support: The Sous-Chef in Your Kitchen

In any kitchen, whether bustling with the dinner rush or prepping for a quiet family meal, having a reliable sous-chef can make all the difference. The same holds true in the world of email marketing, where customer support represents your go-to helper, ready to assist when you encounter a snag in your campaign or just need guidance on using the platform. Let’s see how Mailshake and Gist stand up in the area of customer support, ensuring you’re never left stranded in the kitchen.

Mailshake: Personalized Assistance at Your Fingertips

Mailshake takes a hands-on approach to customer support, much like a sous-chef who’s always ready to jump in and help. With a focus on ensuring users get the most out of their email marketing efforts, Mailshake offers various support channels, including email, live chat, and a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, guides, and how-tos. This array of options means you can choose the kind of support that best fits your needs at the moment.

One of Mailshake’s strengths in customer support is the personalized attention it offers. When you reach out, you’re not just another ticket in the system; you’re given tailored advice and guidance to solve your specific issue. This level of care can be particularly reassuring for businesses that rely heavily on their email marketing campaigns and need quick, effective resolutions to keep things running smoothly.

Gist: Comprehensive Support with a Learning Curve

Gist, with its broader platform encompassing various tools beyond email marketing, offers a robust support system designed to help users navigate its extensive features. Support options include live chat, email support, and an in-depth knowledge base that covers not only email marketing but also every other tool within the Gist ecosystem.

Given the complexity and breadth of features, Gist’s customer support also includes educational resources, such as webinars and tutorials, aimed at helping users fully utilize the platform. This approach is akin to having a sous-chef who not only assists with the immediate task at hand but also teaches you new techniques and recipes to enhance your culinary skills.

While the comprehensive nature of Gist’s support is a significant advantage, it can also mean that finding answers to very specific email marketing questions might require sifting through more general information. For users focused solely on email marketing, this might feel like a bit more effort is needed to get to the heart of their issues.

The Support You Need, When You Need It

In comparing the customer support of Mailshake and Gist, it’s clear that both platforms take the needs of their users seriously, albeit with different approaches.

Mailshake shines with its personalized, focused support, ensuring that users get quick and specific answers to their email marketing questions. This can be especially valuable for businesses for whom email marketing is a critical part of their strategy and who value rapid, targeted assistance.

Gist, on the other hand, offers a broad and educational approach to support, reflecting the wide array of tools within its platform. For users leveraging multiple features of Gist, this comprehensive support can be incredibly beneficial, providing a deeper understanding of how to make the most of the platform’s capabilities.

Ultimately, the choice between Mailshake and Gist in terms of customer support will depend on your business’s specific needs. If you prefer direct, focused help with email marketing, Mailshake may be your best bet. If you’re looking for comprehensive support that helps you explore a wide range of tools, Gist could be the way to go.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring the Flavor of Success

In the culinary world, the final taste test is what everything boils down to, determining if your efforts have paid off. Similarly, in email marketing, analytics and reporting serve as the critical taste test for your campaigns, offering insights into their performance and informing future strategies. Let’s delve into how Mailshake and Gist handle analytics and reporting, helping you measure and refine the flavor of your marketing success.

Mailshake: Clear, Actionable Insights

Mailshake understands that the key to refining your email outreach lies in clear, actionable analytics. Its dashboard presents a straightforward overview of your campaigns’ performance, including open rates, click rates, and response rates. This is akin to getting immediate feedback on a dish you’ve prepared, allowing you to quickly see what’s working and what needs adjustment.

Beyond basic metrics, Mailshake offers insights into more nuanced aspects of your campaigns, such as which email templates are performing best and how individual follow-up emails are resonating with your audience. This level of detail is invaluable for fine-tuning your approach, ensuring that each iteration of your campaign is more effective than the last.

The platform also provides A/B testing capabilities, enabling you to compare different versions of your emails to see which ingredients contribute most to your success. This is like tweaking a recipe to find the perfect balance of flavors, with Mailshake providing the feedback you need to make informed decisions.

Gist: Comprehensive Performance Overviews

Gist, with its all-encompassing approach to customer communication, offers a broad and integrated view of your marketing efforts’ performance. Its analytics go beyond email to include interactions across all channels, providing a holistic view of how your audience engages with your brand. This comprehensive overview is like assessing a full dining experience rather than focusing on a single dish.

Within the realm of email marketing, Gist provides detailed reports on open rates, click rates, and conversions, but it also ties these metrics back to your broader marketing goals. For example, you can see how email campaigns contribute to your overall sales funnel, from initial contact through to conversion. This integrated reporting is incredibly useful for businesses that view email marketing as one part of a larger strategy.

Additionally, Gist’s analytics include behavioral insights, such as which pages your subscribers visit after clicking through your emails. This deeper level of analysis can help you understand not just how your emails are performing, but also how they influence your audience’s journey through your website and sales process.

