Mailigen vs Pabbly Email Marketing: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Choosing the right email tool is crucial! Explore the Mailigen vs Pabbly Email Marketing comparison to find the perfect fit for your business campaigns.

Welcome to the battleground of email marketing tools – Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing. In this extensive guide, we will embark on a journey to uncover the nuances of each platform, dissecting their features, strengths, and weaknesses. The goal? To help you make an informed decision and choose the email marketing tool that aligns perfectly with your business goals.

MailigenPabbly Email Marketing
MailigenPabbly email marketing
G2 Score – 4.3 out of 5 stars
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score -7.1 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 8.1 out of 10

The Email Design Showdown: Crafting Engaging Campaigns

The first arena of comparison brings us to the heart of email marketing – the design. Crafting visually appealing and engaging campaigns is not just an art; it’s a crucial element for capturing your audience’s attention. Let’s explore how Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing approach email design to elevate your marketing game.

Mailigen: A Canvas of Creativity

Mailigen prides itself on providing a user-friendly platform that empowers marketers to bring their creative visions to life. The platform’s drag-and-drop editor is a standout feature, allowing even the least design-savvy individuals to craft stunning emails effortlessly.

Mailigen offers a diverse template library suitable for various occasions and industries. Whether you’re announcing a sale, sharing a newsletter, or sending a personalized message, Mailigen’s templates provide a solid foundation for your creative endeavors.

In the age of mobile dominance, Mailigen ensures that your emails look impeccable across all devices. The responsive design features allow you to create campaigns that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent and engaging user experience.

While Mailigen’s design features excel in simplicity and accessibility, some users might find the customization options slightly limited. If you’re a marketer who craves intricate design control, this simplicity could be a double-edged sword.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Empowering Design Enthusiasts

Pabbly Email Marketing caters to both the design novices and the enthusiasts who revel in creative freedom. The platform offers a range of features designed to give you control over the aesthetic aspects of your campaigns.

Pabbly Email Marketing supports an HTML email editor, providing a playground for those who prefer to code their email templates. This feature opens up a world of possibilities for design customization, making it an ideal choice for businesses with specific branding requirements.

Pabbly Email Marketing allows you to go beyond basic design elements, offering advanced customization options. From modifying color schemes to tweaking font styles, the platform ensures that your emails align seamlessly with your brand identity.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s design features offer extensive customization, beginners might find the learning curve steeper compared to Mailigen’s more intuitive approach. The depth of customization, however, is a treasure trove for those with a keen eye for design.

Precision Targeting: Audience Segmentation Unveiled

In the realm of email marketing, sending the right message to the right audience is a strategic move that can significantly impact the success of your campaigns. Let’s delve into how Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing approach audience segmentation, ensuring your messages resonate with the individuals who matter most.

Mailigen: Streamlining Segmentation for Success

Mailigen’s approach to audience segmentation revolves around simplicity and effectiveness. The platform offers a range of segmentation options that cater to marketers at various skill levels.

Mailigen allows you to create segments based on fundamental criteria such as contact attributes and engagement history. This simplicity ensures that even those new to email marketing can effectively target specific groups within their subscriber list.

Mailigen’s automation features extend to segmentation, enabling you to create targeted campaigns based on subscriber behavior. For example, you can set up an automation sequence to send follow-up emails to subscribers who opened a specific email but didn’t make a purchase.

While Mailigen’s segmentation options cover essential scenarios, businesses with highly intricate targeting requirements might find the platform’s features somewhat basic.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Advanced Segmentation for Personalized Engagement

Pabbly Email Marketing takes audience segmentation to a more advanced level, offering a nuanced approach to targeting your subscribers. The platform allows you to create segments based on various criteria, including contact attributes, behavior, and interactions with your emails.

Pabbly Email Marketing shines in its support for behavioral triggers, allowing you to automate campaigns based on specific actions taken by your subscribers. Whether it’s opening an email, clicking a link, or making a purchase, you can trigger targeted follow-up messages to nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Pabbly Email Marketing introduces dynamic segmentation, automatically updating segments based on changes in subscriber behavior. This real-time adaptation ensures that your campaigns stay relevant, making it a powerful tool for marketers who value personalized and timely communication.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s segmentation features provide a higher degree of customization, the abundance of options might be overwhelming for users who prefer a simpler approach. Beginners might need some time to familiarize themselves with the platform’s extensive targeting capabilities.

