Instagram Marketing Statistics You Can’t Ignore in 2024

Explore must-know Instagram marketing statistics for 2024. Learn how to leverage Instagram's features to boost your brand's visibility and engagement.

Instagram continues to dominate the social media landscape, becoming a crucial platform for businesses and marketers. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it’s no surprise that brands are flocking to Instagram to engage with their audience, drive sales, and build their online presence. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, understanding the latest Instagram marketing statistics can help you craft a more effective strategy for 2024. In this article, we’ll dive into some must-know statistics, presented in a way that answers common questions users might have. Let’s get started!

1. How Many Instagram Users Follow Businesses?

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90% of Instagram Users Follow at Least One Business

With 90% of Instagram users following at least one business, it’s clear that the platform is a vital space for brand engagement. This statistic underscores the importance of having a strong presence on Instagram.

Users are not just there to connect with friends and family but are also interested in what brands have to offer. This means your business has a significant opportunity to reach potential customers who are already inclined to engage with brands on the platform.

Actionable Advice:

To leverage this statistic, make sure your Instagram profile is optimized for business. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Profile Optimization: Ensure your bio clearly states what your business does and includes a call-to-action, such as a link to your website or a promotion.
  • Content Consistency: Regularly post high-quality content that aligns with your brand’s voice and values. Consistency helps in retaining followers and attracting new ones.
  • Engage with Followers: Respond to comments and messages promptly to build a relationship with your audience. Engaging with your followers makes them feel valued and more likely to continue following your brand.

2. What is the Current User Base of Instagram?

Instagram Has Over 2 Billion Monthly Active Users

Instagram’s user base continues to grow, with over 2 billion monthly active users as of 2024. This massive audience provides an unparalleled opportunity for brands to reach a diverse and global audience. The platform’s growth shows no signs of slowing down, making it an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

Actionable Advice:

Given Instagram’s extensive user base, it is crucial to tailor your content to appeal to a wide range of users. Here’s how:

  • Localized Content: Create content that appeals to different demographics and regions. Use Instagram’s location tags and geo-targeted ads to reach users in specific areas.
  • Audience Insights: Utilize Instagram Insights to understand the demographics, behaviors, and preferences of your followers. Tailor your content strategy based on these insights to increase engagement.
  • Diverse Content Formats: Use a mix of photos, videos, carousels, and stories to keep your audience engaged. Different users prefer different types of content, so variety can help you reach a broader audience.

3. How Do Instagram Users Discover New Products?

83% of Users Discover New Products and Services on Instagram

A staggering 83% of Instagram users report discovering new products and services on the platform. This statistic highlights the power of Instagram as a discovery tool. By utilizing Instagram’s various features, such as Stories, Reels, and Shopping, brands can effectively showcase their products and attract new customers.

Actionable Advice:

To make the most of Instagram’s discovery potential, consider these strategies:

  • Leverage Instagram Stories: Use Stories to highlight new product launches, special promotions, and behind-the-scenes content. Add interactive elements like polls and questions to increase engagement.
  • Utilize Reels: Create short, engaging videos that showcase your products in action. Reels have a higher chance of being discovered by new users due to Instagram’s algorithm.
  • Instagram Shopping: Set up Instagram Shopping to allow users to browse and purchase products directly from your profile. Tag your products in posts and stories to make it easy for users to find and buy them.

500 Million Users Use Instagram Stories Daily

Instagram Stories are a popular feature, with 500 million users engaging with them daily. Stories offer a unique way to share content that is temporary but highly engaging. Brands can use Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, run limited-time promotions, and create a sense of urgency with their audience.

Actionable Advice:

Maximize the potential of Instagram Stories with these tips:

  • Frequent Updates: Post Stories regularly to keep your audience engaged. Since Stories disappear after 24 hours, frequent updates ensure that your brand remains top-of-mind.
  • Use Interactive Features: Incorporate polls, quizzes, and question stickers to engage your audience and gather valuable feedback.
  • Highlight Important Stories: Use the Highlights feature to save and categorize your best Stories, making them easily accessible to users who visit your profile.

5. Do Hashtags Increase Engagement on Instagram?

Instagram Posts with Hashtags Average 12.6% More Engagement

Using hashtags can significantly boost engagement on your Instagram posts. On average, posts with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement than those without. Hashtags help increase the visibility of your content, making it easier for users to discover your posts and engage with them.