Savoring the Results

When it comes to analytics and reporting, both Mailshake and Gist offer robust tools designed to help you measure the success of your email marketing campaigns and refine your strategies.

Mailshake shines with its focus on clear, actionable insights specific to email outreach. Its straightforward reporting and A/B testing capabilities make it easy to iterate on your campaigns for continuous improvement.

Gist, meanwhile, offers a more comprehensive view, integrating email marketing performance with broader customer engagement metrics. For businesses looking for a holistic understanding of how email fits into their overall marketing strategy, Gist provides valuable insights that span across multiple channels.

Ultimately, the choice between Mailshake and Gist for analytics and reporting will depend on the scope of your marketing efforts and the level of detail you need. If your primary focus is on optimizing email campaigns with clear, detailed feedback, Mailshake is an excellent choice. If you’re looking for a broader perspective that considers email marketing as part of a larger ecosystem, Gist’s integrated analytics offer a compelling advantage.

Automation and Workflow Capabilities: Crafting the Perfect Email Sequence

Just as in a well-orchestrated kitchen where dishes come out in perfect sequence to create a memorable dining experience, automation and workflow capabilities in email marketing tools can ensure that your messages reach your audience at just the right moment, enhancing engagement and conversion. Let’s explore how Mailshake and Gist enable you to automate your email marketing efforts and create efficient workflows.

Mailshake: Streamlining Email Outreach

Mailshake is akin to a kitchen gadget designed to perfect a specific task, in this case, automating your email outreach campaigns. Its automation features are focused and powerful, allowing you to set up sequences that automatically send follow-up emails based on recipient actions, such as opens, clicks, or replies. This ensures that your communication feels personal and timely, without requiring you to manually track and respond to each interaction.

With Mailshake, you can create complex sequences that guide your recipients through a customized journey, depending on how they interact with your emails. This level of automation is like having a sous-chef who knows exactly when to add each ingredient for the dish to turn out perfectly. The platform also allows for easy customization of these sequences, making it simple to adjust your approach based on performance metrics or changes in your strategy.

Gist: An All-in-One Marketing Automation Suite

Gist offers a comprehensive set of automation tools that extend well beyond email. While it includes the ability to automate email sequences based on user behavior, its capabilities encompass all aspects of the marketing and sales funnel. This is more like having an entire kitchen brigade at your disposal, where each member plays a role in creating an integrated dining experience.

Within the context of email marketing, Gist allows you to create sophisticated automation workflows that can trigger emails based on a wide range of actions, including website behavior, form submissions, and event attendance. This means you can tailor your communication not just based on how recipients interact with your emails, but also on how they engage with your brand across different channels.

Furthermore, Gist’s automation features are tightly integrated with its CRM and other tools, enabling a seamless flow of information across your marketing stack. This allows for highly personalized email campaigns that reflect the recipient’s entire relationship with your brand, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

The Recipe for Success

In comparing the automation and workflow capabilities of Mailshake and Gist, it’s clear that both platforms offer powerful tools designed to make your email marketing efforts more efficient and effective.

Mailshake excels with its focused approach, offering detailed control over email sequences and the ability to automate follow-ups based on recipient actions. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses whose primary goal is to streamline and optimize their email outreach.

Gist, on the other hand, provides a broader set of automation tools that integrate email marketing with other forms of customer interaction. For businesses looking for a comprehensive solution that automates not only emails but also other aspects of the customer journey, Gist offers a level of integration and personalization that is hard to match.

The choice between Mailshake and Gist for automation and workflow capabilities ultimately depends on the scope of your marketing strategy and how email marketing fits within it. If you’re looking for a specialized tool to automate your email campaigns, Mailshake is a strong contender. If you need a more holistic approach that encompasses all customer touchpoints, Gist’s comprehensive suite of automation tools may be the better fit.


In the bustling world of email marketing tools, choosing between Mailshake and Gist boils down to understanding the unique flavors each platform brings to your marketing table. Mailshake, with its straightforward approach, excels in simplifying email outreach, making it a go-to for those seeking focused and efficient email campaigns. Its user-friendly interface, targeted automation, and emphasis on personal support cater to marketers looking to refine their email strategy with precision.

On the other hand, Gist offers a comprehensive suite that extends beyond email marketing, integrating a wide array of communication tools into a cohesive platform. This makes it ideal for businesses aiming for an all-encompassing approach, where email marketing is part of a larger, interconnected customer experience. Whether you’re a small business focusing solely on email or a growing enterprise looking for a multifaceted tool, your choice between Mailshake and Gist will reflect your strategic priorities and how you envision engaging with your audience. Ultimately, both tools have their merits, and the best choice depends on your specific needs, goals, and the kind of culinary masterpiece you’re aiming to create in the digital marketing kitchen.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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