Constant Contact vs Klaviyo: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Klaviyo vs Constant Contact: Unveil the superior email tool for 2024 with our analysis on features, integration, and user experience

As we step into 2024, the digital marketing world continues to evolve, with email marketing remaining a cornerstone of effective communication strategies. Amidst a plethora of options, Constant Contact and Klaviyo emerge as prominent players. Both platforms offer unique features and benefits, but which one stands out as the best email marketing tool for this year? This article aims to delve into a head-to-head comparison of these two giants, unraveling their capabilities to help you make an informed choice.

Ease of Use: Navigating the Platforms

Constant Contact: A User-Friendly Approach

Constant Contact offers a welcoming start, ideal for those new to email marketing. The sign-up process is straightforward and intuitive, quickly introducing users to the main features. The platform shines in its user-friendly interface, which simplifies navigation and makes creating and managing campaigns accessible to everyone. This approach is perfect for small businesses or individuals who need an efficient and hassle-free start to their email marketing journey.

Klaviyo: Targeted Towards E-commerce

Klaviyo, while also user-friendly, gears its experience more towards e-commerce businesses. The sign-up process is streamlined, with a focus on integrating e-commerce platforms from the get-go. Klaviyo’s dashboard and tools are tailored to meet the specific needs of online retailers, offering advanced features and integrations that align with e-commerce workflows. For businesses in this sector, Klaviyo presents a platform that speaks directly to their unique requirements.

Designing Campaigns: Email Creation Tools

The process of designing email campaigns is a crucial aspect of email marketing, akin to an artist creating a masterpiece. The tools provided by an email marketing platform can significantly influence the effectiveness and appeal of your campaigns. Let’s delve deeper into the email creation tools offered by Constant Contact and Klaviyo, highlighting their unique features and capabilities.

Constant Contact: Streamlining Creativity

Constant Contact has focused on making email design a smooth and enjoyable process. The platform provides a comprehensive array of templates that cater to a wide range of styles and purposes. These templates are designed to be both attractive and effective, ensuring that even those with minimal design experience can create professional-looking emails.

The strength of Constant Contact’s email editor lies in its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. This feature simplifies the process of customizing templates, allowing you to easily add, remove, or modify elements. Whether it’s inserting images, changing text, or adding call-to-action buttons, the editor makes these tasks straightforward and hassle-free.

In addition to ease of use, Constant Contact offers flexibility in design. You can personalize your emails to match your brand’s aesthetic, adjusting colors, fonts, and layouts to create a consistent look and feel. This blend of simplicity, flexibility, and effectiveness makes Constant Contact’s email creation tools suitable for a wide range of users, from beginners to more experienced marketers looking for an efficient way to design engaging emails.

Klaviyo: Empowering Advanced Design

Klaviyo takes a more sophisticated approach to email design, offering powerful customization and advanced features. The platform’s email editor provides a high degree of control over the layout and design elements, catering to users who have specific design requirements or a desire for more intricate email structures.

With Klaviyo, you can start with a basic template and then extensively customize it to fit your needs. The platform offers advanced features like dynamic content blocks and conditional splits, which enable you to create highly personalized and interactive email experiences. These features are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses that want to tailor their emails based on customer behavior, purchase history, and preferences.

Klaviyo also excels in creating responsive email designs, ensuring that your emails look great and function well across all devices. This is crucial in today’s mobile-first world, where a significant portion of emails are read on smartphones and tablets. The ability to design responsive emails easily is a significant advantage, as it enhances the user experience and effectiveness of your campaigns.


Constant Contact

  • Email Plan: Starting at $20/month based on the number of contacts. Includes email marketing, customizable templates, and reporting.
  • Email Plus Plan: Starting at $45/month based on contacts, including additional features like automated email series, online donations, and surveys & polls.


  • Free Plan: Allows up to 250 contacts and 500 email sends, with Klaviyo branding on emails.
  • Email Plans: Pricing starts based on the number of contacts. For example, for up to 500 contacts, the cost is around $20 per month. Includes email and SMS capabilities, segmentation, and automation. Pricing scales with the number of contacts.
  • SMS and Email Combined Plans: Offers combined packages for businesses that want to use both email and SMS marketing. Pricing is based on the number of contacts and SMS messages sent.

Integration and Automation: Enhancing Campaign Effectiveness

In the digital marketing ecosystem, the ability to integrate various tools and automate marketing processes can significantly boost the effectiveness and efficiency of campaigns. Both Constant Contact and Klaviyo offer these capabilities, but they cater to different types of users and needs.

Constant Contact: Broad Integration and User-Friendly Automation

Constant Contact offers a wide range of integrations, making it a versatile platform suitable for various business types. The platform connects effortlessly with many popular CRM systems, social media platforms, eCommerce tools, and other essential marketing software. This extensive integration capacity means businesses can easily synchronize their various marketing tools, creating a cohesive and streamlined workflow.

The automation features in Constant Contact are designed with simplicity in mind, catering to users who seek effective automation without complex setup processes. The platform allows for the easy creation of automated email sequences, which can be triggered by specific actions like subscribing to a list, opening an email, or clicking a link. This level of automation ensures consistent and timely communication with your audience, enhancing engagement and maintaining a connection with your subscribers.

Klaviyo: E-commerce Focused Integrations and Advanced Automation

Klaviyo, with a strong emphasis on eCommerce, provides deep integrations particularly tailored for online stores. Its ability to integrate seamlessly with major eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento allows for a powerful combination of email marketing and eCommerce data. This integration capability is like having a direct line into customer shopping behavior, enabling highly personalized and targeted marketing strategies.

