GetResponse vs HubSpot Email Marketing: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Choosing the best for 2024: GetResponse vs HubSpot Email Marketing. Thorough analysis, top features, and expert recommendations.

Hey there! Are you struggling to pick between GetResponse and HubSpot for your email marketing needs in 2024? You’re not alone. With the digital world evolving at breakneck speed, choosing the right tool can feel like trying to hit a moving target. But fear not! In this deep dive, we’ll unravel the mysteries of these two giants. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision that’s perfect for your business. So, grab a coffee and let’s get started!

GetResponseHubSpot Email Marketing
HubSpot Email Marketing tool
G2 Score – 4.2 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –   4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score -8.0 out of 10TrustRadius Score –  8.5 out of 10

Ease of Use: User Interface and Experience

Let’s kick things off by talking about ease of use. After all, who wants to spend hours figuring out how to send a simple email? We’ll look at how GetResponse and HubSpot fare in terms of user interface and overall experience.

GetResponse – Simplifying the Complex

GetResponse has come a long way in making email marketing as hassle-free as possible. Their dashboard? A breath of fresh air. It’s clean, intuitive, and doesn’t make you feel like you’re piloting a spaceship. For beginners, this is a big plus. You can find what you need without needing a map and compass.

But it’s not just about looking good. Functionality is key. GetResponse offers a drag-and-drop email builder that’s as easy as pie. Want to add a button, image, or a snazzy divider? Just drag it in, and voila! Even if you’re all thumbs when it comes to design, GetResponse has your back with pre-designed templates that look like you’ve spent hours crafting them.

HubSpot – The Power User’s Playground

Now, let’s turn to HubSpot. If GetResponse is the friendly neighborhood café, HubSpot is the bustling city diner. It’s got more bells and whistles than you can shake a stick at. For the power user, it’s a dream come true. Dashboards are customizable, and you can dive deep into analytics and automation like a pro.

But with great power comes a steeper learning curve. New users might find themselves a bit overwhelmed. It’s like walking into a control room with more buttons than you know what to do with. However, once you get the hang of it, it’s a powerful ally. HubSpot gives you the tools to not just send emails, but to create a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Feature Set: Comparing the Arsenal

Delving deeper into the features of GetResponse and HubSpot reveals the nuances that could make all the difference in your email marketing strategy. Both platforms offer a range of functionalities, but they each have their unique strengths and specialties. Let’s take a more detailed look.

GetResponse – The Feature-Friendly Platform

GetResponse has evolved significantly over the years, transforming from a simple email marketing tool to a comprehensive marketing solution. At its core, the platform still excels in email marketing with its user-friendly email creation tools. The drag-and-drop email builder remains a standout feature, enabling even the most design-challenged users to create visually appealing and effective emails. The ease of inserting elements like images, buttons, and dividers, combined with a wide selection of professional templates, allows users to craft emails that are not only engaging but also align with their brand aesthetics.

Beyond email creation, GetResponse has extended its capabilities to include features that support various aspects of digital marketing. Landing pages, for instance, are a critical component of any online campaign, and GetResponse offers a variety of templates and customization options. These landing pages integrate seamlessly with email campaigns, enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts.

In a unique twist, GetResponse steps into the realm of webinars, allowing users to host online events directly through the platform. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses focusing on engagement and lead generation, as it provides a direct channel to interact with potential customers.

For e-commerce businesses, GetResponse has incorporated tools that facilitate online selling. The platform’s integration with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify allows users to connect their online store with their marketing campaigns, creating a unified approach to their online business.

HubSpot – The All-In-One Marketing Suite

HubSpot, on the other hand, positions itself as an all-encompassing marketing suite, and its features reflect this philosophy. The platform’s integration with its own CRM system is perhaps its most significant advantage. This integration allows for a seamless flow of information between email marketing campaigns and customer data, enabling more targeted and personalized marketing strategies.