Actionable Advice:

To effectively use hashtags, consider the following:

  • Research Relevant Hashtags: Use tools like Hashtagify or Instagram’s search function to find popular and relevant hashtags in your niche.
  • Mix Popular and Niche Hashtags: Combine widely-used hashtags with more specific ones to reach both broad and targeted audiences.
  • Create a Branded Hashtag: Develop a unique hashtag for your brand to encourage user-generated content and track brand-related posts.

6. How Important is Instagram for Shopping Enthusiasts?

70% of Shopping Enthusiasts Turn to Instagram for Product Discovery

Instagram has become a go-to platform for shopping enthusiasts, with 70% of users turning to the platform for product discovery. This statistic highlights the importance of having a robust shopping strategy on Instagram. Brands can leverage Instagram Shopping features to make it easy for users to browse and purchase products directly from the app.

Actionable Advice:

Enhance your shopping strategy on Instagram with these tips:

  • Enable Instagram Shopping: Set up Instagram Shopping to allow users to purchase products directly from your posts and Stories. This feature provides a seamless shopping experience.
  • Product Tags: Use product tags in your posts and stories to make it easy for users to find and buy your products. Highlight different products regularly to keep your audience interested.
  • Shoppable Content: Create engaging content that showcases your products in real-life scenarios. User-generated content, influencer collaborations, and product demonstrations can help drive sales.

7. Do Video Posts Perform Better on Instagram?

Video Posts Receive 38% More Engagement Than Image Posts

Video content is king on Instagram, with video posts receiving 38% more engagement than image posts. This means that incorporating video into your content strategy can significantly boost your engagement rates. Whether through Reels, IGTV, or regular video posts, using video can help capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

Actionable Advice:

Boost your video content strategy with these tips:

  • Create High-Quality Videos: Invest in good lighting, sound, and editing to produce professional-looking videos that capture your audience’s attention.
  • Tell a Story: Use videos to tell compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Storytelling can create an emotional connection and encourage viewers to engage with your content.
  • Short and Engaging: Keep your videos short and to the point. Attention spans are short on social media, so aim to capture your audience’s interest within the first few seconds.

8. How Do Users Learn About New Products on Instagram?

60% of Users Learn About New Products on Instagram

Instagram is a powerful platform for product discovery, with 60% of users reporting that they learn about new products on the platform. This statistic underscores the importance of showcasing your products effectively on Instagram. By using high-quality images, engaging videos, and detailed descriptions, you can capture the interest of potential customers.

Actionable Advice:

Effectively showcase your products on Instagram with these strategies:

  • High-Quality Visuals: Use high-resolution images and videos to highlight your products. Quality visuals can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining viewers.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide detailed and informative descriptions of your products. Include key features, benefits, and any unique selling points to help users make informed decisions.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your products and repost their content. User-generated content can build trust and authenticity.

9. What is the Potential Reach of Instagram Ads?

Instagram Ads Have a Potential Reach of 1.4 Billion Users

Instagram ads offer a vast potential reach, with the capability to reach up to 1.4 billion users. This makes Instagram an attractive platform for advertising, allowing brands to target a large and diverse audience. By utilizing Instagram’s advanced targeting options, businesses can ensure their ads reach the right people.

Actionable Advice:

Maximize the reach and effectiveness of your Instagram ads with these tips:

  • Targeting Options: Use Instagram’s targeting options to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Tailoring your ads to your ideal audience can improve engagement and conversions.
  • Ad Formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and Stories ads. Each format has unique benefits and can help you achieve different objectives.
  • Compelling Creative: Create visually appealing and engaging ad creatives that capture attention. Use clear calls-to-action to encourage users to take the desired action, such as visiting your website or making a purchase.

10. How Effective Are Instagram Ads?

Instagram ads are highly effective, with 75% of users taking action after viewing an ad. This includes actions such as visiting a website, making a purchase, or following a brand. This statistic highlights the potential ROI of advertising on Instagram, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to drive conversions.

75% of Users Take Action After Viewing an Instagram Ad

Instagram ads are highly effective, with 75% of users taking action after viewing an ad. This includes actions such as visiting a website, making a purchase, or following a brand. This statistic highlights the potential ROI of advertising on Instagram, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to drive conversions.

