Build Engagement with Social Media Post Ideas for Construction Companies

Build engagement with social media post ideas for construction companies. Showcase projects and attract clients with creative content.

Social media can be a powerful tool for construction companies to showcase their work, attract new clients, and engage with their audience. By sharing creative and compelling content, you can build a strong online presence and grow your business. Let’s explore some social media post ideas that can help your construction company stand out and connect with potential clients.

Understanding Your Audience

Before creating social media content, it’s important to understand your audience. Knowing who they are and what they care about will help you craft posts that resonate with them and meet their needs.

Demographic Insights

Gather demographic information about your audience, such as their age, location, and profession. Use analytics tools provided by social media platforms to get detailed insights. Understanding these basic demographics helps you tailor your content to better meet their needs.

To gather demographic insights effectively:

Utilize Platform Analytics: Leverage tools like Facebook Insights, Instagram Analytics, and LinkedIn Analytics to gather data about your followers. These platforms provide valuable information on age, gender, location, and job roles, helping you understand who is engaging with your content.

Conduct Surveys: Distribute surveys to your existing clients and followers to collect more detailed demographic information. Ask about their interests, professional background, and reasons for following your page. This direct feedback can reveal nuances that platform analytics might miss.

Analyze Competitors: Study the audience of your competitors. Tools like SimilarWeb and SEMrush can provide insights into the demographics of competitors’ followers, giving you a broader perspective on the market.

Psychographic Profiles

Dive deeper into understanding your audience by looking at their interests, values, and lifestyle. For a construction company, this might include interests in home improvement, architecture, and sustainable building practices. Knowing what motivates your audience can help you create content that resonates on a deeper level.

To develop detailed psychographic profiles:

Engage in Social Listening: Use tools like Hootsuite, Brandwatch, and Sprout Social to monitor conversations about relevant topics. Pay attention to what your audience discusses, their concerns, and what excites them. This helps you tap into their interests and values.

Create Community Polls: Regularly create polls or questions on your social media platforms to engage your audience and gather insights into their preferences and opinions. For example, ask them about their favorite architectural styles or what they value most in a construction project.

Analyze Engagement Patterns: Look at which types of posts your audience engages with the most. Are they more interested in sustainable building tips, innovative construction technologies, or project showcases? Use these patterns to refine your content strategy.

Behavioral Analysis

Analyze how your audience interacts with social media. What types of content do they engage with most? When are they most active? Use this data to schedule your posts for optimal engagement and tailor your content to match their preferences.

Analyze how your audience interacts with social media. What types of content do they engage with most? When are they most active? Use this data to schedule your posts for optimal engagement and tailor your content to match their preferences.

To conduct a comprehensive behavioral analysis:

Track Engagement Metrics: Regularly review metrics like likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. Identify which posts perform best and analyze what they have in common. This can reveal your audience’s content preferences and engagement triggers.

Monitor Active Hours: Use social media analytics to determine when your audience is most active. Platforms like Instagram Insights provide data on when your followers are online. Schedule your posts during these peak times to maximize visibility and engagement.

Segment Your Audience: Divide your audience into segments based on their behavior and preferences. For instance, you might have a segment that prefers video content and another that engages more with blog posts or infographics. Tailor your content for each segment to enhance relevance and engagement.

Segmenting Your Audience

Audience segmentation is a powerful strategy to ensure your content is relevant to different groups within your larger audience. By segmenting your audience, you can create personalized campaigns that speak directly to the needs and interests of each segment.

Creating Detailed Buyer Personas

Develop detailed buyer personas for each segment of your audience. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on research and real data. Include information such as age, gender, job title, interests, and pain points. These personas will help you visualize your audience and create more targeted and effective content.

To create detailed buyer personas:

Conduct Interviews: Interview a diverse range of your clients to gather insights into their goals, challenges, and motivations. Use this information to build comprehensive and realistic personas.

Leverage CRM Data: Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to analyze your existing customer data. Look for trends and patterns that can help you define distinct personas.

Map Customer Journeys: Create customer journey maps for each persona. This will help you understand the various stages your customers go through, from awareness to purchase, and the type of content they need at each stage.