Automation Mastery: Streamlining Your Workflow

In the dynamic world of email marketing, automation is the engine that propels your campaigns forward. Both Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing recognize the importance of automation in optimizing workflow and nurturing leads. Let’s unravel the automation capabilities of each platform to help you decide which one aligns better with your business needs.

Mailigen: Simple Automation Sequences

Mailigen offers a suite of automation features designed to streamline your workflow without overwhelming you with complexity. The platform’s automation sequences, often referred to as workflows, enable you to create a series of actions triggered by specific events or conditions.

Mailigen excels in setting up welcome series and follow-up sequences. You can automate the delivery of welcome emails to new subscribers and schedule a series of follow-ups to nurture leads over time. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process, making automation accessible even to those with limited technical expertise.

Mailigen’s automation extends to subscriber behavior triggers, allowing you to send targeted emails based on specific actions taken by your audience. Whether it’s opening an email, clicking a link, or making a purchase, you can tailor your automated campaigns to match your subscribers’ interactions.

While Mailigen’s automation features cover fundamental scenarios, businesses with intricate automation needs or those looking to implement complex branching workflows might find the platform’s capabilities somewhat basic.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Orchestrating Advanced Campaigns

Pabbly Email Marketing positions itself as a tool that goes beyond basic automation, offering a suite of features to create personalized and dynamic customer journeys. The platform’s automation builder allows you to set up complex workflows with conditional branching based on user behavior.

Pabbly Email Marketing shines in its support for behavioral triggers, allowing you to automate campaigns based on specific actions taken by your subscribers. Whether it’s opening an email, clicking a link, or making a purchase, you can trigger targeted follow-up messages to nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Pabbly Email Marketing’s automation extends to drip campaigns, enabling you to send a series of pre-scheduled emails over time. This feature is particularly powerful for nurturing leads and maintaining engagement with your audience. Pabbly Email Marketing’s focus on personalization ensures that your automated campaigns feel tailored to individual subscriber journeys.

The depth of customization in Pabbly Email Marketing’s automation features provides a higher level of flexibility, but it may pose a steeper learning curve for users new to marketing automation. However, the platform’s flexibility can be a significant advantage for businesses with complex automation requirements.

Analytics Unveiled: Evaluating Performance with Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing

Understanding the performance of your email campaigns is pivotal for refining your strategy and achieving optimal results. Both Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing offer analytics and reporting features to help you gain insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns. Let’s explore how these platforms empower you to track and measure the impact of your email marketing efforts.

Mailigen: Clear Insights for Informed Decisions

Mailigen provides a user-friendly interface that gives marketers access to a range of essential analytics tools. The platform aims to present key metrics in a clear and concise manner, allowing you to quickly assess the success of your campaigns.

Mailigen offers insights into open rates and click-through rates, providing a comprehensive view of how your audience engages with your emails. These metrics are broken down by individual campaigns, enabling you to identify high-performing content and areas for improvement.

Understanding the health of your email list is crucial for deliverability. Mailigen’s analytics include bounce and unsubscribe rates, helping you monitor the quality of your subscriber base and take corrective actions when needed.

Mailigen goes a step further by providing information about the devices used to open emails and the geographical locations of your audience. This data is valuable for tailoring your campaigns to the preferences and behaviors of your subscribers.

While Mailigen’s analytics offer clarity and ease of use, users seeking more advanced features or the ability to create custom reports may find the platform’s analytics somewhat basic.

Pabbly Email Marketing: In-Depth Analytics for Data Aficionados

Pabbly Email Marketing takes analytics to a more advanced level, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for marketers who crave detailed insights into their campaigns.

Pabbly Email Marketing extends beyond traditional email metrics, incorporating behavior tracking. This feature allows you to see how subscribers interact with your website after clicking on your email, providing a holistic view of their journey. Additionally, the platform supports conversion tracking, allowing you to attribute specific actions, such as purchases or form submissions, directly to your email campaigns.

Pabbly Email Marketing facilitates A/B testing, allowing you to experiment with different elements of your emails and analyze the results. The platform provides detailed insights into the performance of each variation, empowering you to optimize your campaigns based on data-driven decisions.

Pabbly Email Marketing provides insights into subscriber engagement trends over time. Understanding how your audience’s behavior evolves can guide you in tailoring your content and strategies to match their preferences.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s advanced analytics offer unparalleled depth, users who prefer a simpler approach or those new to email marketing might find the wealth of information overwhelming.