HubSpot extends its functionality beyond email marketing to encompass a broader range of marketing needs. The platform includes a Content Management System (CMS), which is a powerful tool for businesses looking to maintain a consistent online presence. The CMS is designed to work in tandem with the platform’s other features, ensuring a cohesive user experience from email to web.

SEO tools are another critical aspect of HubSpot’s feature set. In the digital age, where search engine rankings can make or break a business, these tools provide invaluable insights into how to optimize content for better visibility.

Social media management is an integral part of modern marketing, and HubSpot recognizes this by including features that allow users to schedule and publish content across various social channels. This integration ensures that all marketing efforts, whether they are through email, social media, or the website, are harmonized and work towards a common goal.

Feature Set Comparison – Tailoring to Your Needs

In comparing the feature sets of GetResponse and HubSpot, it becomes clear that each platform caters to different needs and priorities. GetResponse offers a feature set that is particularly appealing to those who are looking for a straightforward, user-friendly email marketing tool with additional functionalities that complement the core offering. It is well-suited for businesses that want an all-in-one platform for their email marketing, webinar hosting, and basic e-commerce needs.

HubSpot, with its comprehensive and integrated approach, is ideal for businesses looking for a more extensive suite of marketing tools. Its strength lies in the seamless integration of various marketing functionalities – from email marketing to CRM, CMS, SEO, and social media management. This makes it a powerful option for larger businesses or those with more complex marketing operations that require a more holistic approach.

Pricing Structures: Understanding the Cost

In the world of email marketing tools, the pricing structure is a critical factor that can significantly influence your decision. Both GetResponse and HubSpot offer different pricing strategies, tailored to meet the needs of various business sizes and types. Let’s delve deeper into the pricing models of these two platforms to gain a clearer understanding of what each offers.

GetResponseBasic Plan: Starting from $15/month for email marketing, autoresponders, unlimited landing pages, and basic segmentation.
Plus Plan: Starting at $49/month, including automation, webinars (up to 100 participants), and contact scoring.
Professional Plan: Starting at $99/month, offering advanced automation, webinars (up to 300 participants), and paid webinars.
Max Plan: Custom pricing, providing advanced features like transactional emails, dedicated support, and single sign-on (SSO).
HubSpot Email MarketingHubSpot’s email marketing tool is part of the HubSpot Marketing Hub, which offers the following plans:
Free Tools: Basic email marketing features with HubSpot branding.
Starter Plan: Starting at $45/month, includes email marketing, ad management, landing pages, forms, and more.
Professional Plan: Starting at $800/month, offers advanced marketing automation, smart content, and A/B testing.
Enterprise Plan: Starting at $3,200/month, adds features like adaptive testing, advanced reporting, and custom event triggers.

GetResponse – Flexible and Wallet-Friendly

GetResponse’s pricing structure is designed to be flexible and accommodating, especially for small to medium-sized businesses or those just starting out. The most noticeable aspect of their pricing model is the tiered approach based on the size of your email list. This structure means that as your business grows and your email list expands, your costs will increase proportionally. However, it also ensures that smaller businesses aren’t overpaying for services they don’t need or can’t fully utilize.

A significant advantage of GetResponse’s pricing is the free trial they offer. This trial period allows potential users to explore the platform’s features without any financial commitment, providing a risk-free way to determine if it’s the right fit for their business needs.

For businesses in the e-commerce sector, GetResponse’s higher-tier plans include advanced features specifically designed for online retail. These e-commerce integrations and tools can be a major asset, helping to streamline online sales and marketing efforts.

HubSpot – Comprehensive but Pricey

HubSpot’s pricing model reflects its position as an all-in-one marketing solution. The platform offers a freemium model, which means there is a basic version available for free. However, it’s important to note that this free version is quite limited in terms of functionality. It serves more as a teaser of the platform’s capabilities rather than a complete solution.