Tailoring Content for Each Segment

Once you have your buyer personas, tailor your content to each segment. For example, if one segment consists of property developers interested in innovative construction technologies, create content that highlights the latest advancements and how your company is leveraging them. For homeowners interested in sustainable practices, focus on eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions.

To tailor content effectively:

Customized Messaging: Develop unique messaging for each segment based on their specific needs and preferences. Use language and examples that resonate with each group.

Content Diversification: Create a variety of content formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media posts, to appeal to different segments. Ensure each format is optimized for the preferences of the target audience.

Targeted Campaigns: Run targeted ad campaigns on social media platforms to reach specific audience segments. Use the targeting features to focus on the demographics, interests, and behaviors of each segment.

Engaging Your Audience

Building strong relationships with your audience can enhance the effectiveness of your social media efforts. Engaged and loyal followers are more likely to interact with your content and become advocates for your brand.

Creating Engaging Content

Create content that encourages interaction and engagement. Ask questions, run polls, and invite users to share their opinions. Engaging content helps build a community around your brand and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

Responding to Feedback

Listen to your audience’s feedback and respond promptly. Whether it’s positive or negative, showing that you value your audience’s input can build trust and loyalty. Use feedback to improve your products, services, and content.

Building a Community

Encourage your audience to become advocates for your brand. Create opportunities for them to share their experiences and connect with other customers. User-generated content, such as testimonials and reviews, can be powerful tools for building community and trust.

Understanding your audience is a continuous process that requires ongoing effort and adaptation. By staying attuned to your audience’s needs and preferences, you can create engaging and effective social media content that resonates and drives results.

Showcasing Your Projects

One of the best ways to build engagement on social media is by showcasing your construction projects. This not only highlights your expertise but also provides potential clients with a visual portfolio of your work.

Project Highlights

Share posts that highlight your completed projects. Include high-quality photos or videos that show different stages of the project. Provide a brief description of the project, including the goals, challenges, and outcomes. This helps potential clients see the quality of your work and understand your capabilities.

To maximize the impact of project highlights:

Detail the Process: Include a detailed narrative that walks your audience through the project from start to finish. Explain the initial client requirements, the planning phase, the construction process, and the final result. This provides a comprehensive understanding of your work.

Focus on Unique Aspects: Highlight unique aspects or challenges of the project. Whether it’s using innovative materials, overcoming site-specific obstacles, or integrating sustainable practices, showcasing these elements can demonstrate your problem-solving skills and expertise.

Engage with Before-and-After Comparisons: Showcasing transformation projects with before-and-after photos can be very engaging. It visually demonstrates the impact of your work and provides a compelling story of improvement and success.

Before and After

Showcase transformation projects by sharing before-and-after photos. This type of content is very engaging because it visually demonstrates the impact of your work. Describe the process and any unique solutions you implemented to achieve the final result.

To create engaging before-and-after content:

Use High-Quality Visuals: Ensure that the photos or videos used are of high quality. Clear and professional images make a significant difference in how your work is perceived.

Highlight the Changes: In your descriptions, highlight specific changes and improvements. Explain why certain decisions were made and how they benefited the project. This adds depth to your posts and educates your audience.

Include Client Testimonials: Pair before-and-after visuals with client testimonials to add credibility and context. Clients can provide insights into their satisfaction and the impact of the transformation on their property or business.

Time-Lapse Videos

Create time-lapse videos of your construction projects. These videos can capture the entire process from start to finish in a few minutes, making them very engaging. Time-lapse videos are a great way to show the complexity and scale of your projects in a dynamic way.

To produce effective time-lapse videos:

Strategic Placement: Place cameras at strategic points to capture the best angles and the most activity. Ensure they are securely mounted and protected from the elements.

Consistent Shooting: Maintain consistent shooting intervals to ensure smooth and continuous footage. Depending on the length of your project, adjust the shooting frequency to capture significant changes.

Editing for Impact: Edit the footage to highlight key moments and phases of the project. Add background music, captions, or voiceovers to explain what’s happening at different stages. This makes the video more informative and engaging.

Detailed Case Studies

Creating detailed case studies for your projects can provide in-depth insights into your work and its impact. Case studies can highlight your problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and the value you bring to your clients.

