Here’s How You Can!
Yeah! I know, the headline’s kinda odd. I was just stuffing the various keywords, one may Google for.
Anyways, if you want to contribute for WinSavvy and help the community, here’s a few things that you should know.
At WinSavvy, we categorize our posts into three main divisions:
- In-Depth
- Short Term
- Analysis
Short Term doesn’t necessarily mean short posts. In-Depth posts are guides and anything other than in-depth and analysis are catagorised into short term.
Analysis-type-of-posts are usually case studies, or analysis of how marketers / entrepreneurs / startups succeeded or may even be interviews.
Who knows?
Just got to be creative! Hehe!
And, if you want to write for WinSavvy, please send case studies, list posts, actionable content, or discussions of 1500 words length at least to contribute[at]winsavvy.com.
As for images, you should own them, or they should be under creative commons license. Some examples of such websites are – pixabay.com, pexels.com. Apart from that, I love step by step screenshots too!
What’s in this For You
You get contextual backlinks from the post. There is no limit to contextual backlinks you can put in the article; however, they MUST BE RELEVANT.
You also can link out to your social media accounts from your author bio, as well as provide call to action to sign up to your newsletter or even may put in affiliate links.
No problem!
And, you get branding.
And, lots of love!
I reply to all guest post pitches and will let you know within a week if your guest post is accepted or rejected or is in the waiting list. So, no probs there.
How to Send me Your Pitch
Well, nothing difficult here.
All you got to do, is send me your topics ideas (preferably two, or more, to increase our chances of featuring you).
You could also send me a finished draft, if you want to be quick about getting published. And, please, no less than 1500 words. 🙁
Guest posting is supposed to operate in a give-and-take policy. Therefore, you should make it easier for me. I do not want to spend an hour editing your spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
That’s why, please take time to spellcheck and proofread your content.
So, what are you waiting for? Hit me up and send me your pitch!
Just a Little Check…
Guest posting isn’t the means of advertising or writing about your brand. If you try to promote your brand or business in the guest post, it shall be rejected.
A contextual and relevant backlink is fine. But, tailoring the post in order to get a backlink to your homepage or services page, isn’t fine.
We have an advertise section for that.
Also, your guest may be thoroughly edited. Your guest post content may have your content changed, sections removed, sections added, meaning changed, made into a sub-topic or part of an exclusive downloadable content for WinSavvy subscribers.
If you send content to WinSavvy, it will be deemed you have read and consent to these terms and conditions.
Thanks for your contribution!