Actionable Advice:

Enhance the effectiveness of your Instagram ads with these strategies:

  • Clear Call-to-Action: Ensure your ads have a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA). Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Sign Up,” a strong CTA can drive users to take action.
  • A/B Testing: Continuously test different ad creatives, headlines, and CTAs to identify what works best for your audience. Use A/B testing to refine your ads and improve performance.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Implement retargeting campaigns to reach users who have previously interacted with your brand. Retargeting can help convert interested users into customers.

11. What is the Engagement Rate for Brands on Instagram?

Brands on Instagram Have a Median Engagement Rate of 1.6%

Brands on Instagram enjoy a median engagement rate of 1.6%, which is relatively high compared to other social media platforms. This engagement rate includes likes, comments, and shares, indicating that users are actively interacting with branded content. This high level of engagement makes Instagram an ideal platform for brands looking to build a loyal and interactive community.

Actionable Advice:

Boost your brand’s engagement rate on Instagram with these tips:

  • Interactive Content: Create interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, and question stickers, to encourage user participation and engagement.
  • Consistent Posting: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and interested in your content. Consistency helps build a loyal following.
  • Engage Back: Respond to comments and messages to foster a sense of community and show that you value your followers’ input.

12. How Often Do Users Engage with Shopping Posts?

130 Million Users Tap on Shopping Posts Every Month

Shopping posts on Instagram see significant engagement, with 130 million users tapping on these posts every month. This statistic demonstrates the effectiveness of Instagram’s shopping features, such as product tags and shopping stickers. Brands can use these features to drive traffic to their online stores and increase sales.

Actionable Advice:

Make the most of Instagram’s shopping features with these strategies:

  • Product Tagging: Tag your products in posts and stories to make it easy for users to learn more and make a purchase. Highlight different products regularly to keep your audience interested.
  • Shoppable Stories: Use the shopping sticker in Stories to showcase your products and provide a direct link to purchase. Stories are highly engaging and can drive significant traffic to your store.
  • Promote Sales and Offers: Announce special promotions, discounts, and limited-time offers through shoppable posts and stories to create urgency and drive sales.

13. Do Location Tags Improve Engagement?

Posts with a Location Tag Receive 79% Higher Engagement

Including a location tag in your Instagram posts can boost engagement by 79%. Location tags help users discover your content based on their geographical interests, making it more relevant and engaging. This is particularly useful for local businesses looking to attract customers from their vicinity.

Actionable Advice:

Increase your engagement with location tags using these tips:

  • Local Events: Tag your posts with locations of local events or popular spots to increase visibility among users in that area.
  • Geotargeted Content: Create content that is relevant to specific locations and tag those locations to attract local audiences.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to tag your business location in their posts. Repost their content to build a sense of community and increase your reach.

14. How Do People Use Instagram for Research?

81% of People Use Instagram to Research Products and Services

Instagram is not just a platform for socializing; it’s also a valuable tool for research. 81% of users utilize Instagram to research products and services before making a purchase decision. This behavior emphasizes the need for brands to provide detailed and accurate information about their products on their Instagram profiles.

Actionable Advice:

Help users research your products effectively with these strategies:

  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide comprehensive and informative descriptions of your products in your posts. Highlight key features, benefits, and use cases to help users make informed decisions.
  • Customer Reviews: Share customer reviews and testimonials in your posts and stories. Positive feedback from other customers can build trust and influence purchase decisions.
  • Educational Content: Create educational content, such as how-to guides, tutorials, and FAQs, to provide valuable information about your products and address common questions.

15. What is the Age Demographic of Instagram Users?

70% of Instagram Users Are Aged 18-29

Instagram’s user base is predominantly young, with 70% of users falling within the 18-29 age range. This demographic is highly engaged and tech-savvy, making Instagram an ideal platform for brands targeting younger audiences. Understanding this demographic can help businesses tailor their content to better resonate with this age group.

Actionable Advice:

Effectively engage with the 18-29 age demographic with these strategies:

  • Trendy Content: Create content that aligns with current trends and pop culture. This age group is highly responsive to trendy and relatable content.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers who resonate with the 18-29 demographic. Influencers can help you reach and engage with this audience more effectively.
  • Interactive Features: Use interactive features like polls, quizzes, and challenges to engage with younger users. This demographic enjoys participatory content that allows them to express their opinions and creativity.

16. How Engaged Are Users with Business Stories?

1 in 3 of the Most Viewed Stories Are from Businesses

Business stories on Instagram are highly popular, with 1 in 3 of the most viewed stories coming from brands. This indicates that users are interested in the content that businesses share through Stories. Utilizing Stories for behind-the-scenes content, product launches, and limited-time offers can significantly boost engagement.

