Mailchimp vs Sendy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Comparing Mailchimp and Sendy for 2024: Find out which tool offers better email marketing features, pricing, and user experience.

Choosing the right email marketing tool is like finding the perfect pair of shoes for a marathon – it needs to fit just right and keep you comfortable every step of the way. In 2024, two contenders stand out in the email marketing race: Mailchimp and Sendy. Both are popular, but for different reasons. Mailchimp is the established, feature-rich platform, while Sendy is the cost-effective, self-hosted solution. Let’s lace up and explore these tools in detail, starting with one key area of comparison.

Feature Comparison: Ease of Use and User Interface

The ease of use and interface of an email marketing tool are crucial. It’s like the dashboard of a car – you want it to be intuitive, easy to navigate, and efficient in getting you where you need to go. Let’s dive into how Mailchimp and Sendy compare in this regard.

Mailchimp – The Intuitive Leader

Mailchimp has long been celebrated for its user-friendly interface. It’s like walking into a well-organized room where everything is in its place. From the moment you log in, you’re greeted with a clean, intuitive dashboard. Setting up campaigns, managing your email list, and analyzing reports are all straightforward processes.

For beginners, Mailchimp is like a friendly guide. It offers a host of templates and pre-designed layouts, making the creation of professional-looking emails a breeze. The drag-and-drop editor is a dream to use, allowing you to customize emails without needing any technical know-how. This approachability makes Mailchimp a go-to for businesses of all sizes, especially those without dedicated marketing teams.

Sendy – The DIY Challenger

Sendy, in contrast, offers a different experience. It’s like building your own workspace – it requires more effort, but you get to set it up exactly how you like it. As a self-hosted platform, Sendy gives you full control over your email marketing environment. This means you can customize it to fit your specific needs and preferences.

However, this level of control comes with a trade-off in ease of use. Setting up Sendy requires some technical skills, as you need to host it on your server. The interface, while straightforward, lacks the polished feel of Mailchimp. It’s more utilitarian – focusing on functionality over form. For businesses with technical know-how or those willing to invest time in setup and customization, Sendy offers a powerful, cost-effective solution.

Who Wins in User-Friendliness?

When it comes to ease of use and user interface, Mailchimp clearly takes the lead. Its intuitive design, combined with a host of user-friendly features, makes it accessible for users of all skill levels. For businesses looking for a hassle-free, easy-to-navigate email marketing platform, Mailchimp is the ideal choice.

Sendy, while not as intuitive as Mailchimp, shines in its customizable nature. It’s best suited for those who have the technical skills to manage a self-hosted platform and desire a more hands-on approach to their email marketing tools.

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Pricing and Cost-Effectiveness: Balancing Budget with Features

Choosing an email marketing tool is not just about features; it’s also a financial decision. It’s like planning a budget for a road trip – you need to balance the cost with the experiences you want to have. Let’s compare Mailchimp and Sendy in terms of pricing and cost-effectiveness.


  • Free Plan: Available with basic features, suitable for up to 2,000 contacts and 10,000 sends per month with a daily limit of 2,000.
  • Essentials Plan: Starting at around $9.99/month, this plan includes all email templates, A/B testing, custom branding, and support for up to 50,000 contacts.
  • Standard Plan: Starting at approximately $14.99/month, this offers additional features like retargeting ads, advanced insights, and automation tools, catering to up to 100,000 contacts.
  • Premium Plan: Starting from $299/month, aimed at larger businesses, offering advanced segmentation, multivariate testing, and unlimited seats and role-based access.


  • Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
  • One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
  • Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.

Mailchimp – A Flexible, Feature-Rich Platform

Mailchimp offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different business sizes and needs. Starting with a free plan, it’s like entering a buffet – you get to taste the essentials before deciding if you want more. The free plan is quite comprehensive, offering basic features suitable for small businesses or startups just beginning their email marketing journey.

As your needs grow, Mailchimp offers several tiered pricing options. Each tier adds more advanced features like segmentation, A/B testing, and advanced analytics. These plans are based on the number of contacts and email sends, making it easy to scale as your business grows. While Mailchimp is not the cheapest option on the market, the breadth of features and user-friendly interface justify the investment for many businesses.

Sendy – Cost-Effective for the Tech-Savvy

Sendy represents a different approach to pricing. It’s like buying a high-efficiency car – the upfront cost is higher, but it’s cheaper to run in the long term. Sendy requires a one-time license fee, which grants you access to the software. From there, you pay for the emails you send through Amazon SES, which typically offers lower rates than most email marketing services.

The appeal of Sendy’s pricing model is in its cost-effectiveness, especially for businesses with large email lists. After the initial setup, the ongoing costs can be significantly lower than traditional email marketing platforms. However, it’s worth noting that this cost advantage is most pronounced for those who have the technical capability to manage a self-hosted solution.

Making the Cost-Effective Choice

When it comes to pricing and cost-effectiveness, the choice between Mailchimp and Sendy hinges on your budget, technical ability, and long-term email marketing needs. Mailchimp is ideal for businesses that value a broad range of features and ease of use, and are willing to invest a bit more for a polished, all-in-one service.