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Navigating Support: A Closer Look at Customer Assistance

Embarking on your email marketing journey requires a reliable support system to guide you through challenges and ensure a smooth experience. Let’s explore how Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing approach customer assistance, ensuring you have the support you need when navigating these platforms.

Mailigen: Support for Every Step

Mailigen provides a range of customer support options to assist users with diverse needs. The platform features a comprehensive knowledge base containing articles, guides, and tutorials. This self-help resource can be instrumental for users looking to troubleshoot issues independently or explore advanced features.

For more direct assistance, Mailigen offers email support. Users can submit their queries via email and can expect a response from the support team. While this can be an effective way to get personalized assistance, the turnaround time for email support may vary based on the nature and complexity of the inquiry.

Mailigen also offers live chat support during business hours. This real-time communication channel allows users to get quick answers to pressing questions, making it a valuable resource for those seeking immediate assistance.

However, users looking for phone support may find Mailigen’s options limited, as the platform doesn’t offer direct phone assistance. The absence of phone support might be a drawback for those who prefer real-time conversations when troubleshooting issues.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Holistic Support with a Personal Touch

Pabbly Email Marketing adopts a holistic approach to customer support, offering a variety of resources to cater to different learning preferences and support needs.
Similar to Mailigen, Pabbly Email Marketing provides a comprehensive knowledge base with articles, guides, and tutorials. This resource is designed to help users find answers to common questions and navigate the platform more effectively.

Pabbly Email Marketing offers live chat support, allowing users to engage with the support team in real-time. This instant communication channel can be instrumental in resolving issues promptly. Additionally, Pabbly Email Marketing provides email support for users who prefer a more asynchronous method of communication.

What sets Pabbly Email Marketing apart is its commitment to personalized support. Users on higher-tier plans often benefit from priority support, ensuring their inquiries receive expedited attention. This personalized touch can be a significant advantage for businesses with mission-critical needs and tight deadlines.

Pabbly Email Marketing goes the extra mile by offering training sessions and onboarding assistance. This can be particularly beneficial for users who are new to the platform or those looking to explore advanced features. The availability of live training sessions ensures that users have the opportunity to interact with experts and get tailored guidance.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s support options cover a wide spectrum, the absence of phone support may be a drawback for users who prefer direct phone communication when troubleshooting issues.

Pricing Decoded: Unveiling the Cost Structures

In the quest for the perfect email marketing tool, understanding pricing structures is like deciphering a vital map in your marketing journey. Let’s unravel the intricacies of how Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing approach pricing, ensuring you have a crystal-clear picture of the costs associated with each platform.

Pabbly Email MarketingRookie Plan: Starting at $29/month for up to 5,000 subscribers with unlimited emails.
Pro Plan: Starting at $49/month for up to 15,000 subscribers.
Advance Plan: Ranges from $99/month (for 50,000 subscribers) to $1,749/month (for 1,000,000 subscribers), offering advanced features and higher sending limits.
All plans include SMTP routing, workflow automation, and multi-user access.
MailigenPricing Structure: Based on the number of subscribers.
Basic Plans:
Up to 500 subscribers: Starts at approximately $10/month.
Up to 2,500 subscribers: Starts at approximately $25/month.
Up to 5,000 subscribers: Starts at approximately $40/month.
Higher Volume Plans:
Up to 10,000 subscribers: Pricing available upon request.
Up to 25,000 subscribers and more: Custom pricing.

Mailigen: Transparent and Scalable Pricing

Mailigen adopts a transparent pricing model designed to cater to the needs of businesses with varying email marketing requirements.

Mailigen provides both subscription plans and pay-as-you-go options, offering flexibility for different usage patterns. Subscription plans are based on the number of subscribers in your list, providing a predictable cost structure for businesses with consistent email marketing needs. Pay-as-you-go options are suitable for those with irregular or seasonal campaigns, allowing you to purchase credits based on the number of emails you plan to send.

Mailigen’s subscription plans come with different pricing tiers, each unlocking a set number of subscribers and email sending limits. As your subscriber list grows, you can seamlessly move to a higher tier, ensuring scalability as your business expands.

