Bitrix24 vs PairSoft: The Best Document Management Tool for You

Analyze Bitrix24 vs PairSoft for ERP integration and document management, focusing on automation and efficiency for businesses

Navigating the maze of document management systems to find the right fit for your business can be daunting. Today, we’re zooming into two noteworthy contenders: Bitrix24 and PairSoft. Both platforms promise to streamline document handling, but they cater to different needs and business environments. Let’s delve deeper to discover which tool might be the best choice for enhancing your company’s document management efficiency.

G2 Score – 4.1 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 8.1/10 TrustRadius Score – 5.8/10

Integration Capabilities

In a world where businesses rely heavily on a plethora of software solutions to manage their daily operations, the integration capabilities of a document management system can make or break its effectiveness. Both Bitrix24 and PairSoft offer integration features, but they do so in uniquely different ways that may benefit various business models.


Bitrix24 positions itself as an all-encompassing workplace hub, not just a document management system. Its strength lies in its broad integration capabilities that cover a wide range of functions from CRM to project management, communication tools, and beyond. Bitrix24 integrates seamlessly with a host of popular platforms like Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Dropbox, and even social media networks. This extensive integration ecosystem allows businesses to keep all their operations under one roof, facilitating a unified workflow that can enhance efficiency and reduce the overhead associated with managing multiple disparate systems.

The platform’s approach to integration extends to its customization potential through the use of APIs and webhooks, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs. Whether it’s syncing with email services for better communication tracking or linking with e-commerce platforms to streamline customer transactions, Bitrix24’s flexible integration framework ensures that businesses can mold the platform to fit their operational landscape.


On the other hand, PairSoft offers a more specialized form of integration. It excels in embedding its document management capabilities directly into ERP systems, making it an ideal choice for businesses that rely heavily on ERP-driven processes. PairSoft’s integration strategy is focused on enhancing and simplifying document access and management within these complex systems. It integrates particularly well with platforms like Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, and Oracle, providing seamless access to documents directly from the ERP interface.

This deep integration is beneficial for businesses that handle a large volume of documents as part of their operational, financial, or logistical processes. By integrating directly with ERP systems, PairSoft helps streamline document processing tasks, reduce manual entry, improve accuracy, and enhance overall operational efficiency. This tight integration means that users can access and manage documents without ever leaving their ERP environment, creating a smooth and uninterrupted workflow.

Document Management Features

When selecting a document management system, the core functionalities—how the system handles document creation, storage, retrieval, and collaboration—are critical to consider. Let’s delve into the document management features of Bitrix24 and PairSoft to see which platform might serve your business needs more effectively.


Bitrix24 offers a comprehensive suite of document management features designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. At its core, the system provides robust tools for document storage, organization, and easy retrieval. Users can store documents in a structured file directory that can be accessed from anywhere, promoting a flexible work environment. The platform supports version control, which is essential for businesses that require multiple team members to collaborate on documents. This feature ensures that the latest version of a document is always available while also maintaining a history of previous versions.

Collaboration is another strong point for Bitrix24. The platform includes built-in tools for document sharing, task assignments, and real-time editing. Team members can comment directly on documents, make revisions, or suggest changes, all within a unified interface. This level of integration with communication tools facilitates seamless collaboration, making it easier for teams to work together efficiently regardless of their physical location.

Additionally, Bitrix24 integrates document management with its CRM and project management modules. This integration allows documents to be linked directly to specific projects or customer records, providing users with context-related access to files, which enhances workflow efficiency and data coherence.


PairSoft, while not as broadly featured as Bitrix24 in terms of generic document management capabilities, specializes in integrating document management directly into ERP systems. This focus makes it highly effective for businesses that operate in industries where ERP integration is crucial, such as manufacturing, logistics, or large-scale retail.

PairSoft’s document management features are designed to enhance and streamline the workflows specific to ERP environments. It automates document capture, indexing, and storage, significantly reducing manual data entry and the associated errors. Documents captured into the system are automatically tagged and indexed based on predefined rules, making retrieval quick and easy. This automation extends to document retrieval, where users can pull up documents directly related to specific ERP transactions or records, such as invoices, purchase orders, or customer data.

Security and compliance are also key aspects of PairSoft’s document management features. The system ensures that all documents are stored and managed in compliance with industry standards and regulations, which is vital for businesses in regulated sectors. Additionally, PairSoft provides robust access controls, allowing administrators to define who can view or edit documents based on their roles, further securing sensitive information and maintaining compliance.

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Security Features

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of business documents is paramount. Both Bitrix24 and PairSoft offer robust security measures, but their approaches and effectiveness can vary. Let’s examine the security features of each platform to determine which might offer better protection for your business data.


Bitrix24 takes a comprehensive approach to security, implementing multiple layers of protection to safeguard user data. This includes data encryption both at rest and in transit, using industry-standard protocols to ensure that all information stored or sent through the system is secure from unauthorized access.

Additionally, Bitrix24 offers two-factor authentication (2FA), adding an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity in two different ways before accessing the system. This feature is particularly important in preventing unauthorized access resulting from compromised passwords.

