Keap vs Wise Agent: The Best CRM Tool for You

Our review of Keap vs Wise Agent evaluates each CRM's strengths for real estate professionals, from marketing automation to client management.

Choosing the right CRM tool is akin to finding the perfect travel companion for your business journey. It needs to be reliable, adaptable, and ready to go the extra mile. In the bustling market of CRM solutions, Keap and Wise Agent stand out, but for varying reasons. Whether you’re a small business looking to streamline your operations or a real estate professional aiming for the top, the quest for the best CRM tool can be daunting. Let’s embark on a detailed comparison between Keap and Wise Agent.

Keap Wise Agent
Keap Wise Agent
G2 Score -4.2 out of 5G2 Score -3.6 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -8.1 out of 10TrustRadius Score -NA

Integration Capabilities

In today’s interconnected digital world, the ability of your CRM to seamlessly integrate with other tools and applications is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. A CRM should act as the central hub of your business operations, connecting various dots to create a cohesive workflow.

Keap’s Integration Ecosystem

Keap is designed with a robust integration framework, aiming to streamline business operations by connecting with a wide range of applications. Its primary focus is to automate and enhance sales and marketing processes, making it a powerhouse for businesses looking to grow their customer base and improve engagement. Keap integrates with leading e-commerce platforms and payment gateways, enabling businesses to manage online sales directly from their CRM.

It offers seamless connections with popular email marketing tools, allowing for sophisticated campaign management and tracking. Integration with Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365 ensures that email, calendar, and contact sync are in place, enhancing team collaboration and efficiency. Keap’s marketplace features a wide array of third-party integrations, covering everything from lead generation to customer service. Moreover, its API access facilitates custom integrations, providing businesses the flexibility to tailor their CRM ecosystem according to their unique needs.

Wise Agent’s Comprehensive Integration Suite

Tailored for real estate professionals, Wise Agent boasts a suite of integrations specifically chosen to enhance the real estate sales process. It focuses on creating a seamless experience, from lead generation to closing deals, by integrating with industry-specific tools and services. Wise Agent connects with major real estate platforms and MLS listings, ensuring agents have up-to-date information at their fingertips.

Integration with marketing platforms allows for automated drip campaigns and social media marketing, crucial for maintaining client relationships and lead nurturing in the real estate industry. It also integrates with financial and transaction management software, streamlining the closing process and financial tracking for agents. Besides offering real estate-centric integrations, Wise Agent also supports connectivity with common business tools for email, communication, and scheduling, alongside API access for custom integration needs.

Customer Support

The transition to a new CRM can be a significant change for any business, requiring not just initial training but ongoing support to ensure users can make the most of the platform’s features. Let’s examine how Keap and Wise Agent support their users in this critical area.

Customer Support in Keap

Keap is known for its commitment to providing comprehensive customer support. Recognizing that businesses depend on their CRM for daily operations, Keap offers multiple channels for customer assistance, including phone support, live chat, and email. This ensures that users can reach out for help in whichever way they find most convenient and receive timely solutions to their queries. Beyond reactive support, Keap also places a strong emphasis on proactive education.

New users are welcomed with a series of onboarding materials, including detailed guides and video tutorials, designed to smooth the learning curve. For those looking for more in-depth knowledge, Keap offers webinars and training courses, covering both basic functionalities and advanced features of the CRM. This blend of responsive support and rich educational content equips businesses with the resources they need to succeed with Keap.

Customer Support in Wise Agent

Wise Agent takes pride in offering targeted support tailored to the real estate sector, understanding the unique challenges and demands faced by its users. The platform provides 24/7 customer support through email and phone, ensuring that real estate professionals can get assistance at any hour, which is crucial in an industry where timing can be everything. In addition to its responsive support team, Wise Agent offers a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, how-to guides, and FAQs specifically crafted for real estate CRM users.

For those who prefer learning through visual content, Wise Agent’s library of video tutorials addresses a wide range of topics, from basic setup steps to leveraging advanced features for marketing and client management. This dedicated support structure underscores Wise Agent’s commitment to empowering real estate professionals with the tools and knowledge to maximize their CRM investment.

Marketing Automation

The integration of marketing automation features within a CRM platform offers businesses the tools needed to execute comprehensive, multi-channel marketing campaigns, track their effectiveness, and nurture leads through the sales funnel more efficiently.

Marketing Automation in Keap

Keap is particularly strong in its marketing automation capabilities, designed to serve small businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts with minimal manual intervention. The platform offers a suite of tools that allow users to create custom, automated marketing workflows that can help in lead capture, email marketing, and lead nurturing processes. Keap’s visual campaign builder is one of its standout features, enabling users to design complex marketing automation sequences through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. This tool allows for the automation of emails, text messages, and other actions based on triggers like lead behavior or milestone achievements.

