How to Use Decibel: An Explainer

How to use Decibel.

In the digital arena where every click matters, it’s crucial to understand your website’s user experience. This detailed guide will introduce startup founders and digital business owners to Decibel, a powerful tool designed to enhance your website’s user experience and bolster conversion rates.

Introduction to Decibel

Decibel is a digital experience analytics platform that gives businesses a thorough understanding of how their website or app is performing from a user’s perspective. It equips you with actionable insights, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your website’s conversion rates.

Decibel’s Core Features: An In-Depth Look

Let’s dive into the features that make Decibel a sought-after platform for optimizing the digital user experience.

Digital Experience Score (DXS)

DXS is Decibel’s proprietary metric that quantifies your website’s overall user experience on a scale of 0-10. The score is derived from multiple factors, such as user frustration, engagement, and navigation efficiency.

Session Replay

Session Replay allows you to watch recordings of users’ interactions with your website, effectively letting you see your site through your visitors’ eyes. You can access this feature by clicking on ‘Analytics’ and then ‘Session Replay’. Choose a specific session to replay, and use this insight to identify potential obstacles in your user journey.


Decibel’s heatmaps show you where users click, scroll, and interact with your website, helping you understand which areas attract the most attention and which are overlooked. You can access this feature by clicking on ‘Analytics’ and then ‘Heatmaps’. Select the page you want to analyze, and use the insights to improve your site’s layout and design.

Form Analysis

Decibel’s Form Analysis tool provides you with an understanding of how users interact with your forms. It gives insights into metrics such as time spent on each form, error rates, abandonment rates, and more. Click on ‘Analytics’, then ‘Form Analysis’, choose a specific form, and gain insights to improve your form completion rates.

User Journeys

The User Journeys feature visualizes the paths users take through your website, from the first to the last interaction. Access this feature from ‘Analytics’ and then ‘User Journeys’. Understanding these paths can help you streamline the user journey and remove any unnecessary steps.

Advanced Features of Decibel

Alongside these core features, Decibel provides additional advanced features designed to help you dive deeper into user experience analysis.

Custom Segmentation

This feature allows you to segment your website’s visitors based on various factors like behavior, location, device used, and more. This helps you analyze the experiences of specific user groups.

Real-Time Alerts

Decibel’s real-time alerts notify you when significant changes occur in user behavior, or when your DXS drops, so you can promptly address any potential issues.

API and Integration

Decibel can integrate with other analytics platforms and tools, creating a comprehensive, unified view of your user experience data.

Maximizing the Use of Decibel

To optimize your use of Decibel, be clear about what you aim to learn from each analysis. Are you looking to understand user behavior on a new landing page, or are you trying to improve form completions? Specificity is key to meaningful insights.

Integrating Decibel with Other Tools

Decibel can be seamlessly integrated with other popular tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and more. This interoperability allows you to gather comprehensive insights, ensuring a holistic approach to conversion rate optimization.


Armed with Decibel’s powerful insights, you can significantly improve your website’s user experience and drive conversions. Remember, conversion rate optimization is a multifaceted discipline; you may also find value in our Complete Guide on all the Different Methods of Conversion Rate Optimization and An Ultimate Guide on A/B Testing. Remember, a deeper understanding of your website’s user experience is a powerful stepping stone towards conversion rate optimization.

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