To develop compelling case studies:

Structure Your Case Studies: Use a clear structure that includes the project background, objectives, challenges, solutions, and results. This format makes it easy for readers to follow and understand the key aspects of the project.

Highlight Technical Details: Include technical details that showcase your expertise. This could be innovative construction techniques, materials used, or unique design elements. Technical details can appeal to industry professionals and potential clients looking for advanced solutions.

Quantify Results: Whenever possible, quantify the results of your projects. This could be in terms of cost savings, time efficiency, environmental impact, or client satisfaction. Quantifiable results provide tangible proof of your effectiveness.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

Client testimonials and reviews can build trust and credibility. Share stories from satisfied clients to highlight the positive experiences others have had with your company.

Client Stories

Share detailed client stories that highlight their experiences working with your company. Include quotes from the clients and explain how your team met their needs and exceeded their expectations. Personal stories can be very persuasive and help potential clients feel more confident in choosing your services.

To make client stories more impactful:

Focus on Client Goals: Explain the client’s initial goals and how your team helped achieve them. This helps potential clients relate to the situation and envision similar results for their projects.

Use Visuals: Accompany the stories with relevant visuals such as photos of the finished project, images of the team working, or even short video interviews with the clients. Visuals add context and make the stories more engaging.

Showcase Diverse Projects: Feature a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility. Highlight different types of construction work, from residential and commercial to renovations and new builds. This shows your capability to handle various types of projects.

Video Testimonials

Video testimonials can be even more powerful than written reviews. Ask your clients to share their experiences on camera and post these videos on your social media channels. Video content is more engaging and can capture the emotion and satisfaction of your clients more effectively.

To create effective video testimonials:

Prepare Clients: Brief your clients on what to expect and the key points to cover. Encourage them to speak naturally and share their genuine experiences.

Keep it Short and Sweet: Aim for testimonials that are 1-2 minutes long. This is long enough to provide valuable insights but short enough to maintain viewer interest.

Professional Quality: Ensure the videos are of high quality. Good lighting, clear audio, and steady shots can make a big difference in the perceived professionalism of the testimonials.

Review Highlights

Regularly share positive reviews from platforms like Google, Yelp, or Houzz. Highlight specific praises that emphasize your strengths, such as timely completion, quality workmanship, or excellent customer service. This kind of content reinforces your reputation and encourages potential clients to reach out.

To effectively share review highlights:

Create Engaging Graphics: Turn positive reviews into engaging graphics. Use visually appealing designs that incorporate the text of the review, the client’s name, and a star rating.

Share Across Platforms: Post these review highlights across all your social media platforms to maximize their reach. Regularly updating your audience with fresh reviews keeps your reputation top of mind.

Respond Publicly: When sharing reviews, respond publicly to thank the clients and acknowledge their feedback. This shows appreciation and reinforces your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content can make your brand more relatable and engaging. It gives your audience a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of your company and showcases the hard work and dedication of your team.

Team Introductions

Introduce your team members to your audience. Share a photo and a brief bio of each team member, highlighting their roles and expertise. This personalizes your brand and helps build a connection with your audience.

To enhance team introductions:

Feature Unique Talents: Highlight the unique skills and talents of each team member. This can include their professional background, specializations, and contributions to the company.

Share Personal Interests: Include some personal interests or hobbies to humanize your team members. This can make them more relatable and help build a stronger connection with your audience.

Rotate Regularly: Regularly feature different team members to keep the content fresh and ensure everyone gets a chance to be in the spotlight.

Process Insights

Share insights into your construction process. Explain the steps involved in a project, from planning and design to execution and completion. Use photos or videos to illustrate each stage. This not only educates your audience but also demonstrates your expertise and transparency.

To effectively share process insights:

Break Down Complex Steps: Simplify complex construction processes into easy-to-understand steps. Use visuals and clear explanations to make the content accessible to all audience members.

Highlight Innovations: Showcase any innovative techniques or technologies you use in your projects. This can position your company as a forward-thinking leader in the construction industry.

Involve Your Team: Feature different team members explaining their roles in the process. This provides a more comprehensive view and highlights the collaborative effort involved in your projects.