Sendy, on the other hand, is a compelling choice for technically adept users or those with larger email lists, where the long-term cost savings can be substantial. The initial time and effort investment in setting up and managing Sendy can pay off with lower ongoing costs.

Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Marketing Automation

In today’s digital marketing world, the ability to integrate your email marketing tool with other software is like having a well-oiled machine; everything runs smoother and more efficiently. Let’s delve into how Mailchimp and Sendy stack up in terms of integration capabilities.

Mailchimp – The Integration Powerhouse

Mailchimp shines brightly when it comes to integrations. It’s like having a universal key that unlocks numerous doors to various platforms and services. From CRM systems and e-commerce platforms to social media tools and analytics software, Mailchimp offers a vast array of integration options.

These integrations enhance the functionality of Mailchimp, allowing you to streamline your marketing efforts. For example, integrating with e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce enables you to create targeted campaigns based on customer purchase behavior. Similarly, connecting Mailchimp with your CRM tool can help you nurture leads more effectively.

The beauty of Mailchimp’s integrations is their ease of use. Even without a deep technical background, most users can seamlessly connect Mailchimp with other tools, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

Sendy – Limited but Focused Integrations

Sendy’s approach to integration is more like a custom-fit suit rather than a one-size-fits-all garment. While it doesn’t offer the extensive range of integrations found in Mailchimp, it covers the essentials well. The integrations available in Sendy focus mainly on enhancing its core functionality – email sending through Amazon SES.

For businesses that rely heavily on Amazon Web Services (AWS) or those who prefer a more hands-on approach to manage their integrations, Sendy offers the necessary tools. However, it does require more technical expertise to set up and manage these integrations compared to Mailchimp.

Deciding on Integration Needs

When it comes to integration capabilities, your choice between Mailchimp and Sendy should be guided by the scope of your integration needs and your technical proficiency.

Mailchimp is the go-to choice for businesses looking for a wide range of easy-to-implement integrations. Its user-friendly interface and extensive integration options make it a versatile tool that can adapt to various business needs.

Sendy, while more limited in its integration offerings, can be a powerful option for those who have the technical know-how and specific requirements, especially in the AWS ecosystem. Its focused integrations offer a more tailored approach, suitable for businesses with specific, technical integration needs.

Automation and Personalization: Crafting Tailored Campaigns

Automation in email marketing is like having a skilled assistant who knows exactly what your customers want and when they want it. Both Mailchimp and Sendy offer automation features, but they approach them differently. Let’s explore how these tools help in creating more personalized and effective email campaigns.

Mailchimp – The Automated Marketing Maestro

Mailchimp excels in the realm of automation, offering a suite of tools that make it easy to send the right message at the right time. With Mailchimp, you can set up automated workflows that trigger based on specific actions, like a welcome series for new subscribers or a re-engagement campaign for inactive users.

One of the standout features of Mailchimp is its segmentation capabilities. You can segment your audience based on behavior, preferences, and past interactions, ensuring that your messages are highly targeted and relevant. This level of personalization not only improves engagement but also helps in building stronger relationships with your audience.

For businesses that prioritize detailed and sophisticated email campaigns, Mailchimp provides the tools and flexibility needed to create highly effective, automated email strategies.

Sendy – Simplified Automation for the Budget-Conscious

Sendy offers a more straightforward approach to automation. While it might not have the depth of features found in Mailchimp, it covers the basics well. You can set up autoresponders and basic automated sequences, which are sufficient for many small to medium-sized businesses.

Sendy’s strength in automation lies in its simplicity and affordability. For businesses that need basic automation without the frills and are working with a tighter budget, Sendy presents a viable solution. It allows for the essential level of automation without a steep learning curve or significant investment.

Choosing the Right Tool for Automation

The choice between Mailchimp and Sendy for automation and personalization boils down to the complexity of your needs and your budget.

If you require advanced automation capabilities, detailed segmentation, and personalization, Mailchimp is undoubtedly the better choice. Its comprehensive suite of tools allows for the creation of sophisticated, highly personalized email campaigns.

For those who need basic automation functionality at a lower cost, Sendy is a competent option. While it may lack advanced features, it offers the essential tools required for effective email marketing, especially suitable for small businesses or those just starting with email automation.


Mailchimp stands out as a comprehensive, user-friendly platform, ideal for businesses that need a robust suite of features including advanced automation, detailed segmentation, and a wide array of integrations. Its intuitive interface makes it accessible for users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced marketers. While it may come at a higher cost compared to Sendy, the range of features and ease of use justify the investment for many businesses, especially those looking to scale their email marketing efforts.

Sendy, on the other hand, offers a more budget-friendly solution, particularly suited for businesses with technical know-how or those willing to invest time in a self-hosted platform. Its strength lies in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, especially for those who have large mailing lists and are looking for basic automation features. Sendy is an excellent choice for businesses that prioritize affordability and have the technical capacity to manage a self-hosted email marketing tool.

Ultimately, the best email marketing tool for you in 2024 is the one that aligns with your business goals, technical capabilities, and budget. Whether you choose the comprehensive, feature-rich Mailchimp or the straightforward, cost-effective Sendy, both tools offer the potential to elevate your email marketing campaigns and engage your audience effectively.

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