While Mailigen’s pricing model is transparent and scalable, some users might find that the per-email cost in the pay-as-you-go model is higher compared to subscription plans. Carefully evaluating your email marketing frequency is essential to choose the pricing model that aligns with your budget and usage patterns.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Versatility in Features and Pricing

Pabbly Email Marketing’s pricing structure reflects its positioning as an all-in-one marketing solution, encompassing a broader spectrum of features beyond email marketing.

Pabbly Email Marketing offers tiered subscription plans, each unlocking a varying set of features. The plans are structured based on the number of subscribers in your database, allowing you to choose a level that aligns with the size of your audience.

Unlike Mailigen’s pay-as-you-go model, Pabbly Email Marketing’s subscription plans typically include a certain number of emails per month as part of the overall package. This can simplify budgeting for businesses with consistent email marketing needs, as the pricing is more inclusive.

Pabbly Email Marketing’s pricing tiers come with different levels of access to advanced features such as automation, behavioral tracking, and multi-channel marketing. As you move up the tiers, you gain access to a more extensive suite of tools, catering to businesses with diverse marketing requirements.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s tiered pricing allows for scalability and access to advanced features, it’s essential to carefully evaluate your specific needs and choose a plan that aligns with your budget and the scope of your marketing strategy.

User Interface Exploration: Navigating Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing

The user interface of an email marketing platform is akin to the cockpit of your marketing endeavors — it should be intuitive, efficient, and empower you to navigate seamlessly through your campaigns. Let’s dive into the user interfaces of Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing to uncover how each platform facilitates your email marketing experience.

Mailigen: Simplicity in Design

Mailigen prides itself on providing a user-friendly interface that prioritizes simplicity without sacrificing functionality. The platform’s dashboard welcomes you with a clean layout, offering easy access to essential features.

Upon logging in, Mailigen’s dashboard provides a quick overview of your recent campaigns, subscriber activity, and key performance metrics. This snapshot ensures you can grasp the pulse of your email marketing efforts at a glance.

Mailigen’s email creation process is streamlined with its drag-and-drop editor. Whether you’re designing a newsletter, promotional email, or automation sequence, the intuitive editor allows you to arrange elements effortlessly. The simplicity of the editor is a boon for users who prioritize a quick and straightforward email creation process.

Mailigen’s navigation menu is logically organized, making it easy to switch between campaigns, automation workflows, and subscriber management. The platform’s approach is to guide users through a step-by-step process, ensuring that even beginners can navigate their way without feeling overwhelmed.

While Mailigen’s interface excels in simplicity, some users may find the design somewhat basic. If you prefer a more feature-rich interface or advanced customization options, Mailigen’s simplicity might be a trade-off.

Pabbly Email Marketing: Comprehensive Control with Complexity

Pabbly Email Marketing’s interface is designed for marketers who crave extensive control over their campaigns and are comfortable with a more intricate layout.

Pabbly Email Marketing offers a customizable dashboard where you can arrange widgets to prioritize the metrics that matter most to you. This personalized dashboard ensures that you have quick access to the information relevant to your current focus.

Pabbly Email Marketing’s email editor provides an array of features, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your emails. From detailed styling options to HTML editing for those who prefer coding, the platform caters to users with diverse design preferences.

Pabbly Email Marketing goes beyond email, offering multi-channel marketing features. The interface allows you to seamlessly navigate between email marketing, form building, and subscription management. This consolidated approach is ideal for businesses seeking an all-in-one solution for their marketing needs.

While Pabbly Email Marketing’s interface provides extensive control, users who prioritize simplicity might find the platform’s design overwhelming. The depth of features and customization options caters to marketers comfortable with a more intricate user experience.


In the labyrinth of email marketing tools, Mailigen and Pabbly Email Marketing emerge as contenders, each with its unique strengths and nuances. As we conclude our exploration, it’s time to distill the essence of these platforms and guide you toward the one that aligns seamlessly with your marketing goals.

Mailigen stands as a beacon of simplicity and efficiency. If you value a straightforward and user-friendly interface, along with transparent and scalable pricing, Mailigen could be your trusted ally. Its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, clear analytics, and accessible support options make it an excellent choice for those who prefer a no-frills approach to their campaigns.

On the other side, Pabbly Email Marketing positions itself as a comprehensive marketing solution, catering to marketers who seek advanced features and extensive customization. If you crave in-depth analytics, intricate automation workflows, and a versatile interface that extends beyond email, Pabbly Email Marketing could be the robust solution you’re searching for.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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