Keap allows for detailed segmentation of contacts, enabling personalized marketing efforts based on customer data, behavior, and preferences. This level of customization ensures that marketing messages are relevant and timely, increasing engagement and conversion rates. Integrated analytics tools offer insights into the performance of marketing campaigns, providing valuable data on open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement. This enables businesses to refine their marketing strategies for better results continually.

Marketing Automation in Wise Agent

While Wise Agent primarily focuses on real estate CRM functionalities, it also includes marketing automation features tailored to the needs of real estate professionals. These tools are designed to automate routine marketing tasks, freeing up time for agents to focus on personal interactions with clients. Wise Agent offers drip email marketing features that allow agents to automate follow-up with leads and clients over time.

This is particularly useful in the real estate industry, where nurturing relationships can lead to repeat business and referrals. Understanding the importance of social media in real estate marketing, Wise Agent integrates with social media platforms, enabling automated posting and engagement tracking directly from the CRM. A library of marketing templates, including email templates and flyers, is available to users, making it easier to create professional-looking marketing materials without needing extensive design skills.


Understanding the cost implications of your CRM choice is crucial, as it impacts not just the initial budgeting but also long-term financial planning for your business’s growth and scalability.

Pricing in Keap

Keap Pricing

Keap’s pricing strategy is designed with scalability and flexibility in mind, catering to businesses at various stages of growth. The platform offers multiple pricing tiers, each with a set of features intended to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses looking to enhance their customer relationship management and marketing efforts.

Keap provides several plans, starting with a basic option for businesses just beginning to automate their processes, up to more advanced plans offering comprehensive automation and CRM capabilities. This structure allows businesses to start small and upgrade as their needs evolve, ensuring they’re only paying for the features they need at any given time.

Keap often includes a free trial period, allowing businesses to test the platform before committing. Additionally, some plans include personalized onboarding sessions to help new users get the most out of their investment from the start. It’s important for potential users to note that some advanced features and integrations may come at an additional cost, depending on the chosen plan. This factor should be considered when calculating the total cost of ownership.

Pricing in Wise Agent

Wise Agent Pricing

Wise Agent positions itself as an affordable CRM solution specifically designed for real estate professionals. Its pricing model is straightforward, offering a comprehensive set of features without the complexity of multiple tiers, making it an attractive option for individual agents, teams, and brokerages.

Wise Agent simplifies decision-making with a one-size-fits-all approach, where one monthly fee grants access to all features, including customer support, marketing tools, and transaction management functionalities. This approach ensures users have full access to the platform’s capabilities without worrying about tier restrictions.

To encourage long-term commitments, Wise Agent offers discounts to users who opt for annual billing, providing significant savings over the monthly payment option. Transparency in pricing means users can plan their budgets without concerns over unexpected costs for additional features or support.

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Analytics and Reporting

The capacity to analyze performance metrics and generate insightful reports can significantly empower businesses to make data-driven decisions, tailor customer experiences, and optimize sales and marketing strategies for better outcomes.

Analytics and Reporting in Keap

Keap offers robust analytics and reporting functionalities designed to cater to the needs of small businesses seeking to grow. Its platform provides a variety of pre-built reports alongside customizable options, allowing businesses to track their sales, marketing effectiveness, and overall business health. A standout feature within Keap is its sales reports, which give detailed insights into the sales pipeline, including conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle lengths.

This information is crucial for understanding sales performance and identifying areas for improvement. Additionally, Keap’s marketing reports offer valuable data on campaign performance, such as email open rates and click-through rates, helping businesses refine their marketing strategies for higher engagement and conversion. The ability to customize reports ensures that businesses can focus on the metrics that matter most to them, making data analysis more relevant and actionable.

Analytics and Reporting in Wise Agent

Wise Agent, tailored for the real estate industry, incorporates analytics and reporting features that provide real estate professionals with insights into their operations and client interactions. The platform focuses on delivering practical, industry-specific reports that can help agents and brokers optimize their workflows and client engagement strategies.

Wise Agent offers transaction reports that track the progress and outcomes of real estate deals, providing agents with a clear view of their success rates and areas where they can improve. Furthermore, the CRM includes marketing analytics that measure the effectiveness of email campaigns and social media efforts, essential for agents relying on digital marketing to generate leads. The platform also allows for the tracking of client communication and interactions, ensuring agents can maintain a high level of service and follow-up efficiently.

Final Thoughts

Selecting the right CRM tool is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, customer engagement, and growth trajectory. Whether Keap’s broad functionality and scalability make it the right choice for your business or Wise Agent’s real estate-specific features and straightforward pricing better suit your needs, the ideal CRM should not only meet your current requirements but also support your business as it evolves.


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