
Trademark Act, 1999 - Indian Trademark law of single letter trademark

All About Single Letter Trademark under Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999

Article by Sarthak Potdar. Intellectual Property is one of the most essential elements of the modern business. Intellectual property includes copyright, trademark, design, geographical indication, patent, industrial design, integrated circuit, which is a valuable asset of any company. It tries to create healthy competition; the manufacturer and traders can develop their products more effectively, without […]

All About Single Letter Trademark under Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999 Read More »

How Digital Marketing is Revolutionalising Business. If you want to grow your market, you need to ditch the traditional marketing tactics and get on the online marketing ride!

How Digital Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business Exponentially: The Definitive Guide

From traditional advertisement to the current type of advertising, reaching people to promote a business has radically changed. The change has been brought by the purchasing behaviour of a lot of consumers and the aid of technologies. This Guest Post has been written by Amit Sancheti. (Author Bio is at the end of the post)

How Digital Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business Exponentially: The Definitive Guide Read More »

Rocket Your Follower Count and Make Huge Money Of Twitter: (Definitive Guide) According to Experts

Twitter is where the experts in all niches hang out.  Twitter is where anybody can get exposure. Twitter is the easiest place to brand yourself. Twitter for Business Although twitter is such a great and easy place to make huge bucks, it is surprising how few actually use it to increase sales and become a

Rocket Your Follower Count and Make Huge Money Of Twitter: (Definitive Guide) According to Experts Read More »

Productivity Strategies and Tactics (According to 60+ Experts): Become An Efficiency Monster!

Who doesn’t want to finish a day’s work before the day sets and to be free from all worries that the continuous failure to finish everyday’s work brings! Sadly, for most of us, that’s just a dream. In fact instead of finishing a task before hand, we procrastinate and fail to finish the tasks within the

Productivity Strategies and Tactics (According to 60+ Experts): Become An Efficiency Monster! Read More »

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