Omnisend vs Sendloop: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Hey there! Are you caught in the email marketing tool crossfire, trying to decide between Omnisend and Sendloop for 2024? Well, it’s time to break down the battle, feature by feature, to help you pick the champion for your business needs. Let’s dive right in and untangle these tools, keeping it simple, engaging, and straight to the point.

G2 Score – 4.5 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 6.1/10TrustRadius Score – N/A

Ease of Use: Navigating the User Experience

Setting the Stage: First Impressions

Omnisend Imagine walking into a well-organized room where everything has its place – that’s Omnisend for you. Its interface welcomes you with open arms, especially if you’re new to the world of email marketing. The setup is a breeze. You’re guided step-by-step, making you feel like a pro even if it’s your first rodeo. Integrating your e-commerce platform? It’s as easy as pie, setting you up for a smooth start.

Sendloop Now, picture entering a room filled with gadgets and tools, each with its unique purpose – welcome to Sendloop. It’s like a playground for email marketers who have a bit of experience under their belts. The setup requires a few more clicks and a bit more knowledge compared to Omnisend, but it’s nothing a quick learner can’t handle. It’s more about finding your way around, but once you do, you’re in for a treat.

Crafting Your Campaigns: A Creative Journey Explored

Omnisend Embarking on a campaign creation journey with Omnisend is like walking into a well-equipped art studio where everything is designed to help you create a masterpiece with ease. The platform stands out for its intuitive, user-friendly campaign creation process, tailored especially for those who may not have a deep background in design or marketing.

When you start crafting your campaigns in Omnisend, you are greeted with a variety of customizable templates. These templates are not just starting points; they are carefully designed to suit different types of emails – from promotional blasts to transactional messages. What makes these templates particularly engaging is their adaptability. You can tweak and twist them to fit your brand’s voice and aesthetic with just a few drags and drops. This ease of customization ensures that your emails look professional and resonate with your brand, even if you’re not a seasoned designer.

The real charm of creating campaigns in Omnisend lies in its drag-and-drop editor. This tool is a game-changer for anyone who’s felt overwhelmed by the complexities of email design in the past. You can add images, videos, CTA buttons, and personalize your content effortlessly. For e-commerce businesses, this is where Omnisend’s capabilities really shine. You can seamlessly integrate product listings and recommendations into your emails, making them not just beautiful but also highly functional and tailored to drive sales.

Sendloop Sendloop, on the other hand, takes you on a slightly different creative journey. It’s like entering a workshop filled with a variety of tools, each offering the potential to craft something unique. Sendloop caters to those who love to have more control and input in the creation process. While it also provides templates, the platform’s strength lies in the flexibility and depth of customization it offers.

As you start building your campaigns in Sendloop, you’ll find that it’s more than just about putting together an email; it’s about crafting a tailored message that speaks directly to your audience. The platform provides a range of customization options, from basic layout changes to more advanced HTML editing for those who are comfortable with coding. This level of customization is a boon for businesses that have specific branding guidelines or for marketers who like to experiment with different designs and layouts.

What sets Sendloop apart is the freedom it gives you in the design process. You are not bound by the constraints of templates. Instead, you have the tools to create emails that are entirely your own – whether it’s a simple text-based newsletter or a complex, visually-rich promotional email. This freedom does come with a need for a bit more involvement in the design process, which can be both a challenge and an opportunity depending on your skills and preferences.

The Art of Personalization

Both Omnisend and Sendloop understand the importance of personalization in email campaigns. With Omnisend, personalization is deeply integrated, especially with its e-commerce focus. You can easily segment your audience based on their shopping behavior and preferences, and send highly targeted emails. This means your customers get content that’s relevant to them, increasing engagement and the likelihood of conversion.

Sendloop’s approach to personalization is also robust, allowing you to segment your audience and tailor your messages based on various criteria. However, it requires a bit more hands-on effort to segment and customize these emails. The platform gives you the tools to deeply understand your audience and craft messages that resonate with each segment, offering a high degree of personalization for those willing to delve into its features.

Mastering the Dashboard: The Control Center

Omnisend Navigating Omnisend’s dashboard is like having a friendly guide by your side. Everything is laid out intuitively, with a clean design that makes finding what you need a breeze. Whether it’s checking your campaign’s performance, managing your contact list, or setting up automation workflows, the platform ensures you never feel lost. It’s this ease of navigation that makes Omnisend a favorite for those who value simplicity and efficiency.

Sendloop Sendloop’s dashboard, while comprehensive, requires a bit of a learning curve. It’s packed with features and tools, and mastering it takes a bit of patience. But once you get the hang of it, it’s like having a powerful command center at your fingertips. For the data-driven marketer, Sendloop’s dashboard is a goldmine, offering in-depth insights and controls. It’s well-suited for those who don’t mind spending a bit more time understanding the nuts and bolts of their email marketing platform.