As your needs grow and you require more advanced features, HubSpot’s costs can climb quite steeply. This scaling of costs with features means that HubSpot can become a significant investment, especially for smaller businesses or startups. However, for larger businesses or those that require a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, this investment can be justified.

The all-in-one nature of HubSpot’s platform is a key factor in its pricing structure. The cost may seem high, but it consolidates several tools into one. For businesses that are already spending on separate tools for CRM, email marketing, social media management, and other marketing functions, HubSpot’s unified platform could offer a cost-effective solution.

Analyzing the Investment – What’s Best for Your Budget?

When considering the pricing structures of GetResponse and HubSpot, it’s essential to evaluate not only the immediate cost but also the long-term value each platform can bring to your business.

GetResponse, with its tiered pricing and free trial, presents a lower barrier to entry, especially for smaller businesses or those in the early stages of building their email marketing strategies. The flexibility of their pricing model allows businesses to scale their investment as they grow.

HubSpot, while more expensive, offers a comprehensive suite of tools that can replace multiple separate subscriptions and platforms. For larger businesses or those with more intricate marketing strategies that encompass CRM, content management, SEO, and social media, HubSpot’s all-in-one platform could be a more economical and streamlined option in the long run.

Customer Support: The Lifeline of Your Marketing Efforts

When it comes to choosing an email marketing tool, the quality of customer support can be just as important as the features or pricing. Efficient and accessible support can make a huge difference in how smoothly you can execute your marketing strategies. In this section, we’ll explore the customer support systems of GetResponse and HubSpot in more detail.

GetResponse – Quick and Helpful Assistance

GetResponse has built a reputation for providing responsive and helpful customer support. A key aspect of their support system is the availability of 24/7 live chat. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in different time zones or for those who work outside of standard business hours. The ability to get immediate help at any time ensures that issues can be resolved quickly, minimizing any potential disruption to your email campaigns.

In addition to live chat, GetResponse offers email support. This option is ideal for less urgent queries or for situations where detailed, thought-out guidance is needed. The response times for email support are generally commendable, with thorough and helpful responses.

Another strong point of GetResponse’s customer support is their extensive resource center. This online repository is filled with articles, videos, tutorials, and FAQs. It serves as a first line of defense, empowering users to troubleshoot common issues or learn new features at their own pace. The resource center is continually updated, ensuring that the information remains relevant and covers the latest features and best practices.

HubSpot – Comprehensive but Tiered Support

HubSpot’s approach to customer support is comprehensive, yet it varies depending on the plan you are subscribed to. All users, regardless of their subscription level, have access to HubSpot’s extensive knowledge base and community forums. These resources are rich in information and can be incredibly useful for solving common problems and learning how to use the platform more effectively.

However, the more personalized support options, such as phone support, are reserved for higher-tier plans. This tiered approach means that while basic support is available to all users, premium support is an exclusive benefit for those who have invested more in the platform.

The HubSpot community is a notable aspect of their support system. It’s an active and vibrant forum where users can share experiences, offer solutions, and provide tips. For many users, the community is a valuable resource for peer-to-peer support and networking.

HubSpot’s knowledge base, like GetResponse’s resource center, is comprehensive and well-organized, offering in-depth guides, tutorials, and case studies. The content is tailored to help users maximize the use of HubSpot’s extensive features and tools.

Evaluating Customer Support – A Key Decision Factor

In choosing between GetResponse and HubSpot, considering the level of customer support you might need is crucial. If 24/7 accessibility and immediate assistance are important to you, GetResponse’s around-the-clock live chat support would be a significant advantage. This is especially relevant for businesses that need to address issues promptly to maintain the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, HubSpot’s tiered support system, while offering comprehensive resources, may require a higher level of investment for personalized support services. The extensive knowledge base and active community forum are excellent resources, but access to direct phone support can be a deciding factor for businesses that prefer a more hands-on approach from their service provider.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success

In email marketing, the success of your campaigns largely hinges on your ability to analyze and understand your performance data. Analytics and reporting tools provided by your email marketing platform can offer invaluable insights into your campaign’s effectiveness, allowing for data-driven decision-making. In this section, we delve deeper into the analytics and reporting capabilities of GetResponse and HubSpot.