In terms of automation, Klaviyo offers advanced features that are particularly beneficial for eCommerce businesses. You can create complex automation workflows that are fine-tuned based on detailed customer data, shopping behavior, and purchase history. This level of automation allows for highly personalized customer journeys, where each email is tailored to the specific actions and preferences of the customer. This can lead to more effective campaigns, higher engagement, and increased sales, as each communication is directly relevant to the recipient’s interests and behaviors.

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Streamlining Campaigns with Automation

Automation in email marketing is like setting a sophisticated navigation system for your journey, ensuring that you reach your audience with the right message at the right time. Both Constant Contact and Klaviyo offer automation features, but they cater to different aspects and complexities of email marketing.

Constant Contact: Simplifying Email Automation

Constant Contact has developed its automation features with a focus on simplicity and effectiveness. The platform enables you to create automated email sequences for a variety of purposes, making the process accessible and manageable, even for those new to email marketing. This includes setting up automated welcome emails, birthday messages, and other milestone events, as well as triggered emails based on specific subscriber actions.

The strength of Constant Contact’s automation lies in its user-friendliness. You can easily set up workflows that automatically send out emails based on predefined criteria. This automation saves time and ensures consistent communication with your audience. For businesses that want to maintain regular engagement with their subscribers without the need for continuous manual input, Constant Contact provides a practical and efficient solution.

Furthermore, the platform allows for basic segmentation in automated campaigns, enabling you to personalize your messages based on subscriber data. This level of personalization can lead to higher engagement and more effective communication, as your audience receives content that is relevant to their interests and interactions with your brand.

Klaviyo: Advanced Automation for Targeted Campaigns

Klaviyo approaches automation with a more advanced and customizable mindset, particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses. The platform offers sophisticated automation features that allow for the creation of complex, behavior-driven email sequences. This includes the ability to set up automated emails triggered by specific customer actions, such as browsing a product, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart.

Klaviyo’s automation tools are designed to leverage the rich customer data that e-commerce platforms provide. You can create highly targeted and personalized email flows that respond to individual customer behaviors and preferences. This capability is particularly powerful for driving sales and building customer loyalty, as it ensures that your audience receives highly relevant and timely content based on their shopping behavior and history.

The platform also provides options for A/B testing within automated emails, allowing you to continually optimize and improve your campaigns. This feature is invaluable for e-commerce businesses looking to maximize the effectiveness of their email marketing efforts and drive meaningful results.

Analytics and Reporting: Unlocking Campaign Insights

In the realm of email marketing, the ability to analyze and understand campaign performance is crucial. It’s like having a telescope that lets you look into the vastness of space, revealing which stars are shining the brightest. Constant Contact and Klaviyo offer these analytical capabilities, but each with its unique strengths and approaches.

Constant Contact: Clarity and Simplicity in Data

Constant Contact has designed its analytics and reporting features to be clear and straightforward, catering to users who need quick insights without wading through complex data. The platform offers a dashboard where you can easily view the performance metrics of your campaigns, such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. This approach is like having a clear, concise map that guides you through your email marketing journey, highlighting the key landmarks without overwhelming you with details.

The platform also dives into more detailed reports, giving you a deeper understanding of subscriber engagement and behavior. These reports are actionable, enabling you to make informed decisions on how to optimize your future campaigns. Constant Contact’s focus on simplicity and clarity in analytics makes it a strong choice for businesses that want a straightforward approach to understanding their email marketing efforts.

Klaviyo: Detailed Insights for Strategic Decisions

Klaviyo takes a more comprehensive approach to analytics, providing in-depth data that caters to businesses with a strong focus on metrics and performance analysis. The platform offers detailed reports that go beyond basic metrics, allowing you to explore advanced aspects of your campaigns. This is akin to having a powerful analytics tool that not only shows you the stars but also reveals the intricate constellations and patterns within them.

With Klaviyo, you can segment your data for a granular analysis of different audience behaviors and preferences. This capability is invaluable for crafting targeted and personalized marketing strategies. Klaviyo’s analytics are particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses, as the platform provides detailed insights into how email campaigns influence customer purchasing behavior and contribute to overall sales.


Constant Contact stands out as an exceptionally user-friendly platform, making it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals who are new to email marketing or those who prioritize ease and efficiency in their marketing efforts. Its straightforward interface, wide array of integrations, intuitive email creation tools, and effective automation make it a versatile choice for various marketing strategies.

On the other hand, Klaviyo emerges as a powerhouse, especially for e-commerce businesses. Its advanced features, deep integration capabilities with e-commerce platforms, sophisticated automation options, and detailed analytics make it a go-to choice for businesses looking to leverage detailed customer data for personalized and targeted email campaigns. Klaviyo’s focus on e-commerce functionality provides powerful tools for those who aim to closely align their email marketing strategies with sales and customer behavior.

In summary, your choice between Constant Contact and Klaviyo for 2024 should be guided by your specific business needs, the complexity of your email marketing campaigns, and your preference for ease of use versus advanced customization. If you’re seeking an accessible, efficient, and versatile platform, Constant Contact is an excellent choice. However, if your focus is on leveraging in-depth e-commerce insights and you require a platform with advanced customization and automation capabilities, Klaviyo is likely the better fit.

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