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Feature Set: A Deep Dive into Capabilities

Automation and Workflow Management

Omnisend Omnisend’s automation features are like having a virtual assistant dedicated to your email marketing. The platform excels in creating automated workflows that are not only easy to set up but also highly effective. Imagine setting up a sequence where a customer receives a personalized email after abandoning their cart, followed by targeted follow-ups based on their interaction. Omnisend makes this possible with a few clicks, offering predefined workflows that can be customized to fit your business needs.

The strength of Omnisend’s automation lies in its integration with e-commerce platforms. This allows for sophisticated, behavior-based email sequences that can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates. The automation goes beyond email, extending into SMS and push notifications, providing a unified approach to your marketing communications.

Sendloop Sendloop approaches automation with a focus on versatility and customization. While it might not offer as many pre-built workflows as Omnisend, it provides a robust platform for creating custom email sequences. This is particularly useful for businesses with specific needs that go beyond standard email marketing practices.

Sendloop’s automation tools are designed to cater to a range of scenarios, from simple autoresponders to complex, multi-stage campaigns. The platform offers flexibility in how you set up these automations, giving you control over every step of the customer journey. This makes Sendloop a strong contender for businesses that require a more tailored approach to automation.



  • Free Plan: Includes basic email marketing features, allowing up to 15,000 emails per month but with a daily limit.
  • Standard Plan: Starts around $16 per month for up to 500 subscribers, including automation workflows, SMS campaigns, and audience segmentation.
  • Pro Plan: Starting from around $99 per month for up to 500 subscribers, adding features like advanced reporting, web push notifications, and unlimited emails.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for large-scale businesses, offering features like dedicated account management, deliverability support, and custom IP address.


  • Sendloop focuses on simplicity and ease of use in email marketing.
  • Pay-As-You-Go Plan: Ideal for infrequent senders, with no monthly fees. You buy email credits as needed; for instance, 1,000 email credits cost approximately $10.
  • Monthly Subscription Plans: Starting from around $9/month for up to 500 subscribers, with unlimited email sends. Pricing increases with the number of subscribers.

Analytics and Reporting

Omnisend In the realm of analytics, Omnisend provides comprehensive and detailed insights that are invaluable for e-commerce businesses. The platform offers a range of metrics from open rates and click-through rates to more advanced analytics like sales conversion and campaign ROI. This data is presented in an easy-to-understand format, making it accessible even to those who are not data experts.

One of the standout features of Omnisend’s analytics is its ability to track the performance of not just emails but also SMS and push notifications. This provides a holistic view of how your various marketing efforts are performing, allowing you to adjust your strategies for maximum impact.

Sendloop Sendloop offers robust analytics and reporting tools, though with a slightly different focus. It provides essential metrics such as open rates, click rates, and subscriber growth, but where it really shines is in its ability to segment and track different aspects of your email campaigns. This means you can dive into the performance of individual campaigns, understand your audience’s behavior, and tailor your future emails based on these insights.

Sendloop’s reporting tools are designed to give you a clear picture of your campaign’s performance, helping you to make data-driven decisions. While it may not have the same level of e-commerce integration as Omnisend, it provides valuable insights that can help optimize your email marketing strategies.

Email Design and Customization

Omnisend Omnisend takes email design to the next level with its array of customizable templates and intuitive drag-and-drop editor. This makes creating visually appealing emails an effortless task, even for those with no prior design experience. The platform allows for a high degree of customization, ensuring that each email you send out resonates with your brand’s identity.

Additionally, Omnisend’s focus on e-commerce means you can easily incorporate product recommendations and dynamic content into your emails, making them more relevant and engaging to your audience. This ability to personalize content based on customer data is a significant advantage for any e-commerce business.

Sendloop Sendloop also offers a range of templates and a user-friendly email editor, but it places a greater emphasis on customization and flexibility. You have the freedom to create emails that match your specific brand guidelines and audience preferences. The platform supports HTML editing, allowing for finer control over email design for those who have the skills to use it.

This level of customization makes Sendloop an attractive option for businesses that have specific branding requirements or for those who wish to experiment with different email designs beyond the standard templates.


In conclusion, when choosing between Omnisend and Sendloop as your email marketing tool for 2024, it’s important to consider your specific business needs, your team’s skillset, and what you want to achieve with your email marketing campaigns.

Omnisend stands out as a highly user-friendly platform, especially suited for e-commerce businesses. It offers a seamless, intuitive experience in creating and managing email campaigns, with a strong focus on automation and integration with e-commerce platforms. Its drag-and-drop editor, customizable templates, and advanced segmentation and personalization features make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to efficiently drive sales and engagement through email marketing.

Sendloop, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and control in the design and customization of email campaigns. It is a robust choice for businesses or marketers who want more freedom in crafting their emails and are willing to invest more time in the creation process. With its advanced customization options, including HTML editing, Sendloop appeals to those who have specific branding requirements or a desire for a deeper level of personalization in their campaigns.

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