GetResponse – Detailed and User-Friendly Insights

GetResponse has positioned its analytics tools to cater to both the novice and the experienced marketer. The platform provides comprehensive email analytics, which includes detailed reports on opens, clicks, and conversions. These metrics are crucial in evaluating the performance of each email campaign and understanding the behavior of your audience. Knowing which emails are opened more frequently or which links get the most clicks can help in refining your content and strategy.

What sets GetResponse apart in its analytics offering is the user-friendly presentation of data. The reports are not only informative but also visually appealing, which makes interpreting data less intimidating and more intuitive. This is particularly beneficial for users who are not data experts but still need to derive meaningful insights from their campaign metrics.

Another noteworthy feature of GetResponse’s analytics suite is its segmentation tools. These tools enable users to analyze their audience in more granular segments. By understanding different audience segments, you can tailor your campaigns more effectively, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

HubSpot – Comprehensive Data Analysis

HubSpot takes analytics a step further by providing a robust, integrated suite of reporting tools. Their dashboard offers a holistic view of your entire marketing effort, from email performance to website traffic, social media engagement, and more. This comprehensive approach is valuable for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution to track their marketing initiatives.

The platform allows for the creation of custom reports, a feature that caters to advanced users who need to dive deeper into specific metrics. These customizable reports enable businesses to focus on the data that matters most to their unique objectives and strategies.

Additionally, HubSpot’s integration with its CRM system plays a significant role in its analytics capability. This integration provides deeper insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness. By linking email marketing data with CRM data, you get a more complete picture of your customer journey and interactions, enabling more informed strategic decisions.

Deciding on the Right Analytics Tool

Choosing between GetResponse and HubSpot for analytics and reporting will depend on your specific needs and how deep you want to go into data analysis.

GetResponse offers a solid foundation for businesses that need straightforward, accessible analytics. Its user-friendly interface and visual reporting are ideal for those who want to quickly understand campaign performance and derive actionable insights without getting bogged down in complex data analysis.

HubSpot, with its more advanced, all-encompassing analytics tools, is well-suited for businesses that require in-depth analysis across various marketing channels. Its ability to customize reports and the integration with CRM data makes it a powerful tool for those who need to correlate email marketing performance with broader business metrics.

Integration Capabilities: Connecting Your Marketing Tools

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the ability of an email marketing platform to integrate with other tools and services is vital. These integrations can streamline workflows, enhance functionality, and provide a more cohesive experience across various marketing channels. Let’s explore in greater detail how GetResponse and HubSpot approach integration with other software and tools.

GetResponse – Seamless Integration with Popular Tools

GetResponse has focused on ensuring its platform can integrate smoothly with a wide array of popular tools and services. This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses that rely on a diverse set of applications for their marketing and operational needs.

A significant feature of GetResponse’s integration capabilities is its compatibility with major e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify. This integration allows for direct synchronization between your email marketing campaigns and your online store, enabling you to create targeted, sales-driven campaigns based on customer behavior and purchase history.

Furthermore, GetResponse offers integration with content management systems like WordPress. This is particularly useful for businesses that rely heavily on content marketing, as it allows for seamless coordination between blog content and email marketing efforts.

Another notable aspect of GetResponse’s integrations is its partnership with Zapier. Through Zapier, GetResponse connects with hundreds of additional applications, significantly expanding its integration capabilities. This means that even if a direct integration isn’t available, there’s a high likelihood that you can connect GetResponse to your preferred tool through Zapier.

Additionally, for those with specific, custom integration needs, GetResponse provides API access. This access allows businesses with the technical know-how to create bespoke integrations, ensuring that GetResponse can function exactly as needed within their existing tech ecosystem.