Create “day-in-the-life” posts that show a typical day for your team. This can include photos or videos of your team working on-site, attending meetings, or interacting with clients. This type of content humanizes your brand and gives your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your operations.

To create engaging day-in-the-life content:

Showcase Variety: Highlight the variety of tasks and responsibilities involved in a typical day. This can include on-site work, office planning, client meetings, and more.

Use Authentic Footage: Capture genuine moments and interactions to provide an authentic glimpse into your operations. Avoid overly staged or scripted content.

Engage with Real-Time Updates: Consider using Instagram Stories or live videos to provide real-time updates throughout the day. This can create a sense of immediacy and connection with your audience.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

Client testimonials and reviews are powerful tools for building trust and credibility. Sharing stories from satisfied clients highlights the positive experiences others have had with your company, which can persuade potential clients to choose your services. Let’s explore more strategic and actionable ways to leverage client testimonials and reviews for your construction company.

Client Stories

Share detailed client stories that highlight their experiences working with your company. Include quotes from the clients and explain how your team met their needs and exceeded their expectations. Personal stories can be very persuasive and help potential clients feel more confident in choosing your services.

To enhance client stories:

Focus on Specific Outcomes: Highlight the specific outcomes and benefits that your clients experienced. Whether it’s on-time project delivery, cost savings, or superior craftsmanship, detailing these benefits makes the stories more compelling.

Showcase Unique Projects: Feature a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility. Highlight different types of construction work, from residential and commercial to renovations and new builds. This shows your capability to handle various types of projects.

Use Visuals and Multimedia: Accompany the stories with high-quality photos, videos, and infographics that illustrate the project. Visual content can enhance the narrative and make it more engaging.

Video Testimonials

Video testimonials can be even more powerful than written reviews. Ask your clients to share their experiences on camera and post these videos on your social media channels. Video content is more engaging and can capture the emotion and satisfaction of your clients more effectively.

To create impactful video testimonials:

Prepare Your Clients: Provide your clients with a list of questions or talking points to guide their testimonials. This ensures that they cover key aspects of their experience while keeping the content natural and unscripted.

Focus on Authenticity: Encourage clients to speak genuinely about their experience. Authentic, heartfelt testimonials are more relatable and credible than overly polished or scripted ones.

Edit for Clarity: Edit the videos to highlight the most compelling parts of the testimonial. Keep the videos concise, ideally under two minutes, to maintain viewer interest.

Review Highlights

Regularly share positive reviews from platforms like Google, Yelp, or Houzz. Highlight specific praises that emphasize your strengths, such as timely completion, quality workmanship, or excellent customer service. This kind of content reinforces your reputation and encourages potential clients to reach out.

To effectively share review highlights:

Create Engaging Graphics: Turn positive reviews into visually appealing graphics. Use eye-catching designs that incorporate the text of the review, the client’s name, and a star rating. Share these graphics across all your social media platforms to maximize reach.

Regular Updates: Make it a habit to regularly update your audience with fresh reviews. Consistently sharing new reviews keeps your reputation top of mind and demonstrates ongoing customer satisfaction.

Respond Publicly: When sharing reviews, respond publicly to thank the clients and acknowledge their feedback. This shows appreciation and reinforces your commitment to customer satisfaction. Engaging with reviewers can also encourage more clients to leave positive feedback.

Interactive Testimonials

Encourage your audience to interact with your testimonials and reviews. This can enhance engagement and make your content more dynamic.

Live Client Interviews

Host live interviews with satisfied clients on your social media platforms. This real-time interaction can be highly engaging and provide an opportunity for your audience to ask questions and hear unfiltered feedback.

To organize successful live client interviews:

Promote the Event: Announce the live interview in advance and promote it through your social media channels, email newsletters, and website. This helps build anticipation and ensures a larger audience.

Prepare Questions: Prepare a list of questions to guide the interview, focusing on different aspects of the client’s experience. Leave room for spontaneous questions from the audience as well.

Engage with Viewers: During the live session, actively engage with viewers by acknowledging their comments and questions. This interaction makes the session more dynamic and fosters a sense of community.