Actionable Advice:

Maximize the potential of Instagram Stories for your business with these strategies:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share behind-the-scenes footage of your business operations, product development, or company culture to build a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Exclusive Offers: Use Stories to announce exclusive offers and promotions that are only available for a limited time. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages immediate action.
  • User-Generated Content: Feature content from your customers in your Stories. Reposting user-generated content not only fills your Stories with engaging material but also strengthens your community and encourages more user participation.

17. How Does Instagram’s Engagement Rate Compare to Other Platforms?

Instagram’s Engagement Rate is 4.21% Per Follower, 10 Times Higher Than Facebook and 84 Times Higher Than Twitter

Instagram boasts an impressive engagement rate of 4.21% per follower, which is significantly higher than both Facebook and Twitter. This high engagement rate makes Instagram a powerful platform for brands looking to connect deeply with their audience and foster meaningful interactions.

Actionable Advice:

Take advantage of Instagram’s high engagement rate with these tactics:

  • Engaging Captions: Write compelling captions that encourage users to engage with your posts. Ask questions, invite comments, and use calls-to-action to prompt interaction.
  • Consistent Engagement: Regularly interact with your followers by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. This reciprocity can boost your engagement levels and build a loyal community.
  • Instagram Live: Use Instagram Live to host Q&A sessions, product launches, and other interactive events. Live sessions can generate real-time engagement and foster a sense of connection with your audience.

18. What is the Completion Rate for Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories See an 85% Completion Rate

Instagram Stories have an 85% completion rate, indicating that users are highly engaged with this content format. The temporary nature of Stories creates a sense of urgency, encouraging users to watch them before they disappear. Brands can use this to their advantage by creating compelling and time-sensitive content.

Actionable Advice:

Increase the completion rate of your Stories with these tips:

  • Attention-Grabbing Start: Ensure the first few seconds of your Story are captivating to keep viewers engaged. Use bold visuals, exciting announcements, or intriguing questions to grab attention.
  • Storytelling: Craft a narrative within your Stories. A cohesive story with a beginning, middle, and end can keep viewers watching until the end.
  • Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and swipe-up links to maintain engagement and encourage users to stay until the last slide.

19. How Does Instagram Influence Purchase Decisions?

80% of Instagram Users Decide to Buy a Product or Service Based on Something They Saw on the Platform

Instagram has a significant influence on purchase decisions, with 80% of users deciding to buy a product or service based on their Instagram activity. This highlights the importance of presenting your products attractively and effectively on the platform to drive sales.

Actionable Advice:

Influence purchase decisions on Instagram with these strategies:

  • Authentic Reviews: Share authentic customer reviews and testimonials. Real-life experiences from other customers can significantly influence purchase decisions.
  • High-Quality Product Images: Use professional-quality images that showcase your products in the best light. Highlight different angles, uses, and features to provide a comprehensive view.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to showcase your products. Influencer endorsements can build trust and credibility, encouraging their followers to make a purchase.

20. What Types of Products Do Users Purchase on Instagram?

Fashion, beauty, and style items are particularly popular on Instagram, with 72% of users purchasing these types of products after seeing them on the platform. This trend underscores the importance of visually appealing content in these categories. High-quality images and engaging videos can make a significant difference in driving sales.

72% of Users Report Purchasing Fashion, Beauty, or Style Items After Seeing Them on Instagram

Fashion, beauty, and style items are particularly popular on Instagram, with 72% of users purchasing these types of products after seeing them on the platform. This trend underscores the importance of visually appealing content in these categories. High-quality images and engaging videos can make a significant difference in driving sales.

Actionable Advice:

Effectively market fashion, beauty, and style products on Instagram with these tactics:

  • Stylish Visuals: Invest in high-quality visuals that highlight the design, texture, and details of your products. Use models or influencers to showcase how the products look when worn or used.
  • Tutorials and Demos: Create tutorials and demonstration videos that show how to use your products. This can be particularly effective for beauty items, where users can see the product in action.
  • Seasonal Collections: Promote new collections and seasonal items with themed campaigns. Highlight trends and show how your products fit into the current fashion or beauty landscape.

Carousel posts, which allow users to swipe through multiple images or videos, receive 1.4 times more reach than regular posts. This format is highly engaging and encourages users to interact with your content for longer periods. Brands can use carousel posts to showcase multiple products, tell a story, or provide detailed information in a single post.