HubSpot – The Ecosystem Advantage

HubSpot has taken a slightly different approach to integration, focusing heavily on creating a robust ecosystem around its platform. The strength of HubSpot’s integration capabilities lies in how well it integrates with its own suite of tools, providing a seamless experience across CRM, marketing, sales, and customer service modules.

HubSpot’s native integrations are designed to work flawlessly within its ecosystem, ensuring data consistency and a unified workflow across different aspects of a business’s operations. This integration is particularly powerful for businesses that require close coordination between different teams, such as marketing and sales or customer service.

The HubSpot App Marketplace is a central feature, offering a wide range of third-party applications that can be easily integrated into the HubSpot platform. This marketplace makes it simple to find and incorporate additional functionality, whether for specialized marketing needs, enhanced analytics, or improved customer relationship management.

For those needing custom integration solutions, HubSpot also provides API access. This access allows businesses to develop custom integrations that cater to unique requirements, ensuring that HubSpot can be effectively incorporated into any business’s technological framework.

Choosing the Right Integration Approach

When deciding between GetResponse and HubSpot based on integration capabilities, the key is to consider your existing tech stack and how a new email marketing tool will fit into it.

GetResponse is an excellent choice if you are looking for a tool that offers broad integration capabilities with a range of popular third-party applications, particularly through services like Zapier. It’s ideal for those who want flexibility and the ability to connect with a diverse set of tools.

HubSpot, with its focus on creating an integrated ecosystem, is ideal for businesses that are looking for a more unified experience across their marketing, sales, and CRM platforms. If you are already using or planning to use multiple HubSpot tools, the seamless integration offered within its ecosystem can be highly beneficial.

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Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Reach the Inbox

Deliverability is a critical aspect of email marketing. It doesn’t matter how well-crafted your emails are if they end up in the spam folder or don’t reach the inbox at all. Both GetResponse and HubSpot have developed strategies and tools to maximize the chances of your emails being successfully delivered. Let’s explore in more detail how each platform handles this crucial element.

GetResponse – Focused on Your Email Success

GetResponse has implemented several measures to enhance the deliverability of your emails. A key aspect of their approach is the adherence to and enforcement of anti-spam policies. This is crucial in an era where email providers have become increasingly stringent about the content that passes through their filters. By ensuring that all emails sent through their platform comply with these standards, GetResponse reduces the risk of your emails being marked as spam.

Another important factor in GetResponse’s deliverability strategy is its focus on maintaining a strong sender reputation. Email service providers track the reputation of email senders and use this as a factor in filtering emails. GetResponse monitors and manages this aspect closely, ensuring that their users benefit from a high deliverability rate.

GetResponse also offers email testing tools that allow you to preview how your emails will appear in different email clients and check for elements that might trigger spam filters. This feature enables you to make necessary adjustments before sending out your emails, further increasing the chances of them reaching the inbox.

HubSpot – Deliverability as a Priority

HubSpot approaches email deliverability with a comprehensive strategy, leveraging technology and best practices to ensure high inbox placement rates. One of the standout features of HubSpot’s approach is the use of smart send algorithms. These algorithms analyze the best time to send emails based on various factors, including recipient behavior. By optimizing send times, HubSpot increases the likelihood of your emails being opened and engaged with, which in turn positively affects deliverability.

HubSpot also provides tools for conducting deliverability tests. These tests can help identify potential issues that might affect the success of your email campaigns. By proactively addressing these issues, you can significantly improve the chances of your emails being delivered successfully.

Another key component of HubSpot’s deliverability strategy is the provision of detailed reporting on email performance. These reports offer insights into various metrics, including delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates. By understanding these metrics, you can continually refine your email strategy to improve deliverability.

Making Sure Your Emails Get Seen

Choosing between GetResponse and HubSpot for email deliverability depends on your specific needs and preferences. GetResponse’s strong anti-spam policies, sender reputation management, and email testing tools make it a reliable choice, particularly for businesses that want to ensure compliance and high deliverability without extensive technical involvement.