Interactive Stories

Use Instagram Stories or Facebook Stories to share snippets of client testimonials and encourage your audience to respond. Add interactive elements like polls, question stickers, and swipe-up links to drive engagement.

To create engaging interactive stories:

Highlight Key Points: Share short clips or quotes from client testimonials that highlight key points of satisfaction. Use text overlays to emphasize these points.

Add Interactive Elements: Include polls or questions related to the testimonial content. For example, ask your audience what aspect of a project they find most impressive or if they have any questions about the process.

Provide Follow-Up Content: After sharing the stories, provide follow-up content that addresses common questions or expands on the topics covered. This keeps the conversation going and provides additional value.

Strategic Testimonial Campaigns

Implement strategic campaigns that focus on gathering and sharing testimonials. These campaigns can enhance your content strategy and build a repository of authentic, persuasive client feedback.

Testimonial Requests

Actively request testimonials from satisfied clients at key project milestones or upon completion. Make the process easy and convenient to encourage participation.

To effectively gather testimonials:

Timely Requests: Ask for testimonials shortly after a project is completed, while the positive experience is still fresh in the client’s mind. Timing can significantly impact the willingness and enthusiasm of clients to provide feedback.

Provide Templates: Offer a testimonial template or guide to help clients structure their feedback. This can make the process less daunting and ensure you receive comprehensive and useful testimonials.

Incentivize Participation: Consider offering incentives, such as discounts on future projects or small gifts, to encourage clients to provide testimonials. Ensure that the incentives are ethical and do not influence the authenticity of the feedback.

Testimonial Features

Run campaigns that feature a different testimonial each week or month. Highlight the client’s story, the project’s unique aspects, and the outcomes achieved.

To maximize the impact of testimonial features:

Create a Content Calendar: Plan and schedule your testimonial features in advance. Consistent, regular posting helps maintain engagement and keeps your content fresh.

Integrate Across Channels: Share the testimonial features across all your social media platforms, your website, and in your email newsletters. Integrated campaigns maximize reach and reinforce your brand message.

Encourage Sharing: Invite clients whose testimonials are featured to share the posts with their own networks. This expands your reach and leverages the clients’ personal endorsements to build credibility.

Showcase Impactful Metrics

Quantify the impact of your projects in your testimonials. Include metrics that highlight the success and benefits of your work.

To effectively showcase metrics:

Use Specific Data: Include specific data points, such as the percentage of cost savings, the reduction in project time, or improvements in energy efficiency. Quantifiable results provide tangible proof of your effectiveness.

Visualize Metrics: Create infographics or charts to visualize the metrics. Visual representations can make the data more accessible and engaging for your audience.

Link to Case Studies: Provide links to detailed case studies that expand on the metrics and provide a deeper dive into the project’s success. This offers additional value and showcases your expertise comprehensively.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content can make your brand more relatable and engaging. It gives your audience a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of your company and showcases the hard work and dedication of your team.

Sharing behind-the-scenes content can make your brand more relatable and engaging. It gives your audience a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of your company and showcases the hard work and dedication of your team.

Team Introductions

Introduce your team members to your audience. Share a photo and a brief bio of each team member, highlighting their roles and expertise. This personalizes your brand and helps build a connection with your audience.

To enhance team introductions, consider the following strategies:

Highlight Unique Talents: Focus on the unique skills and talents of each team member. This can include their professional background, specializations, and contributions to the company. Discussing their roles in specific projects can also illustrate their impact and importance.

Share Personal Interests: Include some personal interests or hobbies to humanize your team members. This can make them more relatable and help build a stronger connection with your audience. For example, mentioning a team member’s love for hiking or cooking can create a more well-rounded picture of who they are.

Rotate Regularly: Regularly feature different team members to keep the content fresh and ensure everyone gets a chance to be in the spotlight. This strategy also shows the diversity and depth of your team’s expertise.

Process Insights

Share insights into your construction process. Explain the steps involved in a project, from planning and design to execution and completion. Use photos or videos to illustrate each stage. This not only educates your audience but also demonstrates your expertise and transparency.

