How to Use Optimizely: An Explainer

How to use Optimizely.

Welcome to the definitive guide on mastering Optimizely, a powerful platform that can revamp the way you approach conversion rate optimization (CRO). Whether you’re a startup founder or a digital business owner, Optimizely offers you the tools to thoroughly test and optimize your website for conversion. This explainer will guide you through all the features of Optimizely and how you can use each of them to your advantage.

Decoding the Potential of Optimizely

Optimizely is a leading experimentation platform that allows businesses to deliver continuous experimentation and personalization across their websites, mobile apps, and connected devices. Here are the major features of Optimizely that will empower you to elevate your CRO game.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a method that allows you to compare two versions of a webpage to see which one performs better. Optimizely’s A/B testing tool is user-friendly and provides real-time results. To grasp the fundamentals of A/B testing, take a look at this ultimate guide on A/B Testing.

How to Use A/B Testing on Optimizely

  1. Log into your Optimizely account and click on “Experiments”.
  2. Click “Create New” and select “A/B Test”.
  3. Enter the URL of the page you want to test.
  4. Define your variations. You can change text, images, colors, and even move elements around.
  5. Set your objectives, which might be an increase in clicks, conversions, or sign-ups.
  6. Start the experiment.

Remember, each experiment will need a significant amount of data before the results can be considered conclusive. Patience is key!

Multivariate Testing

While A/B testing compares two versions of a webpage, multivariate testing lets you test different elements on a single page to see which combination works best. It’s ideal when you want to test multiple variables on a page. For an in-depth understanding, check out this definitive guide on multivariate testing.

How to Use Multivariate Testing on Optimizely

  1. On your Optimizely dashboard, click on “Experiments”, then “Create New”, and select “Multivariate Test”.
  2. Enter the URL of the page you want to test.
  3. Identify and create the different sections on your page you’d like to test.
  4. For each section, create variations.
  5. Define your experiment’s objectives.
  6. Click “Start Experiment”.

Due to the increased number of variations, multivariate tests may require a larger sample size and longer duration to achieve statistical significance.


Personalization is another powerful feature in Optimizely. It allows you to deliver targeted content to specific segments of your audience based on their behavior, location, device used, and more. This can significantly improve user engagement and conversion rates.

How to Use Personalization on Optimizely

  1. On your Optimizely dashboard, click on “Personalization”.
  2. Click “Create New Campaign”.
  3. Define your audience. You can choose from pre-defined segments or create your own.
  4. Specify the changes to be made for the selected audience.
  5. Set your goals and click “Launch Campaign”.

The more personalized and relevant the experience is for a user, the more likely they are to convert.

Full Stack

Optimizely’s Full Stack allows developers to run experiments in any language, across any device. This means you can optimize beyond the front-end — like your business’s algorithms, architectural decisions, and new features.

How to Use Full Stack on Optimizely

  1. Install the SDK that matches the language your application is written in.
  2. Create an experiment in Optimizely’s dashboard.
  3. Implement the experiment in your code using the SDK.
  4. Run your application and collect data.

By extending experimentation across the entire tech stack, Full Stack lets you optimize the user experience from all angles.

Optimizely Best Practices

Now that we’ve covered the key features of Optimizely and how to use them, let’s dive into some best practices to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

Be Patient: Experimentation takes time. Allow your experiments to run long enough to collect statistically significant results.

Test One Thing at a Time: While it may be tempting to change numerous elements at once, stick to one variable at a time for A/B testing. This ensures you know exactly what’s causing any change in performance.

Analyze and Implement: After each test, analyze the results and make necessary changes to your website. The goal is continuous improvement.

Understand Your Audience: Use the data you gather from your experiments to get a deeper understanding of your audience. This knowledge will guide you in further personalization efforts.

Keep Experimenting: Don’t stop experimenting after a few successful tests. The digital landscape is always evolving, and regular testing ensures your website keeps up with these changes.

Optimizely is an incredibly versatile platform that helps you implement a robust CRO strategy. Whether it’s running A/B or multivariate tests, personalizing content for specific audience segments, or making data-driven decisions, Optimizely has you covered.

Remember, CRO is not a one-time exercise but a continuous process. Your website should continually evolve, informed by data and experimentation. So, keep testing, keep optimizing, and watch your conversion rates soar!

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