Bitrix24 also provides extensive access controls, allowing administrators to define user permissions at granular levels. This ensures that employees can access only the information necessary for their roles, minimizing the risk of sensitive data exposure. Furthermore, Bitrix24 includes audit logs, which record all user activities within the system, providing an essential tool for monitoring usage and investigating potential security breaches.


PairSoft’s security features are heavily focused on integrating seamlessly with the security protocols of ERP systems. Because PairSoft is designed to work within these environments, it adopts the existing security measures of the ERP system it integrates with. This ensures that there is no weak link in the security chain when documents are managed through PairSoft.

Like Bitrix24, PairSoft uses encryption for data at rest and in transit, protecting documents from unauthorized interception and access. It also supports role-based access control, which is finely tuned to work within the ERP system’s framework, allowing for detailed and effective management of user permissions.

Moreover, PairSoft emphasizes compliance and data integrity, particularly in industries with strict regulatory requirements. It ensures that document handling processes comply with legal standards and industry regulations, which is crucial for businesses in sectors such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

Customer Support and Service

Customer support is a pivotal aspect of any document management system, especially when the platforms in question, such as Bitrix24 and PairSoft, are integral to daily business operations. How quickly and effectively a company can resolve issues and provide support can significantly impact user satisfaction and overall productivity. Let’s delve into the customer support services offered by Bitrix24 and PairSoft to determine which might provide better assistance to your business.


Bitrix24 is known for offering comprehensive customer support across all its plans, including the free version. The support system is structured to ensure users get the necessary help through various channels. For basic inquiries and common issues, Bitrix24 provides a detailed knowledge base, online training webinars, and community forums where users can find answers and share experiences.

For more direct support, Bitrix24 offers 24/7 live chat and email support to its paid subscribers. This ensures that users can receive timely help regardless of their location or time zone. The premium plans, particularly the Business plans, include priority support, which means faster response times and access to more experienced support personnel.

Moreover, Bitrix24 has a network of partner companies worldwide that can provide localized support and services. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require hands-on assistance or need customization and integration services tailored to their specific needs.


PairSoft, focusing predominantly on enterprises that require deep integration with ERP systems, offers a more personalized approach to customer support. Given its client base typically involves larger organizations with complex needs, PairSoft’s support is geared towards providing intensive and tailored assistance.

Support from PairSoft often includes dedicated account managers who understand the specific configurations and customizations of each client’s system. This level of personalized service ensures that any issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently, with a clear understanding of the business’s unique environment.

PairSoft also offers on-site support and training for clients, helping to ensure that the implementation and ongoing management of the document management system are smooth. This support is crucial during the initial integration phase and for any significant upgrades or changes to the system.

Implementation and Ease of Use

Choosing a document management system that not only fits into your organizational structure but also is easy to implement and use is critical. This aspect can significantly influence user adoption rates and overall productivity. Let’s explore how Bitrix24 and PairSoft stack up in terms of implementation and ease of use.


Bitrix24 is designed with user-friendliness in mind, catering to a wide range of businesses with varying tech savviness. The platform features a highly intuitive user interface that resembles many social media tools, which reduces the learning curve and helps new users to navigate the system more comfortably.

The implementation of Bitrix24 is straightforward, with options for both cloud-based and on-premise setups. For businesses that choose the cloud version, getting started can be as simple as registering on their website and setting up an account. This ease of setup, combined with extensive online resources, tutorials, and available customer support, allows companies to quickly integrate Bitrix24 into their daily operations without significant downtime or disruption.


PairSoft, while offering robust integration with ERP systems, typically requires a more involved implementation process, given its deep integration capabilities. This process is often tailored to each business’s specific needs, particularly in how the document management system interacts with existing ERP frameworks. While this customization offers powerful advantages, it can also extend the implementation period and require more resources, including specialized IT support for setup and troubleshooting.

The user interface of PairSoft is highly functional, focusing on efficiency and integration rather than intuitive design. Users might find that there is a steeper learning curve with PairSoft, particularly for those who are not regularly using the ERP system it integrates with. However, once implemented, PairSoft offers significant operational efficiencies by automating and enhancing document-related tasks within the ERP environment.



Bitrix24 price


PairSoft price


In choosing between Bitrix24 and PairSoft, consider the specific needs of your organization. If you require a quick-to-implement solution that balances broad functionality with user-friendly design, Bitrix24 is likely the better choice. It offers a versatile platform that can cater to a wide array of business processes and is suitable for companies of all sizes.

On the other hand, if your business needs are deeply tied to an ERP system and require specialized document management solutions, PairSoft provides the necessary depth and customization. Although the initial implementation might be more resource-intensive, the integration benefits can significantly streamline your document management processes.

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Abir Das
Abir Das is a seasoned writer with a Bachelor's in Technology, specializing in insightful reviews and comparisons of business software. His expertise lies in dissecting complex software tools, helping readers navigate the evolving landscape of business technologies.
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