To effectively share process insights:

Break Down Complex Steps: Simplify complex construction processes into easy-to-understand steps. Use visuals and clear explanations to make the content accessible to all audience members. For instance, explain the different phases of a project and what each phase entails.

Highlight Innovations: Showcase any innovative techniques or technologies you use in your projects. This can position your company as a forward-thinking leader in the construction industry. Discuss how these innovations benefit the project, such as improving efficiency, reducing costs, or enhancing sustainability.

Involve Your Team: Feature different team members explaining their roles in the process. This provides a more comprehensive view and highlights the collaborative effort involved in your projects. It also gives a face to the expertise behind your work, building trust and credibility.


Create “day-in-the-life” posts that show a typical day for your team. This can include photos or videos of your team working on-site, attending meetings, or interacting with clients. This type of content humanizes your brand and gives your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your operations.

To create engaging day-in-the-life content:

Showcase Variety: Highlight the variety of tasks and responsibilities involved in a typical day. This can include on-site work, office planning, client meetings, and more. Showing different aspects of your operations can provide a comprehensive view of your company’s daily activities.

Use Authentic Footage: Capture genuine moments and interactions to provide an authentic glimpse into your operations. Avoid overly staged or scripted content. Authenticity can build trust and make your audience feel more connected to your brand.

Engage with Real-Time Updates: Consider using Instagram Stories or live videos to provide real-time updates throughout the day. This can create a sense of immediacy and connection with your audience. Real-time content allows followers to experience your day as it happens, enhancing engagement.

Problem-Solving Scenarios

Share content that highlights how your team handles challenges and problem-solving on the job. Discuss unexpected issues that arose during a project and how your team resolved them. This showcases your expertise, adaptability, and commitment to quality.

To effectively highlight problem-solving scenarios:

Provide Context: Explain the context of the problem, including the project details and the specific challenge faced. This helps your audience understand the complexity of the issue and the significance of the solution.

Detail the Solution: Describe the steps your team took to solve the problem. Highlight any innovative techniques or creative thinking involved. This not only showcases your problem-solving skills but also your ability to think outside the box.

Share the Outcome: Discuss the positive outcome and how it benefited the project. This could include meeting the project deadline, staying within budget, or achieving a higher quality result. Positive outcomes reinforce your reliability and expertise.

Interactive Tours

Offer interactive tours of your construction sites or completed projects. Use platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram Live to walk your audience through a site, explaining different features and answering questions in real-time.

To create compelling interactive tours:

Plan Your Tour: Plan the tour in advance, deciding which areas to highlight and what information to share. Having a structured plan ensures the tour is informative and engaging.

Engage Your Audience: Encourage your audience to ask questions and interact during the tour. Answer questions in real-time to keep the audience engaged and make the experience more interactive.

Showcase Unique Features: Highlight unique features or innovative aspects of the project. Discuss design choices, materials used, and any challenges overcome. This adds depth to the tour and showcases your expertise.

Behind-the-Scenes of Planning and Design

Give your audience a peek into the planning and design stages of your projects. Share sketches, blueprints, and 3D models. Explain how ideas evolve from concept to reality.

To effectively share planning and design content:

Explain the Process: Walk your audience through the planning and design process, explaining how initial concepts are developed into detailed plans. Use visuals to illustrate each step.

Feature Design Tools: Highlight the tools and software your team uses for planning and design. Discuss how these tools improve efficiency, accuracy, and creativity.

Show Collaborations: Showcase collaborations between your team and clients or other professionals. Discuss how input from different stakeholders shapes the final design. This highlights your collaborative approach and dedication to client satisfaction.


Building engagement on social media for construction companies involves a blend of strategic and creative content. By understanding your audience, showcasing your projects, sharing client testimonials, and offering behind-the-scenes insights, you can create a compelling and relatable online presence. Each piece of content should be designed to highlight your expertise, demonstrate your commitment to quality, and build trust with potential clients.

As a startup founder, leveraging these strategies can help you differentiate your construction company in a competitive market. Focus on creating high-quality, authentic content that resonates with your audience and showcases the unique value your company brings to each project. Remember, consistency is key. Regularly updating your social media platforms with engaging content will keep your audience interested and help build a loyal following over time.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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