Actionable Advice:

Maximize the impact of carousel posts with these strategies:

  • Storytelling: Use carousel posts to tell a story that unfolds with each swipe. This can keep users engaged and eager to swipe through to the end.
  • Detailed Product Showcases: Highlight different features or uses of a product in each slide of the carousel. This provides a comprehensive view and encourages users to engage with each slide.
  • Tutorials and Step-by-Step Guides: Create step-by-step guides or tutorials using carousel posts. Each slide can represent a different step, making the content easy to follow and engaging.

22. What is the Average Cost of Influencer Marketing on Instagram?

Brands Spend an Average of $6.70 Per Post on Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Influencer marketing continues to be a valuable strategy on Instagram, with brands spending an average of $6.70 per post. This cost can vary widely depending on the influencer’s reach and engagement rate, but it highlights the potential ROI of influencer partnerships. Collaborating with influencers can help brands reach new audiences and build credibility.

Actionable Advice:

Optimize your influencer marketing strategy with these tips:

  • Micro-Influencers: Consider working with micro-influencers (those with smaller but highly engaged followings). They often charge less and can deliver high engagement rates.
  • Clear Objectives: Set clear objectives for your influencer campaigns, such as increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or boosting sales. Clear goals can help you measure the campaign’s success.
  • Authentic Partnerships: Choose influencers whose values and content align with your brand. Authentic partnerships can lead to more genuine endorsements and better engagement.

23. Are Marketers Increasing Their Investment in Instagram?

68% of Marketers Plan to Increase Their Instagram Investment in 2024

Instagram remains a priority for marketers, with 68% planning to increase their investment in the platform in 2024. This includes spending more on ads, influencer partnerships, and content creation. The continued growth and engagement on Instagram make it a worthwhile investment for brands looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts.

Actionable Advice:

Increase your Instagram investment effectively with these strategies:

  • Ad Budget Allocation: Allocate a larger portion of your ad budget to Instagram, especially for high-performing ad formats like Stories and Reels.
  • Content Creation: Invest in high-quality content creation, including professional photography, videography, and graphic design. High-quality content can significantly improve engagement and brand perception.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated on the latest Instagram trends and features. Regularly analyze your performance metrics to understand what works and adjust your strategy accordingly.

24. How Much of Social Media Ad Spending Goes to Instagram?

Instagram Has a 10.7% Share of Total Social Media Ad Spending Worldwide

Instagram commands a significant portion of the social media ad market, with a 10.7% share of total ad spending worldwide. This highlights Instagram’s effectiveness as an advertising platform and its importance in global digital marketing strategies. With a robust ad infrastructure and high user engagement, Instagram remains a top choice for advertisers.

Actionable Advice:

Maximize your social media ad spending on Instagram with these tips:

  • Advanced Targeting: Use Instagram’s advanced targeting options to reach your ideal audience. Target based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and lookalike audiences to maximize ad effectiveness.
  • Creative Ad Formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as video ads, carousel ads, and Stories ads. Each format has unique benefits and can help you achieve different objectives.
  • Performance Tracking: Continuously track and analyze your ad performance metrics. Use insights to refine your targeting, creatives, and overall ad strategy for better results.

25. How Much Time Do Users Spend on Instagram Daily?

The Average Instagram User Spends 30 Minutes Per Day on the Platform

On average, Instagram users spend 30 minutes per day on the platform. This substantial amount of time provides brands with ample opportunities to engage with their audience through posts, Stories, Reels, and more. Regularly updating your content can keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Actionable Advice:

Increase user engagement with these strategies:

  • Regular Updates: Post content regularly to keep your audience engaged. Aim for at least one post per day and use Stories to share real-time updates.
  • Content Variety: Offer a mix of content types, including photos, videos, carousels, and interactive Stories. Variety can keep your audience interested and engaged.
  • User Interaction: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, DMs, and mentions. Building a two-way interaction can increase the time users spend on your profile.
The Explore page is a popular feature on Instagram, with 50% of accounts using it each month. This page helps users discover new content tailored to their interests, making it a valuable tool for brands looking to expand their reach. Optimizing your content to appear on the Explore page can significantly increase your visibility.

Instagram’s Explore Page is Used by 50% of Accounts on the Platform Each Month

The Explore page is a popular feature on Instagram, with 50% of accounts using it each month. This page helps users discover new content tailored to their interests, making it a valuable tool for brands looking to expand their reach. Optimizing your content to appear on the Explore page can significantly increase your visibility.