HubSpot, with its smart send algorithms, deliverability testing, and detailed analytics, is ideal for businesses that want a more data-driven approach to email deliverability. The ability to analyze and adjust your strategy based on comprehensive data can be a significant advantage.

Automation and Workflow: Streamlining Your Email Campaigns

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, automation and efficient workflows are not just conveniences; they are necessities. Automating your email campaigns can save time, reduce human error, and create more personalized experiences for your audience. Let’s delve deeper into how GetResponse and HubSpot handle automation and workflow, and what this means for your email marketing strategy.

GetResponse – Automation Made Easy

GetResponse has recognized the importance of automation in email marketing and has developed tools that make creating automated workflows straightforward and accessible. The cornerstone of their automation capabilities is an intuitive automation builder. This tool allows users to easily create complex workflows with a simple drag-and-drop interface. The visual nature of this builder makes it easy to understand and manage your email sequences, triggers, and actions.

One of the appealing aspects of GetResponse’s automation features is the availability of pre-built workflows. These templates cover a range of common email marketing scenarios, such as welcome series, re-engagement campaigns, or post-purchase follow-ups. For businesses that are new to email automation or those looking to quickly implement standard email marketing practices, these pre-built workflows are incredibly useful.

Furthermore, GetResponse’s automation tools include conditional logic capabilities. This means you can set up emails that respond dynamically to subscriber actions. For example, if a subscriber clicks on a particular link, they can be automatically routed to a different email sequence. This level of personalization can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

HubSpot – Advanced Automation for Power Users

HubSpot takes a more comprehensive approach to automation, integrating it deeply with their CRM and broader marketing platform. Their sophisticated workflow builder is designed not just for email automation but also for orchestrating complex marketing and sales activities across the entire customer journey.

One of the key features of HubSpot’s automation is its ability to handle lead scoring and nurturing. This functionality enables you to assign scores to leads based on their interaction with your emails and website, helping you identify and prioritize the most promising prospects. This integration with the CRM component ensures that sales teams have the right information at the right time, improving the efficiency of the sales process.

HubSpot’s automation also stands out in its ability to create highly customized workflows based on detailed customer data and interactions. The level of customization available in HubSpot’s automation tools is particularly beneficial for businesses with complex sales cycles or those requiring nuanced marketing strategies.

Selecting the Right Automation Solution

When choosing between GetResponse and HubSpot for automation and workflow management, consider the complexity of your needs and the level of customization you require.

GetResponse is an excellent option for businesses looking for easy-to-use automation tools with the ability to create personalized email sequences. Its user-friendly interface and pre-built workflows make it accessible, even for those new to email automation.

HubSpot, on the other hand, is ideal for businesses requiring more advanced automation capabilities, especially those looking to integrate their email marketing efforts closely with CRM and sales processes. Its sophisticated workflow builder and CRM integration offer a level of customization and efficiency that can be a game-changer for larger businesses or those with more intricate marketing needs.


As we wrap up our comprehensive look at GetResponse and HubSpot, it’s clear that both platforms offer powerful features for email marketing in 2024. The choice between them ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget, and the scale of your marketing efforts.

GetResponse shines with its user-friendly interface, cost-effective pricing, and robust automation features. It’s an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses or those just starting out with email marketing. Its straightforward approach to email campaigns, combined with useful features like webinar hosting and e-commerce tools, makes it a versatile choice. HubSpot, on the other hand, stands out as an all-in-one marketing powerhouse. With its deep integration capabilities, comprehensive CRM, and advanced analytics and automation features, it’s well-suited for larger businesses or those with complex marketing needs. Though it comes at a higher cost, its extensive toolset and robust support system offer a significant return on investment for the right user.

No matter which tool you choose, the key is to align it with your business goals and marketing strategies. Both GetResponse and HubSpot are capable of elevating your email marketing game in 2024; it’s just a matter of finding the right fit for your unique journey.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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