Actionable Advice:

Increase your chances of appearing on the Explore page with these tips:

  • Engaging Content: Create high-quality, engaging content that encourages likes, comments, and shares. Engagement is a key factor in getting featured on the Explore page.
  • Trending Topics: Stay on top of trending topics and hashtags relevant to your industry. Creating content around these trends can increase your chances of being discovered.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your engagement rates high. Regularly posting engaging content can help you get noticed by Instagram’s algorithm.

27. When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

The Best Time to Post on Instagram for Maximum Engagement is Between 10 AM and 3 PM, Tuesday Through Thursday

To maximize engagement, the best time to post on Instagram is between 10 AM and 3 PM, from Tuesday to Thursday. Posting during these peak times can help ensure that your content reaches the most users when they are most active. However, it’s also important to consider your specific audience and experiment with different posting times to see what works best for you.

Actionable Advice:

Optimize your posting schedule with these tips:

  • Analyze Insights: Use Instagram Insights to track when your followers are most active. Adjust your posting schedule based on these insights to maximize engagement.
  • Experiment: Test different posting times and days to see when your audience is most responsive. Continuous experimentation can help you find the optimal posting times.
  • Scheduled Posts: Use scheduling tools like Later or Hootsuite to plan and automate your posts. Scheduling can help you maintain consistency and ensure timely updates.

28. Do Videos Receive More Comments on Instagram?

Instagram Videos Receive 2 Times More Comments Than Other Post Types

Video content on Instagram not only receives higher engagement but also generates twice as many comments as other post types. This increased interaction makes videos a powerful tool for brands looking to engage with their audience on a deeper level. Consider using videos to tell compelling stories, demonstrate products, or share user-generated content.

Actionable Advice:

Boost engagement with video content using these strategies:

  • Storytelling: Use videos to tell compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Emotional and relatable stories can drive more comments and interactions.
  • Calls-to-Action: Include clear calls-to-action in your videos, encouraging viewers to comment, share, or tag friends. Engaging CTAs can increase interaction and visibility.
  • Live Videos: Host Instagram Live sessions to interact with your audience in real-time. Live videos can generate a lot of comments and engagement as viewers participate in the conversation.

29. How Likely Are Users to Make a Purchase on Instagram?

35% of Instagram Users Will Make a Purchase on the Platform in 2024

Instagram is increasingly becoming a shopping destination, with 35% of users expected to make a purchase on the platform in 2024. This trend underscores the importance of having a seamless shopping experience on Instagram. By utilizing features like Instagram Shopping and Checkout, brands can make it easier for users to discover and purchase products directly within the app.

Actionable Advice:

Enhance your Instagram shopping strategy with these tips:

  • Seamless Experience: Ensure your Instagram Shop is set up correctly, with clear product descriptions, high-quality images, and easy navigation. A seamless shopping experience can drive more sales.
  • Promotions: Regularly run promotions and discounts exclusively for your Instagram followers. Special offers can encourage more purchases and increase follower loyalty.
  • Influencer Endorsements: Partner with influencers to promote your products. Influencers can drive significant traffic and conversions by showcasing your products to their followers.

30. How Frequently Do Users Visit Business Profiles?

Over 200 Million Instagram Users Visit at Least One Business Profile Daily

Every day, over 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile. This statistic highlights the immense potential for brands to attract and engage with potential customers on the platform. Ensuring that your business profile is well-optimized, with up-to-date information, engaging content, and clear calls-to-action, can help convert these visits into meaningful interactions and sales.

Actionable Advice:

Optimize your business profile with these strategies:

  • Complete Profile: Ensure your profile is fully completed with a clear bio, profile picture, and contact information. An informative and professional profile can make a strong first impression.
  • Engaging Bio: Write a compelling bio that clearly describes your business and includes a call-to-action, such as a link to your website or a promotion.
  • Highlight Key Content: Use Instagram Highlights to showcase important content, such as product launches, tutorials, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes footage. Highlights make it easy for visitors to find valuable information.


Instagram remains a powerhouse in the social media landscape, offering brands numerous opportunities to engage with their audience, drive sales, and build a loyal community. The statistics for 2024 show that Instagram is not just a platform for social interaction but a vital tool for discovery, engagement, and conversion. By leveraging these insights, you can refine your Instagram marketing strategy and ensure that you’re making the most of this dynamic platform.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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